I started making pizza, seriously, two years ago, when I got an oven that can get to the right temp. (400-600 C) I’m still working on the best recipe for dough, I’ll post it when I can nail it. I usually start with poolish, a couple of days before, and try to replicate Neapolitan style pizza. https://zap.cooking/recipe/naddr1qqchqmrpde6xzttsdahkc6tndqkj6ttnw3shyar9wgkkgmm4va5z6en0wgkhq6t60fsj6mmj9438yetpvspzp5lsdkpsuvuj0apzl8gqc5vqk6s8r78qy3tnck4dt3dr79ll20wrqvzqqqr4guyplh98