CRAIG IS A FRAUD AND A PAIN in THE ASS JUST IN: Craig Wright is suing BTC Core for £911,050,000,000 😮 “This is based on the difference in market valuation between Bitcoin (BSV) at £50 per unit and BTC at £48,000 per unit, reflecting the financial impact of misrepresentation and resulting market loss.”
What an asshole.
I am curious: Is he really the first to debug the world's legal systems by posting non-sensical claims and DOS attacks on overworked legal personnel? Is there no precedence?
Someone will need to defend this obo the non existent entity or some dipshit judge is going to award him a default judgment against the software and make bitcoin very hard for people in the uk
how can "Bitcoin core" be named as defendants at all?
Not sure how this works in the UK but it looks like he’s asking the law to presume the existence of a separate legal entity called bitcoin core based on the open sources project that it is. He’s a cunt.
assert that its a de facto entity? maybe... definitely a cunt
💯 Craig is a piece of shit
No shit
I think this is a diagnosable disorder. He’s addicted to litigation. I know a few people like that. Being a shithead and making other people miserable by using the legal system against them makes him feel complete.
Sounds about right, because these politically correct scumbags think they've got everything right when they really don't; I believe BTC and Bitcoin to be the same thing, as BTC is the NASDAQ symbol for Bitcoin.
"Withot authorization" lol
A wise man once said, "When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser". It's only a demonstration they truly lost, I add.
This is ridiculous 🤦🏻♀️
He should have already donated the money he’s losing in court to benefit #humanity. Instead he’s pursuing a losing battle. Why? Is he bought by big fiat? Maybe. False sense of power seems to be his weakness. Who paid him? Market manipulation seems to be his goal: he’s gross. Not a fan of him.
What a coincidence! Today, I'm announcing that I am suing all gold miners and computer circuit board manufacturers. Gold wasn't met to be used for computer parts. The original vision was for it to be used for jewelry, statues and money. Gold miners are willingly selling their commodity to computer part makers, knowing full well this wasn't part of gold's original design. I am choosing to stand against the rewriting of history and for the original vision of gold, unaltered and untouched by the hands of those who want to twist it into something it was never meant to be.
This is insane. He needs to be levied enough punitive damages to take away any thoughts of additional bullshit lawsuits
Wait, 900 billion pounds? Lmao!
What a fucking troll
🤦 Here we go again ?!?
Can s0me0ne explain h0w Bitc0in c0re can c0me under f*king british jurisdicti0n?
i heard @petermccormack was best mates with this chap. sounds like a bit of a cunt