I started making pizza, seriously, two years ago, when I got an oven that can get to the right temp. (400-600 C)
I’m still working on the best recipe for dough, I’ll post it when I can nail it.
I usually start with poolish, a couple of days before, and try to replicate Neapolitan style pizza.
The super hot oven makes such a difference.
I've only recently figured out how to get my Kamado to approach those temps.
I think a good oven is more important than getting the perfect dough
I just gotta get me a decent peel.
I've had some messy incidents trying to transfer 😂
Semolina flour, that is the solution to the transfers....
I have an extra peel... you want it?
I'll duck into the cheapie shop, I'm pretty sure they'll have a cheap peel. The holes are far too big on my thing.
I'll also pick up some semolina. 🤝
Somewhere someone is trying to come up with a way to make that sentence into a bitcoin pun.