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 Just got stopped, searched, bag strewn on the airport floor on arrival to Germany. 

I’m a bit shaken up that was horrid. 

The Alsatian sniffer dog was adamant I had something on me. 

I know I dont have any drugs so I was trying to be helpful to speed it up. But it’s pretty intimidating when they’re so abrupt and aggressive. 

The policeman was a massive cunt though. Threw my stuff on the floor and was the “guilty until proven innocent” kind of guy. 

“You have drugs. I am going to find them .”

He made me repack my bag in front of the queue leaving the plane. 

I held up the queue though and they were all scowling, naturally. 

They tested my hands with some swab thing and the lady policemen had to check with the other guy and said “it’s high.” 

It can’t possibly be the case as I haven’t touched weed since maybe the summer? 

Hate to judge but there weren’t a lot of brain cells between them. 

But they still weren’t satisfied so i got paraded through past the gate to do a “underpants search” as they were adamant I had something. 

At this point i was like what are my right here, you can’t just strip search someone. 

Once we went through the gate though the sniffer dog changed its mind. 

It stopped butting my right thigh. Thank fuck for that. 

But man. All that coz they thought I had a bit of weed? 

Gahhhhh. Jesus wept what a waste of resources. I missed my train and I’m probs gonna go full radicalised. 

Fuck the fucking fuckers. 

 welcome to germany lol 
 That’s the problem though. You’re basically agreeing to all of that by flying with major carriers. It sucks there isn’t an alternative flight network unless you charter planes.

Don’t want to be scrutinized by a bus driver? Buy or rent your own car.

Don’t want to be scrutinized by an airline or its affiliates? Buy or rent your own airplane.

The airplane one is a bit harder. That’s what we pay for convenience when not wealthy. 
 Your new car is a surveillance nightmare. 
 Unrelated but entirely true.
Tell me when I can no longer buy a Pinto. 
 We need a short video about this; the sooner, the better. 🤣 
 I’m too pissed off and that’s not my style. I need to vent but don’t want to further the doom 
 Spread your seed like crazy in Germany. 👍 🤷‍♂️  
 Wonder why people get radicalized?
 Sorry to hear that, mate. Glad it turned out comparatively fine.

Times like these make you think about monopoly on violence, don’t they? 

Back where I’m from  people get thrown in jail for looking at a policeman the wrong way. 
 I am not surprised... 
 In the past I need to throw out sausage, and also they require me to put cosmetics in the plastic bug even after security checking...  
 I have to say this in the nicest way, but yeah it happens to people like me every time I go through a TSA checkpoint in the US now. Now you know what people have to deal with. Sorry you had to as well.

I have to strip to my underwear in front of the entire terminal every time (last 3 times) I go though a checkpoint now.

They often offer a private room, it tell them GFY so people in lines have to see what the TSA has the power to do. This is only domestic flights, it's' not like I've ever left the country. It's never had anything to do with suspicion of drugs to my knowledge, I've never touched anything to be worried about not even prescription drugs I've ever had on me. I'm on some sort of list apparently.   
 I like your style. Making tyranny obvious is a powerful way to expose them. 
 If they want your little finger give them your full naked body. Do not resist. Expose them fully. 
 Hugs 🫂 understand completely  
 Bloody hell that sounds horrible. Sorry to hear this happened to you, what a welcome!! 
 Had the same in the UK, was with a friend, who happened to be black and they went full on demanding that we must have drugs as the dog said so (woof). Needless to say we didn’t have and drugs and reached the same conclusion you did. Cunts. 
 It’s awful but my first thought was “fuck this is the reality for black boys and men all the time.” 

It’s really riled me up 
 I have a friend that travels alone a lot, and takes his laptop and things like custom electronics prototypes.
He regularly gets hassled at any kind of border security check.
Young guys travelling relatively light seem to he a prime target. 
 I regularly get quizzed but I find a happy laid back demeanour goes well. 

Also I mostly visit poorer countries and the arrival is usually way more chill. 

I’ve not had the drug or intimidation search since I last visited the US. 
 FoCk da Police, war on drugs maybe the stupidest thing on our society today  
 War on drugs truly is mental 
 Health issue at most, in reality grown ups like to get high, has been this way since ever, let dumb ppl do there own dumb choices 😠 
 I remember after 9/11 my Indian American consultant coworkers were "randomly selected" every time we flew back and forth to clients for about 2 years. Usually a full bag check with every item removed and about 25% of the time they had to go to the special room for a secondary screening 
 Half of Germany is turkish already. 

So they started to close borders with others EU countries to fight illegal immigration.

One would think its a bit late 🤭🤭😂😂 
 Most EU countries are ignoring Schengen lately and are again making border checks on major border checkpoints. For public, this is for fighting the terrorism and illegal migrants smuggling in the EU zones and the funny think is that they are only checking at bigger border checkpoints. All the small ones are empty and anyone can cross them without a friction. I regularly cross two neighboring countries and I know the situation very well. 

So much about fighting terrorism 🤦🏼 

I liked EU only because of Schengen.

Without that i have no prob with leaving EU as a country...
 That IS horrible. I have been treated like shit before and humiliated by people in positions of “authority” so I can relate to how you must feel. Very sorry that happened to you. 
 Nothing like power-tripping over a fellow human. 
 You’d think they’d give it at least a century before reverting to that shit 
 Wow I'm so sorry 😔 
 Which airport did you fly in ? What a story indeed not a very welcoming reception sorry about that! 
 Yikes.  Remind me to tell you about the time I flew last minute, one way on Indian Airlines from Mumbai to Frankfurt. They thought I was up to shit and I spent a few hours with those pricks. 
 Isn't weed legal over there already? 
I thought something changed last year with the law... 
 That’s what you get for looking like a liberal weirdo. Jkjk. But seriously, Germany just legalised weed. WTF? 
 Same happened to me in Berlin. It's like they need to justify euros spent in apparatus. Made me feel like never going back to Germany  
 Was thinking about it and I remembered this movie-pretty hilarious-might make you feel better about it:
 That sucks man. I've gone through this the last two times I've flown by myself. It's annoying AF. 
 Don't forget to file a complaint against those neo nazi assholes. 
 those dogs rarely sniff anything, they are rather following hints from their trainers.  The true sniffer dogs are used behind the scenes to sniff bags. not people. The policemen didn't like you for some reason and wanted to single you out. They probably knew they wouldn't find anything, but wanted to make go through all the hassle.

I'm not sure how it works in Germany, but If you have the time, you should consult a lawyer and sue the crap out of them for harassment. 
 I see Germany hasn’t changed much since the 1930s 
 There is a tendency to profile frequent travelers. 
yea worst experience was in EU airports. 
TSA can be pretty bad in the US if is a major international 
 There really is something wrong with Germans.  Made dicks of themselves during the fakeplague, and allowed themselves to be  made fools of by whoever was funding their fake governments during the first half of the 20th century. 
 I know one thing. If I would be 100% they got nothing on me. I would make him pack my bag back as it was. I wouldn't do it for sure. If beating was their solution. These rooms have video surveillance and Germany like most EU have laws in place what these fucks can and can not do.  
 Airports in Germany are the fucking worst…

You start to realize why Germany went Nazi… 
 Low blow. 
 It's true. There is something special about german mentality. 
 Ah come on. I avoid US airports now at all cost when flying from Europe to Southamerika as a visa is required for transit. Fucking full entry procedure, fingerprints, pick up luggage ... This was in 2013 through Miami flight to Lima. Never again. 
 Did you smoke before hand? 
 No haven’t smoked in like 5 months. Not my thing 
 You should throw away your passport and carry a Machete while shouting for an Islamic Khalifat, nobody will search you and you get an arrival bonus of 1200€ 
 I shoot a lot and always have gun powder residue on my, well everything ...

I always have ton of fun at airports... 
 German government and their policies suck. 
 This pisses me off! The dog is always right - err no, they’re not, however well trained they might be. Anything with a brain can behave unpredictably. Furthermore, degrees of sensitivity are never taken into account with animal “detectors” nor are potential situations where cross contamination can occur (i.e. was the person sitting next to you carrying? Did your carry-on or hold luggage get squashed/rubbed against other luggage that might be tainted?). 
 This is more of EU thing rather than only german.  
 my grandmother got searched once for "traces of explosives" 🤣

we assume it's because her wheelchair got put in the truck where my Dad had recently transported garden fertilizer 😭🤷 
 After you leave Germany write a complain to them. Be detailed when that happens, what they did and how rude their nazi attitude was.
They have a complain form :) 
 Ah forget it. They are protected more then Putin!
No wander they can do anything they want.
 Damn thanks! 
 It was the bitcoin. 
 I don’t have any! 
 They were trying to find your cold card. 
 it will be considered as contraband (no matter size you have)
so they will be very happy find one because it’s a high crime and you will pay very big tax and they will be rewarded for catching very serious criminal

yeah the system is fucked it’s not about the law 
they were doing this because its the only way to get additional money for them and catching contraband of drugs is the biggest case in their field 
 I live in germany and my name is Adolph... this place has many many problems  
 "fuck the fucking fuckers" is correct.


 As a german, first of all Welcome and thanks for visiting! Secondly, sorry for the awful first impression and those incompetent civil servants 🫤 

Hopefully you will have some nice beers, good talks and make new friends during your stay and leave with cooler stories to tell 🍀:)

Which airport was this? 
 Ima bet FRA 

What do you think? 

Enjoy the Apple Wissen . Can’t remember how to spell it as I don’t drink bier 😂 
 Sounds like it was Hefeweizen 😄

Yes FRA most likely since it is the largest with the highest number of non-EU flights. But as far as it can be read, airports generally have trouble finding personal these days, so the ones they have are either not the best or stressed of the workload or just both 😬 
 omg welcome to Germany man. Alas, this is routine police attitude. what airport was it? 
 Sorry you had to go through this Joe. I know how it feels like as I had a similar experience. I know Germans are nicer than that and I hope this was a one off. Wishing you a great visit in Germany. 
 Sorry 🫂 that's the wurst 😂 

- some German humour to help cheer you up 
 That iSS horrible! 
 Sorry fren ✌️🫂 
 The dogs are just an excuse to random search 
 Dogs are trained for different things. They could be searching for cash or explosives/weapons. My dad was on a train in Norway years ago and a policeman came through with a dog. The dog stopped at my dad and the policeman asked him if he had cash in his pocket. My dad said yes showed him the cash and then he just moved on. 
 That’s wild. So nothing was in my pocket hmmm 
 maybe the dog is trained for seeds 🤔  
 Seeds are the new weeds... 
 hahahahahahha, cavity is not one of my words. just saying! 
 The coming robo dogs will be sniffing for cold storage sats. 
 just comply harder bro 😂 yea germany doesn’t realize it’s fallen yet. free thinkers trending to zero 
 Don't blame the people, blame the sustem. There are lots of Germans that are great people in every way, some of the best freedom thinkers come from there. The problem is that the government still thinks it's the 40s and they want to control everything. Just like governments everywhere else  
 the people comply. it’s their government. they are responsible as well 
 dude they just pissed cos they sold their bag 
 The dog has been trained to smell 12 words and hardware wallets. 😂 
 Many years ago, me and two friends were sitting on a hill looking out over our town.  We had guitars and were jamming.

The police came.  Took a drink from our soda bottle and said.
"I am confiscating this."  Went and stood by his van with his copper buddies and drank our soda we bought with our money right in front of us.

How can you even make music when you are that pissed off.
They took advantage of us because we were young.

PS: Life hack/Protip
Grow a beard.     
 Damn dude. I can’t grow a beard but here’s some sats 
 I watch all your youtube content.

I will use these sats to spread the bitcoin gospel. 
 Damn, I'm sorry you went through that.  As they lose control of the crumbling system they'll assert their power where they can. I thought that only happened in the good ole USA. I saw the EU as more civilized.  
 Weed is legal in Germany 
 Sorry you had to go through all that crap
You are doing a great job tho spreading the word about Btc worldwide 
 Horrible, but not surprising given the country’s commitment to self-immolation (anti-energy). 
 fucking dog!!! 
 Bitcoiners have been flagged!  Bullish! 
 Horrible. T’es choqué Jo? Ce nsont que des animaux. T’es pas entrain dvoir squil font si tu portes un t-shirt avec Palestine dessus? 
 Ahahah oooo zinger! 
 Welcome to germany 🙃🤮 
 Isn't weed legal there? That's insane. 
 It is, he has no idea what he's talking about. The search was not for drugs and hand swab is done to test for chemicals, not weed.  
 oh Wait... was it Frankfurt! ?? 

Worst airport ever. always loses my luggage, connections never made 
 ...But did you tell them about Bitcoin? 
 Hahahaha ffs 
 That’s sucks, I got searched in Bali as well, luckily the police was quite friendly, surprisingly. 
 I’ve been in this position a couple of times w airport security, none ever found anything and they never offered an apology for the “inconvenience.” 

I was actually arrested once in a routine traffic stop because the cop claimed he ran my license and it came back as suspended.  Sat in jail overnight only to ultimately prove my license was free and clear after paying to get my vehicle back from the tow truck. Didn’t matter at the time and ultimately carried an arrest on my record for 7 years based on nothing…always guilty until proven innocent.

They will do whatever they want, whenever they want. It’s certainly eye opening about how few “rights” we actually have when things like that are going down. 
 What a bunch of tossers.😱 Sounds awful Joe. Yikes, scary stuff. What do you do in a situation like that. You must have felt really powerless. I don't blame u for being rattled shaken up. 
Feel better man, try put it behind you. 
 Average Arab experience lol 
 Sorry about that bro. The  occasional up front and personal reminder why we're all here. 
 “Fuck the fucking fuckers.” Crazy how many times I have said that…..Pretty much sums up clown world. 
 Fuck those cocksuckers, here’s some sats. 
 Never would have thought this about Germany.  
 My favorite encounter with ze German customs was once when I was stopped and searched with a large suitcase inside another suitcase,  both completely empty. I was returning from a trip unloading some personal items with a family member, and was moving out of the country soon (hence the empty bags). I'll never forget the look on their faces. Having nothing to inspect, the only thing they could question me about was my new-ish laptop. How dare you have a new laptop. They then began questioning me why it didn't have a german keyboard, which was highly suspicious. Eventually, they got frustrated and gave up... 
 welcome to Nazi Europe  
 More like kike europe 

Nice try jew 

You wouldn't have niggers, fags and sluts fucking shit up if the Nazis had ACTUALLY gassed the kikes  
 Damn. Sorry that happened to you. Not to put this energy out there, but maybe the dog was alerted to something else. There have been cases of drug dogs alerting to people with ailments. A check up couldn't hurt.  
 Fuuuarck good point thanks! 
 Sorry to hear.... 
 Oh man that's sounds terrible. I am sorry you had to go through this traumatizing experience. Sending you a giant hug. 🫂 Hope you take some time to shake it off... Literally shake your body and shake it off. 
 Damn that's crazy 🤯 
 Ha! That was one of the worst things living in Germany for a few years. It was always worse though in the warmer months having a both a beard and skin that tans, I stopped counting the amount of times I was “randomly selected” for extra checks with or without my (fairer looking) family and kids with me. 
 Too bad so many foreigners are doing stupid shit in Germany to make it this way. 
 The quality of our police and public transport has been on a decline, often cited as "not very attractive places to work at" - so even people with an asshole attitude get hired. Let alone the powertrip some of those people get - "making a big one" or just finding something worth bragging about often overwrites the morale codex they were ment to adhere by.

Our police is generally toothless in law, but stupid in practice and incredibly dense in person. 

 yeah only country where I got searched by police too 
 My country can be a bit strict with certain things… 
 Lol hand swab is not for drugs. Oh my..  
 What’s it for? 
 Explosives. You were probably tagged by a behavioral officer. The dog was just a probable cause.  
 I believe the swab is for explosive 🧨 traces. 
 It is, IMS testing. 
 Again, I’m so sorry for my country… receiving those kind of messages more and more… 😌 
 This is what a monopoly in any area of society lead to 
Competition in the security sector fixes this

Bitcoin shrink the State because it allows people to keep their wealth unstollen or undiluted, and thus bring back consent for the services we pay for eventually 

Bitcoin fixes everything  
 It sucks. something clearly set off the dog 😬

ciggies and beer good, weed bad.🤷🏽‍♂️

that is the true crime🤦🏽‍♂️ 
 It's wild that you think you have to be more radicalised, and they don't even question their own behaviour like it's normal and "they're just doing their job" 
 drug detection dogs are only human and can make mistakes. 
 "just doing my job!" was also what the nazi officers were telling the Jews  
 not a good idea to do this unless you literally are already under arrest but yell "JA WOHL MEIN KOMMANDANT, FUER DAS VATERLAND! SIEG HEIL!"

actually, idk, german cops are generally pretty cereal, i got some hassle me one time as i was wandering onto an autobahn "grosse straf" for doing this lol 
 this is so ridiculous - I swear all border agents/customs officers just hate their job 
 Considering that consuming cannabis is now legal in Germany under the CanG (cannabis act) this is pretty ridiculous. 
 did they find the trezor your were smuggling in your butt? 
 Hahaha I don’t have any bitcoin 
 i experienced lesser but similar bullshit from french police back in 2015 due to being dutch, also an african dude with dreadlocks and rasta style clothes and a prosthetic leg

if this is the thing in germany then i think that probably when i get in a plane next it's to leave the EU and never come back

i'm just waiting on my landlady's gopher to come and pick up the rent that i had to draw out in cash because the portuguese bank refused to allow me to pay her without knowing and telling rando third parties her birth date and residence status

i'm probably going to hear from the gopher that she's giving me a UK bank account to use instead of the portuguese one on the lease

EU is going to hell in a handbasket, put it this way, i rate the USA as a safer place to be in the world right now 
 A Black man with one leg? Bruh, they don’t give a fuck about Black men with two legs or no legs. 
When you see US Blacks “paraded” and promoted before the world know they are compromised. 
Doesn’t matter where you are you are the target. People are also finding out that EVERYONE is a target for control or elimination as this corrupt world shitstem swan dives into collapse. 
Rhetorical question; What do you put your faith in? 
 Not men or power. 
 they were picking on him because he had the prosthetic, they searched it, ran a sniffer dog over it iirc, i think he was actually english, just passing by the netherlands on the way to rome 
 Wow. Sorry to hear that.  
 Sorry to hear it mate :( traveling is pretty much ruined for me. This will be the first year I will not be going to a new country for each of my years alive. It’s just too much of a risk and a hassle. These fucking losers that target the security jobs (and government clerk jobs) are the worst cowards you can find, geared to abuse the smallest amount of power available to them. Just remember it’s never about you. 
 Stay strong, @joenakamoto 🙏 
 Wo is se drugs young man? Ich know yuh häf them. Wo sind se drugs! Mai Hund Hasso is never falsch! 
 The strong arm of the state can be a faceless beast at times

Full "computer says no" type characters

F*ck the hates 
 > “You have drugs. I am going to find them .”

At the end did you tell them they were either incompetent or a liar? 😂 
 I saw a video about a woman who , during pandemics, managed to travel without permit or restriction or quarentine nor face mask. because while filming she stated in legal jargon that , for example, for every 20 minutes she was held against her will she had to be compensated X ammount of money. And the video was a verbal recorded contract they were getting into.
And obviously asking for full names of the police men helps a lot, since you can held them accountable for anything happening to you. And you can get them to trial as individuals (not the company they "represent"). So they get a lot more thoughtful.
There are a lot of ways to be defensive against abuse.
Her name was Dolores ,something, she was Irish..._
Dolores Cahil. I found the video just wait and I will upload it. 
 Sorry to hear that bro, sounds terrible! 
 Wilkommen :) 
 Christ almighty, that’s fucking awful! I worry sometimes for carrying medical drugs with me that are essential for my survival on this planet. Weed should be legalised everywhere anyways. Not that I smoke any more, I used to, enjoyed it and had fun - chose to stop all smoking around 17 years ago. 

Hope the rest of your time in Germany is better. It’s a lovely country but like so many, officials are becoming more and more cunty. 
 Don't you love being robbed through debasement so you can help pay for things like this? FUCK the current system. 
 Had a similar experience in Prague airport this summer. 😓  
 Yeah, also welcome to Turkish or Arab looking people's life in Germany. The last time at the airport, they took my and my wife's mobile phones and handheld computer to investigate them for explosives traces. It took about half an hour.

 Bad news, it'll be a chemical that is commonly used in the synthetic drugs, unfortunately it'll also be common in deodorants, detergents & various other things...  😂 

Fun eh?  
 & most security aren't exactly "top shelf" material... 
 You may want to switch what you use, not that it can't transfer from someone or something else... 
 germany is an anal wart on the butthole of the modern world  
 i think i had been in germany for the first time, homeless and wandering and begging on my way for the first time to amsterdam after i was released from prison, i had no idea what anything was, i knew some german but not very much