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 Do you believe Donald Trump is the correct choice for President?

Yay or nay? 👇

(I know we all don't vote) 
 I mean, I don’t think RFK can win in anyway, it really is a run off race between trump and Biden so are you just asking would we rather have trump than Biden? 
 Yes I'm DQing the candidate who said a worm at part of his brain & ruined any chance he had 🤣🤌 
 Haha okay fair. I mean I don’t want to see Biden anymore, but I don’t necessarily know if that means I “want” to see trump. Unfortunately I’m stuck in a 🥒 between 2 incompetent old fucking clown shoes…oh merica 🤷‍♂️😮‍💨 
 I like RFK more because of the brain worm thing

it would be so hilarious if he won 
 I don’t disagree. Unfortunately it would be a wasted vote tho 🤷‍♂️ 
 All votes are wasted votes 
 I don’t disagree with you either. I have also had all of my rights taken away from powers at be and cannot vote, so I truly understand 
 Exactly. I mean really, who doesn't have a worm or two floating around in your skull.

It takes a real man to admit it. 
 At this point, Mr. Potato Head or a giant comet is all ill vote for. So sick of the US clown show. 

But to directly answer your question, no. He's no better than any other sociopath We're vegetable currently vying for president. But this is coming from somebody who has lost all faith in the American political system and doesn't really think that we're going to be able to vote our way out of our current shit situation. 
 If I voted I would vote for him, even tho he can hide it well at times, he’s such a boomer.

Last time around he lost because pf hubris. And I dont think he learned anything. He has a lot of deep rooted fiat ways like sanctions and trade wars. That’s stupid.

So even tho he’s by miles the best candidate outta bad bunch, its a No due to fiat retardation.

I am waiting for the memes tho 😂 
 Trump is the better of two evils. I last time, and only time, I voted was for Trump. He has overall better Economic Policy compared to the alternative. 
 I think its way too early to speculate about which candidates will be alive and on the ballot in November. 
 Will there be an election? lol 