The jews are the jewRopean Central Bank trying hard to genocide free ideas while seething and kvetching that their parasitic degenerate hold on world financial power is being eroded
Hopefully someone ACTUALLY gasses the kikes this time instead of them just lying about it
Euros too dumb to realize that they derived alcohol because
1. Shit options for food
2. Helps not freeze in winter
It's just a product of the harsh environment
In a comfy world it's just a crutch for the genetically weak
The hatred of the jew towards Mankind is RELENTLESS
Your hatred toward the jew must be even MORE RELENTLESS
Humanity must treat this parasites as an EXISTENTIAL THREAT
Only then we win
Otherwise we perish
Survival of the fittest
You can never go wrong hating kikes and niggers
One leads to the other
Sounds like Los Anjewles and jew York
Kikes never learn, even after 6000 years
Their extermination is not only desirable but NECESSARY for Mankind
It's what they get for supporting a kike lover
He ain't a revolutionary, he's just salty that his comfy level for jew control has been broken and he wants to get back to the good goy times when he could bang sluts and slap butts 😂
The Russian empire gave the kikes land to farm
The kikes lent it out for others to farm on interest
These people have a 6000 year old history of being subverters and degenerate parasites
It's genetic and there is no solution other than extermination
There is no problem a jew can solve
There is no solution a jew can't problem up
What are the kikes up to today?
1. Degeneracy
2. Stealing elections
3. Killing non-jews
4. Poisoning the world
5. Losing their grip on money
#5 is a banger
Hitler was too much of a bleeding heart to do what NEEDED to be done to the lying jews
And they lied and blamed him anyway
If he'd actually have gassed the kikes we would live in a world
1. Free of central banking
2. Free of porn and degeneracy
3. Free of feminism and sluts
4. Free of faggots
5. Free of 99% wars
So no, Hitler didn't do enough
And they still killed the Man
jews are genetically parsitical and violence is the only way to deal with these kikes
All the retards expelling them for 6000 years failed to realize this
They need to be exterminated
And it only happens in white countries of countries with an average IQ above 95
And it only happens in white countries of countries with an average IQ above 95
Try this around niggers and that coffee shop gonna get emptied out by the first coon that comes along
Yeah what comes after that is realizing we have lived in a kike infested world since the 17th century and these jews woth their womanly thinking and kvetching are fucking it up for ALL the rest of Mankind
kikes are like lying wahmen
I'll have sympathy with the Palestinians being killed by jews when they show sympathy for the millions of whites killed by jews
If you don't care about my race, we have zero duty to care about yours
Fair Altruism is a two way street
We need more wahmen back in the kitchen you fucking low iq dipshit
Mosy Wahmen don't give a fuck about bitcoi or the things Men care about- WE ARE NOT THE SAME
It's like saying"we need more dogs in mathematics"
A jew invented this whole mental illness nonsense
In related new jews have the highest incidence of actual mental illness due to 6000 years of inbreeding, faggotry and seethe 😆
It's a girly worldview adopted by girly men...chief among them the jews
Weak men and wahmen always filter everything through prevailing consensus for they lack the force necessary to revolt
Marriage was invented to stabilize society as too few alpha males and too many chicks
Give a beta a virgin to assure paternity, have her father approve the man and everyone happy
Chicks punished for being sluts, players punished for destabilizing society and civilization and masculine virtues keep progress alive
jews and interiors hate this
Notes by Hmmm | export