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 no i mean i’m not sure what Jesus of Nazareth is, as in jew or what. 
 well Jesus followed the whole law perfectly his whole life, in the gospels so he is, sides being born to mary who was. 
 i… can’t really argue with that. on the other hand, does jew mean tribe of Judah or does it mean Israelite? Mary, for example, was a Levite, possibly a Jew/Levite by blood.

so what does that make Him? i’m not sure.


 the geneology is Chirst is in the bible  he is called hte Lion of hte tribe of Judah for a reason. he is decended from david. 
 >he is decended from david.

well, hold on. is He descended from David on Mary's side? because if it's on Joseph's side then i'm not sure that counts cuz Joseph didn't impregnate Mary with Jesus, right? 
 Both sides 
 well that settles that. thank you friend. 
 Both Joseph and Mary were descended from David, if for nothing but appearance sake 
 >if for nothing but appearance sake

 well joseph isn't actaully his biological father 
 right. but Mary is in David’s line, like @Idea Enjoyer says? 
 yes, lemme look Luke and Matthew have geneologies of Christ. 
 Both Jesus‘s human parents were descended from David, probably to make extra double sure that everyone knew he was the prophesied boy

(And jews STILL don’t believe it) 
 them not believing was prophecized. 

I haven’t gotten through the whole Bible yet so I must not have gotten to that part 
 well i'm not fully understanding it, but a lot of the prophecies in the old testament are sorta like double meaninged they're talking a bout thet imes but also talking abotu what will happen with Jesus, and there are several Jesus archetypes in the bible but again i'm not the best guy for that kinda stuff. 
 also king david has several prophecies in his Psalms 
 I did read psalms

I forget most of what they said though 
 there's a lot of things i think i've forgotten then they just come back to me when i need them. 
 Book of common prayer has you read a few every day

Really good, especially when you're having problems 
 What’s a book of common prayer

How many monies do I have to spend for it 
 you could prolly find it online in a pdf tbh but i dunno for sure. 
 Free online

Or amazon.com/1662-Book-Common-Prayer-International/dp/083084192X/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=13KT70BLVPV5R&keywords=book+of+common+prayer&qid=1695691046&sprefix=book+of+%2Caps%2C320&sr=8-4

If you want an updated physical copy 
 >there are several Jesus archetypes in the bible

there's a super interesting Tree of Woe post wherein he calls these appearances "Christophanies." even posits that the Archangel Michael is Jesus of Nazareth. 
 he isn't, but it's commonly accepted that "the angel of hte Lord" when mentioned in the old testament is Jesus 
 yes and Melchizedek apparently. 
 i dunno 
 This "Jew for Hitler" says Judah was the bad line and Joseph was the good line and Jesus is of the line of Joseph if I understand correctly



 Jesus is a descendant of the davidic line on both sides of his parentage as has been stated in the thread. both the kingdom of israel and judah were ultimately destroyed and scattered due to sin. so i dunno what's supposed to be the good or bad line, but God called david righteous. 
 Stop with the cope (yes we've had this hell thread already) but whatever he was it's a foreign religion and ultimately anti White 
 stop trying to shame people into hell. 
 We're already in hell in case you haven't noticed 
 yea and it can get worse, but that's no excuse, for trying to shame people out of faith, if i've said it once i've said it a thousand times, if someone who's a wn is also a Christian, we're on your side and not cool with fag churches with tranny pastors preaching infinite immigration. 
 First of all nobody with actual faith is going to change their mind because of a random internet post and second I've already said if you're willing to fight for our people I don't care about it. I'm just tired of the mental gymnastics people do to avoid an unpleasant fact. Also I'm not gonna do the hellthread again it's just tedious and ultimately pointless. 
 "mental gymnastics"

It's called faith my friend.

I'm glad the hellthread is cancelled, have some popcorn 
 I'll have so coffee instead, have a pleasant evening. 
 You too ☕ 
 lol, in the end it was a discussion between believers as far as i was aware. trying to keep heresy form creeping into people's understanding. 
 People's understanding is their own problem, I'm not the Understanding Police 🥂

If someone is helped by what I say, great, otherwise, no problem 
 Interesting theory HarryNuggets 
 >it's a foreign religion


>and ultimately anti White

i do not perceive this, not in the Book :bible_wh: 
 All I ever find in those conversations is autism.

I like what the Bible says about Jesus though. Fully God, fully man, died for my sins and was resurrected. That's the preaching that converted the Pagans as far as I know. 

Christians used to be based, they were warriors, they were strong. These modern fag Christians are just an embarrassment