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 Simple, sharable steps to adopt a Proper Human Diet

1. Eliminate anything containing added sugar from your diet. 
This sugar provides no benefit to your body and leads to high blood sugar, high insulin levels & chronic inflammation. This includes fruit juices which in many cases contain more sugar than a Coke.

2. Eliminate all grains & legumes from your diet. Wheat, rice, oats, corn, soybeans, etc. These have very little in the way of meaningful nutrition and contain 2 things to avoid; i. starch-long chains of sugar that break down into sugar in your body & ii. gluten-like inflammatory proteins that lead to chronic inflammation.

3. Eliminate seed oils from your diet. Canola, soybean, corn, peanut, sunflower, safflower, etc. These oils are new to the human diet and contain too much Omega-6 fatty acids that research has shown to lead to chronic inflammation in some people.

*** These 1st 3 steps will remove 100% of ultra-processed food from your diet and will give immediate results (in weeks) for 80% of people. 

4. Make sure each meal contains meat, seafood or eggs. These foods were eaten by your ancestors for millions of years and are very nutrient-dense. Although many main-stream sources claim that these foods are inflammatory, we've seen bloodwork from 10,000's of people whose inflammatory markers go down on meat.

Carbohydrate Knob theory: Some people can tolerated more carbs than others. People who fatten easily or develop diabetes easily need to turn down their carb intake knob closer to zero. Young, active people can tolerate more natural carbs in their diet. Remember, there is no Need for carbs in the diet. As you turn down the Carb Intake Knob more & more you will be eating more meat, eggs & seafood...

Snacking: Snacking is never healthy, regardless of the snack. Eat discrete meals during the day separated by periods of not eating. Eating due to boredom or stress is never a healthy choice.

Plant Toxins: All plants use chemical defense chemicals to protect their parts, this is inarguable. Some plants are more toxic than others. Some people can tolerate these toxins more than others. Anyone suffering from inflammatory or auto-immune disease should try 90 days of Carnivore to see if they are reacting to the plant chemicals.

DAIRY: All mammals (you) can tolerate dairy as an infant. At about age 4-8 years most people (70% +/-) become lactose intolerant. That is not the only problem with dairy. Many people also become sensitive to the Caseins & Wheys in milk. This manifests in inflammatory conditions of the skin, joints, gut, mental... Dairy also contains caso-morphins that mimic morphine in the brain and can make dairy addictive to some people. This is good for keeping babies interested in mother's milk, but can cause adults to over eat/drink dairy for the good feeling. Some cheeses actually concentrate the caso-morphin content...

OK, that a good beginner course, I will answer every good question you ask here... 
 Excellent info. Where does one go to get blood work done, and what should I be asking for? 
 Own Your Labs dot com has been helpful for a lot of people.  
 ownyourlabs.com  I'll be posting a nost-torial in a few days on the labs you need 
 A lot of people see item number 1 and think, "OK, then I'll only buy things that say, 'no added sugar' on them." 

 Yes, these same people think the CIA started BTC!
Some people are just too dumb to help... 
 I’ve been strict carnivore for 2 years, eat 2.5-3 lbs of beef daily. Lots of sea salt. Some eggs. Some cheese. 

My only complaint is that I’m usually still somewhat hungry after I eat my second meal. I’m lean. Have good energy. Was never fat. But still think I may be leptin resistant. Is this possible? Any ideas? 
 This just means you should eat more fatty meat during that second meal. Never portion-control, eat fatty meat until you're comfortably stuffed. 
 I’m eating typically around 1.5 lbs of 80/20 ground beef (for each of my two meals a day) or a steak nearly the same weight. It just feels ridiculous to eat more. 
 Eat to satiety. Try 2lb. Add an extra meal. 
 Hasn’t rice been a human staple for 1000s of years? Seems strange that it would have little meaningful nutrition. 
 Thousands out of hundreds of thousands that this distinct species have existed. 
 The "staples" were once only survival foods, eaten when nothing else was available or not enough of something else was, they were never meant to be the first choice. 
 But they stored well, so here we are... 
 For around 8,000 years. This seems like a really long time until you realize that the human species has been here for around 300,000 years (eating mostly meat) and our previous ancestors were eating mostly meat for 2.6 Million years... 
 Thoughts on A2/A2 milk vs the now common A2/A1? The A1 caseins seem to be the cause of a lot of inflammation/gut and other dairy related issues. 
 A2/A2 dairy is less-bad than A1 
 What's your view on Goat and sheep's cheese? My understanding is they digest and produce milk/cheese that is far healthier than cow-based dairy, especially when they are wandering the hills not the feedlots. 

Its obviously a loaded question!!! I cant eat meat, literally makes me puke, and I am big into goat cheese and eggs in my veggie diet. 

As a good friend said, we don't want to get into a mindset where all food is deemed poison By the same token, maybe we miss the memo sometimes. 
 We drink a lot of RAW (unpasteurized) milk. Is there an easy way to tell if caso-morphins are affecting my brain? I really enjoy cream in coffee. 
 Yep. Stop all the dairy for a month. If 3 days in you're literally Jones'ing for the dairy then your addicted. This is very different than saying, "Wish I had a little cream in this" 
 time to get back to my keto (very low carb) diet! I was on it for a couple of years at a time but because of traveling and my last move it became almost impossible to keep on doing it.   Thanks you só much for your sound advice. Totally goes towards what I also believe is the true way of eating! ✌️ 
 What about 18 hour fast + ketosis? 
 Dr. Berry, obviously popcorn (literally home grown and stove popped) is not on the list of good things.

BUT, I wondered if adding plenty of real melted butter on it makes it less bad. Does the fat in the butter reduce the glycemic index of the popcorn?  
 It doesn't make it less bad, but the butter might satiate you sooner so you eat less inflammatory corn 
 Maybe I should stop eating my tub of salty, buttered, popped-in-bacon-grease popcorn.

I'll save it for a once-a-year Christmas Eve treat.
 Glad to see you are on nostr 
 Thanks for sharing! 
 Thank you Dr. Berry! You knowledge has helped me tremendously over the years. Good to see you on nostr!! 
 Howard I tried to ⚡️ zap you some sats.  I like using @primal  for zapping ⚡️ 

i too think its cool that Dr Berry is on NOSTR 
 Would I need more water on a carnivore diet? 
 Boom 💥 love it.  
 But I love heavy cream in my coffee! Any difference in non pasteurized dairy vs pasteurized? Extra enzyme that helps the body process? Why wouldn’t our ancestors have milk all the time? 
 What about nuts? 
 nuts are a seasonal and addictive food.

anecdotally nuts is what is known to kill progress for people on diets.

honey is another seasonal food.

when you eat a seasonal food year round you get fat.

one way to balance out the fact that all foods are always in season in the supermarket with our evolution of them only being in season about 2 months a years is only eat them on one day of the week, like Saturday.

if you like to go out on Saturdays you can allow yourself to eat anything you want on that one day but eat strict on all other days.

this way you don't have to give up on either your social life or your health. 
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 First time hearing an explaination on why I'm so addicted to dairy. Everytime I eat cheese I crave it for the next 2 days or so. 
 Regarding carbs, you say there are no need for them in our diet, but is it the same if your exercise 1 to 2 hours per day ?

I usually like to eat some fruit about 1 hour before working out, and I notice better energy levels throughout my workouts when eating fruit than when eating just meat. 
 Same question. Nectarines, mangoes, grapes, melon, and blueberries top my list. 
 I think he said baseline is zero, but you may be able to take or need to take more carbs depending on tolerance and lifestyle.  
 If you need someone to tell you what to do you. You will be lost forever. 
 that's crazy, I get the worst cravings for milk. Thought it was the milk sugars.  
 I’m not sure I agree on the dairy part given what we know about raw milk and its nutritional benefits but excellent list. It’s key to keep it simple it doesn’t need to be complicated. Eat real food. That existed 150 years ago. Single ingredient. That also summarizes a similar list of removing processed foods and so many veggies didn’t exist that long ago funny enough. 
 150 years go - are you fucking retarded ?

humans share 98.8% of DNA with Chimps.

how much new DNA do you think humans gained in the last 150 year ? 
 Thats the point. Look at a cookbook from over 100 years ago. So much has changed. Mostly the types of fats we eat 
 you don't "know" anything about raw milk ( and probably about anything at all )

you watched some youtube videos

 You don’t know who you are talking to so not sure why you are assuming that 🤣🤣 
 real knowledge is a tree

you can make an idiot believe anything because he has no roots ( knowledge of fundamentals ) nor stem ( intelligence ) only the leaves ( opinions )

idiots determine truth value of a statement based in one of two ways

1 - does it sound good to the ear ?  is it something i would like to believe ?

2 - are "our guys" saying or "their guys" saying it ?

you go do some self reflection and figure out if you are a true intellectual like me or an idiot like everybody else.

i honestly don't know ( or care ) which one you are. 
 Mental health and yelling randomly at people and projecting… look within 
 keeping it simple is indeed key for simple people like you. 
 You don’t agree that we should be eating real food that existed 150 years ago? Meat, milk, eggs. Fruits if you can tolerate. Grains optional. 
 you seem to be retarded.  i am going to mute you. 
 The 150 year rule will definitely eliminate UPF & seed oils. The problem with this rule is that we know from the study of corpses from ancient Egypt that they followed this rule and also suffered from severe arterial disease and very poor dental health. We have to keep it simple and go back further than 150 years, more like 12,000 years.
The sugars found in fruits and honey are exactly the same as the sugars found in Coke, Pepsi and Pancake syrup. 
 I guess this is the slight point where we disagree. Processed sugar is different than natural sugar eating 20g carbs or syagr from a blueberry or honey much different than even cane sugar based coke which is refined sugar not the right balance of carbs for our liver or natural counterbalance. If you are otherwise healthy and especially if an athlete l, excercise a lot or live in a tropical climate with fresh fruits in season nothing wrong with that. But I do agree keto carnivore is the optimal way for humans to thrive especially in cooler climates with less sun and especially if you have some type of metabolic and/or inflammatory condition which most Americans do anyway. Your example of the Egyptians is noted but that’s more grains not the sugar from fruit. Grains are an anti nutrient which not only spikes blood sugar but depletes our micronutrient absorption hard to digest and our guts have not evolved to process them. We are not fermenters and have a small colon agreed there. I would say in my research tho to simplify it’s more about the fat you are eating. Solve that, remove processed seed oils and get some sun and excercise and nothing wrong with some fruit 
 Milk is for babies and the near-death infirm/victims of starvation who need to gain weight. 
 From first principles milk contains every single nutrient a mammals needs to survive and in bioavailable form. Yes humans are the only mammal which continues to drink milk past weaning but we are also the dominant species on the planet. What precisely is unhealthy about drinking raw milk? And don’t say allergic reactions or lactose intolerance with raw milk contains lactase and lactoferrin which is not heat inhibited by pasteurization and also allergies are not specific to milk people can develop them to any protein including meat 
 Re dairy, you say some people, so for others dairy is fine?  
 dairy is basically calcium.  calcium is what clogs the arteries.  the dose makes the poison.

the reason there is so much calcium in dairy is the fetus has no real bones otherwise it would get stuck in vagina and never come out - dairy is meant to help the fetus solidify the bones.

for adults it helps to solidify your arteries ( make you nice and dead )

calcium also flushes magnesium out of the body.

this is regardless of any dairy tolerance or lack thereof.
 Dairy/calcium only clogs arteries if you don't get enough vitamin K2.  The K2 puts the calcium into your bones and teeth.  We all need a balance of calcium, magnesium, vitamin D3, and vitamin K2.  They work together.  It is getting out of balance that causes problems. 
 the problem is K2 supplementation literally causes blood clots 

the letter "K" in K2 basically stands for clots in German

all of you have two choices - accept me as your lord and savior

 Some people can't detect any inflammation from either the lactose or the proteins in milk, and don't fatten easily. It is probably ok for these people. The problem comes from people promoting the magical nutrition found in milk (esp raw milk) which is just not true 
 Another point I’ll make is adding sugar from natural sources much different than say processed sugar (corn syrup) 
 Thanks! This is mostly how I’ve been eating the past couple years since quitting vegetarianism. Def stronger, teeth far healthier, digestion far better 🙏


- Your thoughts on fruit? Would you agree berries, pineapple, papaya are good if in season and perf local? Other fruits?

- Thoughts on raw honey?

- Thoughts on raw goat milk? (Or do you see it as having the same issues you mention above?) 
 Fruit has always been eaten by humans whenever possible; even in tropical locations fruit is seasonal, you only get it for a couple of weeks and then it's gone until next year. Humans, and other mammals in the wild, use fruit strategically to put on fat before the winter. All fruit has been cross-bred by both humans and other animals to have a higher sugar content than it did in the past. 
Honey is pure sugar if the water is removed. There is NO meaningful nutrition at all. Raw honey = honey = sugar. Honey has much more fructose than high-fructose corn syrup...
Raw goat milk is closer to human breast milk than the milk of any other domesticated animal, at least in the US. It is great for infants & children. Milk is never needed for adult humans (more on this later) 
 How about the mediterranean diet? In the places of the best longevity they claim they eat meat meal only on Sundays. Not sure how many fish or seafood, but its rather expensive for the south so assume they must be eating a lot of grains with vegies. Are the sunshine and strong family ties the factors that beat the diet? 
 A few thoughts about the Mediterranean diet. First, having been to multiple cities on the Med, the diet they eat there is much different than the Med diet promoted in the U.S. It is full of meat and seafood and butter. 2nd, the entire concept of the Med diet comes from the work of Keys, much of which has been verified as fraudulent. 3rd, as long as your Med diet is low in carbs and adheres to the other PHD principles then it's perfect. 

Blue zones = coastal zones = ocean trade = wealth = access to fish and meat 
 This is incredible, of course I might verify what you said, but I just received an educated answer to the question I was thinking about, but it costs too much time to research the web on my own. And now I can happily zap you for your good will of sharing your knowledge. This model is much more fair (at least for my side) than potential subscription I had to pay you just to get one answer like that. #lovenostr 
 Asian cultures have been eating rice and soy for 10’000 years. They have excellent skin and pretty high life expectancy even in the smallest villages. 
 some cultures are better adopted to certain foods such as Rice or Dairy

the more recent a food in a culture the less likely we are to be adapted to it

Africans for example aren't adapted to modern foods because they have lived like Animals until they were enslaved by Jews and brought to America   
 If you’re talking about Colonialism of the 17th and 18th century: your supposedly Jewish population also lived like animals in big shitholes like Paris and London. 
 are you a Nigger ? 
 Are you a retard? 😉 
  no, actually i'm a Genius. 
 A genius that needs to retweet his shitty opinions. Big time genius 🤣 
 you seem to be retarded on top of being a Nigger.

i retweet my REPLIES not my posts.

replies don't show in timeline unless they are reposted.

i knew Niggers were dumb but not THAT dumb ! 
 If you had checked my profile you would’ve noticed that I am not an African person. Now you can go and fuck yourself with your misogynist and racist point of views 🤖 
 For seed oils, is avocado oil a solid replacement? Is it even considered a seed oil? How about 100% pure olive oil? Thanks for this post, much appreciated. 
 why do you want to "replace" seed oils ?  

when you remove the cancer you don't replace it with anything 
 Olive oil, avocado oil & coconut oil are a little different. They come from the flesh of the fruit (or drupe in the coconut), not the seed. They are much less-bad than seed oils, and may even be fine for most people. The problems with them are 2, 1. they are proclaimed as somehow magically healthy which is not true, and 2. They are very, very often adulterated with much cheaper seed oils.   
 For a healthy and non-overweight person without perceptable reactions to any particular ingredient, how does Paleo stand up in your PHD theory? I understand that routine "natural" sweeteners like maple syrup are clearly not appropriate.  
 Yes, Paleo is a great option for many. Using any sweetener (even stevia, etc) should be a rare treat, not a daily thing 
 I didn’t know about the “caso-morphins that mimic morphine in the brain” but when my anxiety levels went through the roof I cured myself by drinking milk in quantities I usually don't consume

which cheeses have the highest caso-morphin content?

I like French blue cheeses and the Italian Gorgonzola  
 you idiot anything that makes you feel good is addictive and the better it makes you feel the more addictive it is.

what kind of moron needs to ask other people what you yourself like the most ?

if you were to find some magic cheese that isn't addictive you wouldn't eat it so why the fuck do you care ?

 >you idiot anything that makes you feel good is addictive and the better it makes you feel the more addictive it is.

so what
 first of all i have reposted this because it represents an effort at an honest and intelligent discussion which is something i haven't expected from a Carnivore so it must be applauded 

but i am going to disagree with you on snacking.  there is nothing wrong with it.  Hunter Gatherers have GRAZED on things like Berries, so it actually comes down to 2 things: 

1 - what is the snack ?  if the snack is something like Beef Jerky then there is nothing wrong with it.  i have actually purchased some Beef Jerky two days ago that i will use on my upcoming trip to Florida.  if on other hand the snack is a donut then yes cut it out ...

2 - are snacks used in place of meals or IN ADDITION to meals ?  if you snack you should not have meals and vice versa - you should either graze or eat not both.  if you do both you will be eating too much.

likewise you should either fast or count calories.  each one makes the other unnecessary but you need one of the two.  

you can't eat, snack, not fast and not count calories and not exercise and expect to be thin.

you must at some point introduce some kind of restriction to your diet or you will be like everybody else.  it is not that important what that restriction is - but it has to be restrictive enough to produce results. 
 If you are eating healthy you don’t need to count calories 
 hello @hzrd149 i was browsing this thread and answering everyone's questions until i got to the bottom and saw that Dr. Berry has already started answering the questions himself ...

i suggest that comments with response from the OP should be displayed AT THE TOP rather than displaying all comments in chronological order

@M. Dilger  
 I'm still trying to figure out optimal.  I was very low carb (<15 g/day) for 4-5 years and felt good, got to a healthy weight, etc.  After a while I got to the point that I would gain weight if I ate more than 1600 calories a day, my gut got really messed up, I started having food sensitivities, and I had trouble with high cortisol in the morning waking me up early feeling like a furnace, so I was unable to get enough sleep.   Raising my carbs (vegetables & fruits only.  I still don't do grains or processed food other than 88%+ and usually 92% chocolate sometimes) and upping my fiber, helped with all of those problems.  My gut isn't fully healed yet, but the other issues are  gone.  

I have verified the cortisol issues are due to my blood sugar being low in the early morning, so my body produces a bunch of cortisol to convert protein into glucose to fuel the parts of my body that need glucose.  Overall, I feel a little better with more carbs (but still much less than the standard American diet).  I agree 100% on avoiding grains, seed oils, and processed food, although I'll admit to breaking down and eating sushi (including rice) up to 4x/year. 
 Great to open up Primal and see this sort of educational content, thanks for sharing @KenDBerryMD ✌🏽 
It’s a superfood isn’t it? 
 Thanks for the information Dr. Can you please share resources that support your recommendations as well. Trust but verify.  
 I agree with a lot of this, but a major point I don’t agree with: humans do need carbohydrates. They cannot produce glycogen without carbohydrates. 

And all grains, including rice? Seems like Japanese people do pretty well with it. 

I agree with eliminating all added sugars, and any simple carbohydrates. I also agree we don’t need as many vegetables as pushed. And healthy oils are huge. 

Anyway, just my two cents. I am not a registered dietician. 
 We do have a process called gluconeogenesis that turns protein and fat into glucose BUT not everyone is very great at doing this. I am one of those, I tried while working for Diet Doctor to adapt to the keto diet for over a year, with no success. Then tried carnivore 2 times, failed both after only 2 weeks (total crash), then tried carnivore & fruit just recently. Guess what? I’m bad at using fructose as an energy source too… Back to carbs. 🙂 Listen to your body. 
 This doesn’t replete glycogen though. 

So unless you don’t care about doing high intensity exercise or endurance exercise, you need carbs! Just not the types and amounts most Americans eat. 
 I’m pretty much in agreement with you. 🙂 And I do care a lot about high intensity calisthenics and sprints. Think exercising like this gives more health benefits than doing carnivore and NOT working out. 
 So is eating peanut butter equivalent to consuming seed oil? 
What about palm oil?  
 I’ve felt best eating mostly meat and eggs and homemade sourdough bread. Only meat and I feel weirdly anxious. Homemade sourdough also seemed to help my gut a lot. Test things for yourself, at some point you stop believing others and trust your own lying eyes. 
 To nr 3: would you be so kind and share the research? 
 Thanks for your sound advice. I wonder where I get the necessary vitamins from?  
 From real food. 
 your own body is the only real authority on what it needs

nobody else can conceive a plan for it 
 For all the women out there, who find their menstrual cycle getting longer and longer or disappearing on low carb, dial some more carbs into your diet in the last week of your cycle, approximately day 20+. 
 Or just eat normal... (non crap/junk) 
 What is your opinion of these two books?

"Put Your Heart in Your Mouth!" by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD


"Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox How a Little-Known Vitamin Could Save Your Life Kate" by Rhéaume-Bleue 
 Are lentils and peas really so bad if you didn't eat then excessively? I wouldn't think so. 
 Of course they aren't. Hundreds of thousands of years of evolution made humans the omnivores they clearly are, with a long intestinal tract and omnivore teeth to show for it. Humans have an entire metabolic pathway for carbs. Stuff like that doesn't evolve just for fun, it evolves because it improves fitness (in the evolutionary sense). 

Even if you only eat meat, the excess proteins are converted into carbs *by your own body* before being metabolized.

In nature, even true carnivore species have double digit percentages of non-meat in their diet. 
 Its more nuanced and simple than that.  Legumes are just fine to eat when you dont have access to meat.   We’re adaptable organisms. 
Where we get into trouble is when we start replacing meat, eggs & dairy with legumes for long periods of time.  They are not very good for you. 
 Ditch the sugar, grains, and seed oils. Eat like your ancestors. Your body will thank you.

 Egg whites cause me eczema, so there goes your superfood 
 Thank you for the post. Opinion on fruit? Of course it contains sugar, but then you only specifically mentioned fruit juice in “this includes”. Where would one get the valuable phytonutrients available in blueberries for example. At least, we’ve been told they’re valuable. 
 This is an excellent comprehensive start, learned a few new things too.