Oddbean new post about | logout
 Too good, honestly.  
 Too good, honestly.  nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 Wouldn't that give relay operators too much control over what content is seen? I'm still a newb when it comes to relays. 
 Unlikely, at this point. 

It's already possible and technically has already happened, IMO.  
 we are all so dumb about it anyways, so wouldn't it be better to do a WoT on client devs and their choices vs we are trying to figure out the right relays for this inbox, that inbox, this public, that private, this general, this free, that paid. 

If all clients offered a beginners set up and then had a section where you can start adding what you want would be lovely for people who dont actually care or know how. 
 I'm not a fan of wot, as currently discussed or implemented.  
 What does WoT mean? 
 Web of Trust. 

It's the idea that if two nyms (account/people) mutually follow a third nym, there's a good chance that that third nym is a "legit" and therefore their notes should make it through a filter.

Alternatively, if two nyms block a third, the filter can block the third nym. 

I would need way too much time to explain why I don't like either of these types of filtering even if they have pros.  
 I'm not sure I like it either now that you've explained it a bit further. Honestly, it seems kind of unecessary and it sounds like a burdensome feature to have implemented. 
 WTF do I know? I'm not a dev and can't code. 🙄🤷‍♂️😏 
 Lol neither am I. I'm just saying, conceptually speaking, it sounds burdensome. 

That's my point. Way too many devs have their heads so far up each others' butts that they can't see what's painfully obvious to others who have an outside perspective. Plus... These WoT-maxis don't see target obvious vulnerabilities. I'm going to laugh when the next iteration of bot infiltrates their WoT rings and then they are going to scramble to put more effort into things that just muck up the whole system. 

I'm not all that smart and can see this happening in the very near future. I will laugh in peoples' faces unabashedly when this happens. I'm mean like that. 😎 
 Hold I'm making a meme about this😁. 
 Alright, the meme-making isn't going well, so nevermind. But still you would think that devs who are working on a decentralized protocol would be far more open to user feedback😏🙄. How ironic. 
 Doesnt Primal already do that with relays? Apply a certain set of relays for newbs. 
 yes i believe so but they are the middle of a massive update to the whole client according to their presentation at Riga 
 i think it is should be universal...not just one client 
 Well, doesn't more than one client already have that feature? I was just using primal as an example. Why do you believe that it should be universal? 
 Honestly think we should be telling people to get the key signer first on all devices then they can choose their clients...instead of having them plug their keys into one client and being stuck and sharing their private keys. Like on android everyone uses Amber, there should be amber everywhere, and this should hold all your information. You control everything. I don't understand why people are not getting Amber then Amber gives all their newbies a list of the nostr apps/clients to use....instead of trying to pump this client or that....have them get their keys and key signer first then they will find a menu of our ecosystem. But I don't know. I am just thinking from A to Z....not starting at L and going backwards to fix the beginning.  
 You can't rely solely on a small collective of developers to decide that for you, though. That defeats the purpose of the decentralized aspect of nostr, right? For example, some people may wish to rely on the devs preferences for relays–maybe because they do a better job of filtering out things like spam and such–while others may not be bothered by such things. What coud be a good idea is allowing new and current users to select, in package form, a set of predetermined relays for different use cases. For instance, they can select from Package A (which focuses on spam reduction) or Package B (for those who could care less). My two cents. 
 that is pretty much what i am saying....it just needs to be easier until everything becomes easier than easier.....to scale, you are trying to bring over people that are so used to traditional social media platforms. They need a super beginner setting....ideally the key signer should be guiding you on your own private relay and free/paid relays eventually. The clients should only be the room you party in. 

I really believe Key Signers need more responsibilities for the individual. But that is my idealistic world. 

I would like to be able to run my own relay, set my own relays on my key signer, and have multiple nsecs for both private and professional all on my device, while being able to log into various clients and apps and not have all my features go wonky because primal has this set up and this client has that set up as default and this is from that country....

i believe it isn't consistent and the focus should be the key signers.   
 What's a key signer? Might be something I already know of, but I'm still getting used to nostr terminology. 
 when you come to nostr, you get a set of keys, one is private and one is public....

the problem is people are plugging their private key into all different clients and apps...

this is a no-no

so there are key signers or extensions that safeguard your keys and sign into clients and apps for you. 

All the newbies are told to go to Primal, Damus, or Amethyst. And they are creating accounts this way, which I think is bad news.  
 Which key signers do you use? 
 i use android and windows.

On my cell phone I use Amber
On my desk top I use Nostr Connect I believe. 

It would be nice if I could use one on all my devices.

Now for apple and IOS, I heard there are things in development. And some options but I am not familiar yet with that.  
 Can you send me a link to Amber? 
 get the Nostr App store first, i downloaded the APK for zap.store and then once i had their app store on my android phone, i downloaded Amber through that...

on the zap.store ... i believe you have to go to the github to get the apk, i think the download button didn't do anything....

That is the hardest part, trying to find the APK or get it downloaded, but once it's on your phone you call find what you need 
 This is the way 
 I downloaded it and a few other clients last night before bed. Thanks!

So, I can run my own relay through Citrine? 
 Do you do that? 
 I can't figure it out yet. I tried and didnt know if I was using it correctly and then when I deleted it, I nuked my whole follow list, I think