Oddbean new post about | logout
 agree about superposition and so on - but what evidence have you seen that seed oils are harmless ? 
 I 🤍 how every reply is about a different example that I gave!  Wonderful diversity here on nostr.

I'll just point you to a guy on YouTube who has videos that will do a quick pass over the medical evidence:

The major counter argument is that seeds themselves do not want to be eaten. Evolution would make them toxic. Whereas fruits were designed to be eaten in order to spread the seeds.

But just because a plant doesn't want you to chew and eat it's seeds doesn't mean seeds are toxic.  Carrots don't want to be eaten, neither does lettuce, nor celery, and those things are not toxic.  So the counter argument is just a hint at a hypothesis.

Is the medical evidence wrong or misleading?  Maybe.  This is why I still hold it in superposition.  But I'm going to lean towards the research for now. 
 this will probably be a thread.  first thing i noticed is after he says " i don't get paid by seed oil industry " ( first video starting at 56 sec ) his voice shakes, because he's lying.  he is a doctor so his entire medical industry is financed by whatever food is predominant on supermarket shelves - which is seed oils.

at 9:15 first video this idiot admits that you can test if the person actually took the seed oil on the trial by measuring fatty acids in their blood, yet he still claims eating seed oil has no effect on your body.  

at 10:03 first video his voice again shakes when he says PUFA is "anti" inflammatory, because he is lying.

i'm going to stop watching here.  he's just showing results of trials.  any trial can be rigged to produce any result the industry pays to get.  it is irrelevant.

empirical ( studies ) is one way to look at a problem - mechanistic is another.

mechanistic is when you ask HOW DOES THE THING WORK ( as opposed to what effects can we measure )

and mechanistically plant based Omega-3 is not active form and only 5% of it converts to active animal for Omega 3 found in Fish and Grass Fed Beef.  so seed oil AT BEST is empty calories and at worst Toxic Omega 6 bomb.

there is no universe in which a sane person would want to consume that trash.

 i was going to watch the other videos but realized they are all by the same person.

that is not exactly scientific Mike.  you can't get all your opinions from 1 source and then preach about superposition of ideas :)  
 the other point i want to make is those people in trials were asked to take 1 spoon of seed oil ... but their diet ALREADY contains several spoons of seed oil at baseline !  

if you have "control" on 5 spoons of seed oil and test group at 6 spoons ( which is more or less what they had ) you can dial in the slightest changes in the study elsewhere to compensate and over-compensate any minor effects this extra spoon would have ...

a proper study would ask what will happen if all plant oils are eliminated from the diet versus control group that eats their normal junk diet.  of course you can't just get people to stop eating junk and you would need to run the study for at least 6 months because that's how long it takes to flush out the fatty acids out of the adipose tissue where they are long-term stored... 
 i used to follow ( and even once went to gym with ) a dude with PHD in biochemistry or something called Chris Masterjohn who had a podcast where he tore these studies apart.  there are some egregious things that take place in those studies - like having one group in a smoking building and another in a non-smoking building and then pretending like this has no effect of heart health and just focusing on difference in diet etc. 
 the point is design of a study is more important than results.

a study can always be designed to produce desired results. 
 The importance is the argumentation of the people you follow. I rather get my information from a person that bases his thesis very organized with evidence, than having 5 who only reference some suspicious habits to try to proov a lie. Amateur gesture reader, that has no objective bases. Sorry but I can not take you serious. 
 ur an idiot. 
 I like youru detailed precise criticism, which targets the argumentation. Not the person. 😜😘 
This is what I am looking for.🐬 
 i don't argue with idiots though. 
 People are so delusional and think that seed oils are good for cooking and saturated fats like butter, tallow and ghee are bad for health. They don't eat saturated fats based foods and still get a heart attack. Then their doctor says that cholesterol is the problem and prescribe them statins.  
 the funniest part of all this is they admit that the healthiest plant fats are the ones that are most animal-like in structure for example Coconut Oil, Avocado Oil, Olive Oil etc.

they don't want you to eat animals and know the only way you will stop is if you believe it will kill you, so they make up endless lies about how eating animals is unhealthy.

but none of it holds up because saturated fat is most stable ( oxidizes least ) while plant fats go rancid.  our own body uses saturated fat to store energy over any other type of fat because it is optimal form of fat at human body temperature at which saturated fat is liquid ( not at plant temperature, at which saturated fat is solid ).

and they want you to think consuming cholesterol will kill you when 90% of cholesterol in your blood is manufactured by your liver even if you are on a meat diet. 

to believe these buffoons your own body is trying to kill you by manufacturing cholesterol and saturated fat. 

what are the odds that a plant would manufacture molecules beneficial for you even though it would only result in you killing that plant whereas your own body would manufacture molecules that kill its own self ?

only an insane person would believe this.

the real reason for the lies is 2-fold.

1 - they want to reduce your environmental impact.  meat has 10X environmental impact of plant food, which is why Bill Gates talks about Cow Farts causing global warming etc.  it has NOTHING to do with health - never had - it was all LIES used to sacrifice your health to protect environment.

2 - the second angle is Ethical.  we are ruled by Jews who call us "Goyim" ( cattle ) so to them it makes no sense that we, cattle, should be allowed to eat other cattle.  they ( elites ) of course eat the most expensive meats, but us ( cattle ) will have to eat bugs.

once you see it you can't unsee it.

@Little Mikey D  
 plant fats recognized as healthiest are the ones that come from hot climates such as Coconuts, Avocados, Cocoa etc.

that's because in such hot climates the plant temperature is close to animal temperature and thus plant fat is similar on molecular level to animal fat.

some vegans ADMIT that this is what makes those plant fats best, yet still claim that eating animals is unhealthy because they say it is the COMBINATION of saturated fat AND cholesterol that is unhealthy ...

they claim that even though the best plant fat in things like Cocoa is essentially saturated ( solid at room temperature ) it is healthy because it has no cholesterol ...

but what difference does it make when 90% of Cholesterol in the body is made by the liver and doesn't come from food ?

they are either liars or fools or both.

@Little Mikey D  
 like i said when you see the whole picture between Jews and Elites and Environmentalist Movement and Molecular structure of Fatty acids and physiology of human body and chemical defense of plants against predation and so on ...

it becomes absolutely crystal clear what the scam is.

i just forget sometimes that i am in the top 1% IQ, have represented my school in biology competitions as a kid in Ukraine, have been dieting for over 30 years, have been studying elites and their scams for over 15 years ... 

and perhaps crucially i have learned about nutrition in Soviet Union were the Cholesterol and Saturated Fat myths were NOT taught just like the Holocaust was not taught because those things are FANTASY that Jews teach to their cattle in the west.

essentially i was in a somewhat unique position to piece the puzzle together and it is understandable why other people can't understand these things - they lack both intelligence, knowledge and background that i have to make sense of these things ...

but it's all a scam.  same as holocaust.  same as Israel "defending itself" same as vaccines being "safe and effective" same as polar ice caps melting and on and on and on - everything these people say is a lie because the average person has no capacity to process information and get down to the bottom of any of this.

@Little Mikey D 
 I don't think people in the top 1% iq bring that up 
 since when am i like most people ? 
 use your brain dummy.  if i was going to lie about something - i would lie about something you can't verify - like my dick size.  instead i openly admit i do NOT have a big dick.  i do have high IQ.  i prove it every day here.  if you can't understand the proof it just means you're dumb. 
 Iq comes from a test, the proof is easy to submit.  
 not without revealing my identity and even then you would claim i am impersonating myself.

look it is simple - if you can't understand that i have 140 IQ then you are too stupid to follow me. 
 Scrolling your posts and there's 0 evidence of abnormally high iq. Lots of edgy cringe.  
 top 1% / 140 IQ is not "abnormal" you idiot.

it just means i am way smarter than you, that's all.

guys like Bill Gates have about 160 IQ.  guys like Bobby Fischer about 180.

yours is probably about 120, so you would be an average tech worker. 
 You specifically said it should be evidence from your profile, but your posts are just bigotry. Iq has nothing to do with opinions. It's understandable that you THINK you're smarter than most cuz thats built into the racist world view. But there is as much evidence of intelligence on your profile as there is on pluto.  
 Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. 
 i write about physics ( in the context of loudspeaker and car design ) on my site linked in bio.

you can try to understand what i wrote about compression driver design, driver motor design, line array design and so on if you are brave.

i am banned from basically every loudspeaker design forum because nobody could understand what i am saying, well, almost nobody - a guy called Ricci said he would never question me on physics and he went on to start his own site data-bass.com which i heard only good things about 

the reason he was always more popular than me is because he listened to me and then he actually built things and tested them, whereas i always just talked about theory ...

success requires a mix of many qualities of which intelligence is only about 30% or so ... 
 So you have a 140 iq because you have 1 hobby that you write about but don't actually build anything around? And you don't do this professionally either? 

And if we were talking about my intelligence, my understanding of this specific topic would be irrelevant, I have 0 interest in physics or music other than as a pass time. So my ignorance on a topic is not indicative of intelligence level. But we're not talking about my intelligence, we're talking about yours as you made the claim that you have a 140 iq and aren't just a dumb racist as illustrated by your profile.  
 Lol anyone calling someone a dumb racist is a mediocre IQ retard confirmed 

Just take the L faggot  
 Dude probably takes being called a racist as a compliment looking at his content. And no my guy, iq doesn't have shit to do with opinions 😂 
 my IQ is 140 because it was tested as 140 and because my SAT score converts to 140 IQ.

you are muted.

 jew NOT detected  
 i'm a Jew but i'm a good Jew

the Nazi kind of Jew

watch a movie where Ryan Gosling plays me: 

 Oh they do

Just not to you 

 This is a hilarious find for me today, there's a subculture of racists on nostr who believe themselves to be geniuses.