Oddbean new post about | logout
 good morning, elon has turned twitter into a psyop machine, opt out, use nostr only 🫡

 Sì! 🫂💜🤙 
 Good morning! I did on day one of nostr! 
 Gm stay sovereign 
 GM & PV ☀️🍀☕🤙!
I've never used Twitter (no joke), so no problem for me. 
 💯 … I refuse to let a corrupted algorithm define my social media experience… and it was getting worse by the day.
Deactivated 2 days ago. Shit stings!

Also, still calling it Twitter, Fuck X. 
 GM, fuck Elon 
 Gm 🤙 off Twitter now   you can feel the negativity 

 GM 🤠🤙 nostr only 🫂 

Account deactivated and cancelled soon after joining Nostr and determining the signal strength on Nostr was real and worthy……. 
 Can confirm life is much better since going Nostr only 
 Same 🫂 
 I feel myself in some kind of isolation when trying to do that 
 You’re only following 18 people sir maybe that’s why

go follow whoever @jb55 is following maybe you’ll feel less alone 
 🎯 💯 indeed 
 Yeah, morning sir! 🤘 

 GM! Only #nostr helps with some peace of mind🫡 
 twitter is a mirror dressed as a window - and all they see is ugliness.  
 Love how he calls Ian Miles Chong a parasite, because it's so true.  
 Good day 👍🌞🫂💜 
 やっほー 👋 
 gm odell 🫂 
 Good morning 
 Never underestimate society's acceptance of corruption, betrayal and manipulation in the name of convenience.

But, once you see the truth, you can't unsee it.  

#Nostr is truth, and is sucking us all down the rabbit hole. 
 Who's the guy that made the video? I know I've seen their content at some point but I'm blanking on the name... 
 It’s even worse than most people realize. Anyone who is still there is supporting it. 
 I'm posting mostly on NOSTR too. All centralised services are now blatantly corrupt and decentralisation of money and notes is what will assist us to create a free society. 
 Why are the beginning and the end cut off? Why is it so hard to give credit to the original author? The irony is that this behavior isn't much different from what the video criticizes. But the message is important.

For those that are interested, here's the original: https://youtu.be/Wnl9RWOvRY4

 Good morning / good evening!🧡
Stay sovereign fam 

 Good morning ODELL ☀️💯💯 
 Morning 👑 
 Good morning 👍🌞🫂💜 
None of this is new.

Since 19th century newspapers there have always been 3 business models in news:

1. Get paid to print something (aka propaganda)

2. Get paid not to print something (aka blackmail)

3. “if it bleeds it leads” (aka sensationalism)

The fact that this is being replicated in "new" media, social media, etc.. is no surprise.

The only solution is the same as it has always been: critical thinking.

Don't trust what you see online anymore than what you see on tv.

Trusted sources are and have always been the minority. When you come across one, treasure it.

 Fuck legacy platforms 

 Blows my mind people still use it 🤯 
 GM, I’m so glad we have Nostr. I hardly visit X nowadays. I don’t understand why so many Bitcoiners are still fully invested on X. There is a clear parallel here between fiat and X. As an exit strategy, you would think they would at least start investing 10 to 30% of their time on Nostr since they understand what an open protocol means. On top of that, we have Zaps ⚡️ and connectivity to some amazing wallets like Mutiny 🤯 Seriously, it’s mind-boggling. 
 Most of those LARPs just keep their stack on Coinbase and have never used Lightning. They’re not even really bitcoiners. 
 nostr only since 806888 
 Every side attacking Twitter for disinformation 😂😂 
 I have no choice.

Not because I’ve been banned for life but because I’m glad that I’m banned for life.

It’s a toxic dump and has been for years. 
 I framed the tweet that got me banned from twitter. 🤠 https://image.nostr.build/f7d72cbc44dcde73849a787ab4d0fe7d261f3a9450f34c37c12b555cf3a85c59.jpg  
 that's brilliant! 🤣  
 I’m a hate speech enthusiast, clearly 😅 
 X takes "physical harm" very serious and LEGO is nasty stuff! google it!! 🤣 
 My what a violent thing to say 😂 
 Haha, stepping on a Lego is savage 
 Bring back the Leguillotines. 
 stop daniel, it’s time to le’go 💜 
 How do you know that’s Daniel?

I mean, it might be, but we just don’t know.

 I tested the censorship on Facebook, you can't post the "change my mind" meme.  Like, at all.  The whole meme format is banned because originally Steven Crowder's sign read "there are only 2 genders... change my mind"

So I made it say "Trans women are real women... change my mind" and it got blocked by Facebook.  I screenshot that and reposted it saying  FB is transphobic.   
 Legos 😂 so fragile it hurts 
 This earned a follow 
 Bravo, sir. 
 Followed you for that tweet.  
 My last tweet was clearly my finest ☺️ 
 That is fucking insane. Completely unusable platform. 
 TBH, wishing that is very cruel... 🤣 
 Oh totally, pure evil 👿 
 Anyone who has ever stepped on a Lego knows how mean you are  🥹😂 
 Would never wish that on anyone here.. 
you are all frens ☺️ 
 Ouch, Lego, yep well deserved 
 You went too far with that, even freedom has its limits bro 😅 
 Wow that's hateful stuff  
 Disrespectful to legos, so I get it 
 you were banned because you were reported for harassment.  
 I remember that tweet! ... I don't remember you though. Followed. 
 Pleased to meet you, fren. 
 lol 😂 
 This is the ultimate form of punishment 
 This is honestly the most pathetic thing I've ever seen. 
 1st ban: I told Senator Warren to get a free one way helicopter ride

2nd ban (temporary): I told a flat earther to jump of the edge of earth

3rd ban: I told a ecotard who said having babies is bad for the planet to **ll himself (spelled like that). 

Funnily enough, Elon Musk expressed the very same sentiment on Joe Rogan show 
 Elon Musk said we need more babies 
 For that?! Hahahahahah
So happy not to be on those platforms... Where people are more and more self-sensoring 
 I prefer saying whatever I want to say.
People have the right to be offended 😉 
 I’ve deleted my account. Staying off for good. It’s became insufferable recently. Hot garbage. 
 Have been, will do 
 Since the latest event in the middle east twitter has become nearly impossible to use. 50%+ of the posts are complete bullshit, videos from years ago claiming to be new or just straight up state propaganda. 

 Can't use X because I got suspended for not doing anything there.  
 GM 🫂☕ Odell, only #nostr 
 GM ☕🫂💜 
 it's an escalation 
 Wow, that's eye opening. We have a lot of work to do. 
 The goat herd is Nostr only.  I just don't see how it could work with those other permissioned platforms. 
 It’s like a car accident dude… can’t stop watching! 
 He is right in that:
* Monetizing engagement amplifies the most exciting content
* There is incentive to make exciting disinformation and get paid for it
* So Twitter is packed full of disinformation

* Twitter doesn't have as much gate keeping, it is closer to free speech, and gatekeeping has it's own problems
* We haven't had this much easy-access world-wide free speech before and are not used to it yet
* There is no authorative source for what is credible and trustworthy, so:
* Everybody needs to learn who to trust and who to discount, and stop following liars

Unfortunately, humans prefer to believe what confirms their prior beliefs rather than do that rigorous fact check from time to time in order to curate reputation information and learn who to trust. I don't know how to fix humans.
 Good morning 👍🌞🫂💜 
 Fucked up incentives. We're approaching fast the 'There is no truth' state.

 Yes 🫡 
 Indeed, I am starting to consider this more and more with each passing day. 
 The Devil is deep deception...

 done 2 years ago before the 45B deal 
 Elon or who then Capt? 
 Let me psyop back the machine 😎🤣 
 Stay humble Matt 😎 
 Where did y'all learn about BitVM, and subsequently educated yourself about it?

 I don't know if this is an issue with Nostr over all or just Primal.net client that I'm using. I liked and reposted this Note earlier, but it does not show the green color on the repost button and the filled in heart icon in the feed. Only when I click on this above not does it show that I have already liked and reposted this note. 
 Engagement was always a horrible metric. Attention was always a horrible currency. 

My thesis remains unchanged: #bitcoin and #nostr fixes this, if we get the #value4value part right.


 Only value4value fixes this ..as long as there is a corporate bounty , people would go any length to grab it.. 
 But when will you delete your Twitter? 🤔 
 If we’re all here exclusively, who’s going to tell them to come here? Need accounts on multiple platforms. 
 I deleted mine! 
 The vast majority of people are selfish and won't pay for something if they can get it for free. How do you propose we enact this behaviour change? If only a very small proportion of people will ever zap, can this ever be a model that could subsume paywalls/paying before you get the information? 
 Good. Self selects the signal. 
A paywall by a closed protocol means info can censored, that needs to be out.

An open protocol only needs one philanthropist to share that info, and break faith, in game theory terms. 

In other words, part of having an inteligent signal is recognizing it needs to be financially supported, those who support it finacially have inteligent things to say. 
 Not everyone needs to give back or is expected to give back. Patreon and Substack work.  
 It's even worse for the human psyche in general because it holds back higher human potential of the individual in favor of groupthink and self censoring to get that sweet sweet engagement.

This actually destroys the individual and cuts them off from discovering higher potential. Look no further than tik tok or Instagram for examples of this. (I actually feel bad for the ice cream yum yum girls.) 
 From the perspective of the Borg, most cultures and people are already homoginized. These [insert] kill these other [insert] because of [insert] reasons. Its all quite boring.

True Individuals, rise from that, like cream. Individuality is at the margins. 

This is true for any culture. Out of the mass trend come the next great artwork, the counter-culture to that, or the perfection of that drone , each becoming the height of that art. 

Infinite differences, infinite combinations. But some, most, are probably quite mid. 
 “Engagement was always a horrible metric. Attention was always a horrible currency.”

This is so important and I hope that as engineers and communities we take inspiration from this to do better in the future because I believe we can 🤍 
 I like this value4value thinking 
 or in other words, eliminate the fiat spigot, since the arbitrary firehosing of new tokens leads to elaborate and sensless games. 
 I like nostr. Seems calm compared to x. 
 Hey, do you want to come on TGFN and convince me? I am a v4v skeptic still, but I sort of want to believe

 Why are the big Bitcoin and Libertarian influencers still there stronger than ever? 
 Pulled video from @mikebenzcyber on X. I think this is bigger than Elon and X. 

“This is a 40-minute lecture, Part 1 in what I'd like to be an ongoing series, Censorship Industry Decoded.

This first video cut through the tricks & traps in WaPo's verbage. These tricks are stock for the industry & essential to understand.”

 Uhh video is too long,
Here is X link, I know I know 

 Techjunkie, that's no fun. 
 Cancelled for guillotine talk while blue checks call for bombing civilians.  Xwitter is a cess pool 
 Interesting.  I haven't used twitter in.... forever, and only recently logged back on after maybe a year or more, to ask a few exchange CEOs or exchange advisors what their / their company's stance would be on AB 39 (the California bitlicense).  Would be nice if they were here (actually, some of them are but they are not that active here).   Example being  nostr:nprofile1qqsxu9f574hun6fhup3r0j96fdtx909vcns68natnstd3yushmz0egcpz3mhxue69uhkummnw3ezummcw3ezuer9wcq3gamnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwv3sk6atn9e5k7qghwaehxw309ahx7um5wghxvmt59emkj73wvf5h5gq6mdy   who has an account here but who I think hasn't checked around Nostr in a while. 
I don't plan on logging back into twitter again.  Might check it in another year or something but I don't spend time there anymore. 
 More on this....  This is one of those "notes of dismay" I wish that either CEOs of exchanges, lead developers, etc. would see, but many of them aren't on / don't currently use Nostr.  If they don't that's their choice, but I think it would be helpful if they did.  

 i'll opt out soon as you and @jack delete your accounts lol, but nah i still wanna see traffic report and local news there  
 Nostr only 🫡 
 Outrage theatre. This guy is so deep in the matrix, there's no hope for him 
 It's hard to ever really know the truth about things that I don't experientially know. Twitter has lead me to not believe anything when it comes to the narratives people sell. Perhaps people never should have and we wouldn't be where we are in the psyop game. 

 Left a few months ago, he went from free speech absolutist to absolutely stupid. 
 Twitter is nothing but a historical record of the current lie. 
 Tell that to all the people using the #nostr hashtag over there... it's not as much as it used to be anymore, but quite a lot still. 
 Am I the only one (using damus) who can’t get picture or video such as this to open right now? It plays, but I can’t full screen :/ 
 Anybody has a source for this. Credit where credit is due. Thanks for sharing Matt 
 only use twitter to check a few accounts, otherwise its a flaming pile of shit 
 video seems like us gov propaganda, give away is use of words like misinfomation and the heavy focus on twitter which is being targeted 
 X is for extinguish 
 I'd like to see a solid comparison of Jack Dorsey's Twitter vs. Elon's Twitter. My gut instinct is that the one controlled by feds where there was obvious and rampant state censorship and narrative shaping would have a higher "psyop" rating.

All that being said, I obviously agree that Nostr is superior. 
 👏💯🎯#Truth been told 💯🎯👏 
 Opting out.  
 Thanks for not posting a surveillance tube link 
 I stopped watching after you mentioned Bellingcat.
Bellingcat is a synomym for CIA. Are they still supporting Nazis in Ukraine and ethnic cleansing by Israel in Gaza? I bet some of these accounts and content you listed have been created by you or guys like you, so you can “analyze” them yourself and create a false impression while at the same time distract from the truth and try to discredit anyone who does not agree with you. 
 I hated twitter, but, Twitter might lead to world peace. Its an instant empathy link.
The way Bitcoin will/is keeping governments in check, just by virtue of existing as an alternative in a Market of Currencies.
Nostr will keep X honest. But:

Think about what Twitter has just done. It has held those who need to be held accountable, accountable. De-psyoped, two new psyops a day, aswell as an almost 50+ year culture wide psyop. 

Palestine has been genocided many times. But never in First Person point of view. It's a whole new "United Nations". The Internet Nation. 

Drop a solar powered battery, a star link, and a smart phone, and just try and get away with your fucking genocide, assholes.

Drop a kit in the congo. Rape stopped.

Drop one in voting sensitive areas. Instant encrypted , local voting verification. (I see possible implementations where i.d is not even needed. Just presence near and in range of a node)

They will come down hard on Elon now. We know who.

I see a middle path. The pivot of which is open sourced and libre hardware though. These past events have shown " the light coming through the wound" of microchip privacy.

 I've noticed it affecting my mental health more and more. We aren't designed to be flooded with so much misery all at once. 
 I hear he's implementing doge payments... 
 The more free the network, the more susceptible it is to falsehood.

Most have no recollection of a time when the mainstream viewed the totality of the Internet with suspicion. In the early/mid 90’s, it was extremely difficult to pass off online research as legitimate within academic circles because “anyone can say anything on the Internet.” In those days, if it couldn’t be corroborated by a print resource in the library, you didn’t bother.

The skepticism was partly justified: outside of university-hosted Gopher servers, verifying sources was extremely difficult. We gleaned digital information with a raised eyebrow, and our “built-in bullshit detector” (as Hemingway described it) was always set to ten. It was the Wild West, a time where anything went, and it became even wilder after the invention of the Web Browser.

The mainstreaming of the Internet brought with it “legitimate” information channels, and general attitudes regarding online information relaxed. For about 15 years (2000-2015), we lived in a mixed world where the establishment colonizers existed alongside we wild natives.

And then those colonists attempted to take it all. Every pleb is familiar with this period, and this era is at least partially responsible for why you’re here. The move on centralized networks by political and corporate interests introduced an online tyranny I never thought possible, and with it, a new notion: everything you read on the Internet *has* be true. Of course, by this they simply meant vetted and approved as “true” by one of your self-appointed betters, who likely scoffs at the notion of absolute truth to begin with. I scare quote "disinformation" because the term evokes a slimy dishonesty in itself, signifying an attempt to control information rather than to safeguard truth.

Twitter’s increased “disinformation” is a direct result of a more free platform. That Elon’s policies incentivize falsehood is immoral and stupid, pouring gas on the fire — but make no mistake here: my favorite con man of the last decade has loosened the reigns at Twitter significantly, and blatant falsehood is a byproduct.

If, overnight, Nostr became Twitter, we’d have the same flood of disingenuous clowns tap dancing for sats, hurled at them by a population of applauding fools looking for confirmation bias. Nostr will not revolutionize the monetization of online identity, nor will it fix stupid. If you’re looking for a change in online social interaction, you won’t find it here either. Those who build on Nostr are akin to Prometheus stealing fire: as helpful as it is, one must accept that a lot of stuff is going to burn as a result.

If we are truly committed to an open, uncontrollable protocol, then we must accept “disinformation” as one of the consequences. In fact, we must embrace it with a principled optimism, noting firmly that it is *not* the responsibility of the protocol to do a person’s thinking for them. That responsibility resides with the individual alone.

So turn that bullshit detector back up to ten, and use the brain God gave you. The free exchange of ideas is worth it.

 Just curious, what do you do when you get ill, when your car gets broken, when your fridge stops? Do you study their inner-workings from the ground up? 

Where exactly do you start: protons, atoms, molecules, chemistry, physics, school or university programs?

Or do you go find a person who knows what to do and by some reason believe they will not fool you? And even if they do, you are confident your government would protect you if its something serious? 
 Imagine, you brought your car to the service and when next day you appear again they say they don’t know who you are and they’ve seen no car. And even their security cameras show yesterday there were only women customers 

You had to check their reputation, sign a smart contract, make a blood spell etc. this is completely your fault. This is the world you live in? 
 zapped thanks for this 
 has Elon responded to this problem?  
 Thoughts on Starlink? Same scepticism or real value there? 
 Nah. Both. 