Oddbean new post about | logout
 No its not but the whole "rape culture" meme really damaged relationships between normie men and women 
 No it only really affected crazy people
Its just an excuse for neurotic men to act like they're afraid of cooties 
 No, and the data definitely bares that out. Its effecting nearly the majority of men and will be affecting the majority if things continue the way they are going. 
 The data bears out that men aren't talking to women 
 Fair, so why do you think that is? Im inclined to agree with the other post but Im curious if you think theres something else at play. 
 I agree with you that the reason young men aren't approaching might be the current climate of dogged emasculation, but I think that climate is mostly fake and exists almost exclusively as a projection of the media. 
Men are clearly afraid to approach, and I think the climate of emasculation is largely cope for neurotic men to avoid making a decision. 
Otoh, increasing social isolation plays a large role here. People staring at their phones in public etc. 
 I think that often men will say "no I don't wanna get metoo'd" as an excuse to not approach the cute girl because those men are nervous about rejection. 
 I personally just don't want to disappoint cute girls (I will (I have (in every case where I created expectations))) but I do think a lot of the counter-metoo commentary psyched guys out rather excessively 
 Its definitely the metoo or whatever thats exacerbating things I think, rejection has been a thing forever and most guys could deal because it used to be "the worst thing she can say is no". The game has shifted and it feel like to a lot of guys that if you dont engage within the bounds of predetermined engagement zones, the consequences have the potential to be more dire. 
 But that feeling doesn't have any basis in reality. Irl if you ask a woman for her number she'll say "I have a boyfriend" and that's the end of it, that's rejection. Your face doesn't get plastered all over the news cus the barista didn't want to give you her phone number. 
 I approached a girl and within a minute she told me she thinks I'm gonna rape her.
In a public plaza, with dozens of people staring at us. 

In some small town, in bumfuck nowhere. It's simply the case you can't believe that vast majority of women believe that shit and are even more neurotic than ''those neurotic guys.'' 
 Thats insane 
 They definitely ARE more neurotic than the guys but I imagine your experience is an extreme outlier 
 you're all spergs on an anime appreciation website, none of you know anything about "approaching" women. 
 I'm literally married 
 yes, so you aren't actually approaching women and trying to get dates with women. 🙃 
 Also true! 
 I agree, and would take it a step further as I dont think phones are the key issue here. Public places where people are moving through have had people distracted by one thing or another before the advent of phones, reading, listening to music, or just trying to get where they are tying to go, stuff like that. If theres actually something going on, people still put away their phones and pay attention to the thing or activity (though they may take a picture which I dont really see an issue with). 

The larger problem as I see it is that there arent any places to do approaching, as outside of the bars in the example tweet, which still seem to be as viable as ever, places to do hobbies or activities in person where socialization are either nonexistent or severely skewed towards one sex or the other. 
 @4578eac2 @BunnygirlAbductor @ea1be75f cellphones are a huge problem but not because of the distraction but because it gives a chance to ignore your surroundings by connecting to people far away from you 
 men are increasingly realizing that the western woman is essentially nothing but a liability, and that to get involved with one is to subject oneself to the wicked and biased justice ststem and all the rest ...

tell me , what do western women offer men these days besides pussy ? which they can get , without all the baggage , for a song and a phone call ...


whats the risk/reward ratio and why should men extend themselves ? 
 Children, homemaking or a supplementary income (whatever your household requires), female companionship. Theres probably some more but those are what role off the top of my head from my experience. Western women are still women and can still act as such, and if you can nail them down its definitely a lot more spiritually rewarding than hedonistic skirt chasing. 
 they're all yours man... have at it. 
 I already have and am happy with what I have. I hope you are able to do away with your current myopic outlook on women. It is WAY worse than what it was when our parents grew up, but success is still out there. Dont overthink it, and go in with long term intentions and less of a horndog mentality. 
 i think you are misunderstanding me... 
 its also possibly irresponsible to signal to young men that they navigate reality based on exceptions to rules ... "myopia" as you apparently call generalized assessments or rational analysis of trends is how people do nearly everything in life ... from crossing the street to drawing hypothesis about races, cultures, and genders... everyone is so afraid to make an actual declaration. its feminine in fact.  so lukewarm and useless boring - particularly for the young i would imagine... thats why they have DADS - so that when mommy tells little johnny that everyone is essentially good and doing their best , dad can come around and correct that shit with some actual truths about human nature and motivations...

I have also indicated that there are exceptions so not sure where the myopia stuff is coming from other than your bias based on the grace you have encountered in life ? 
 >I have also indicated that there are exceptions so not sure where the myopia stuff is coming from other than your bias based on the grace you have encountered in life ?

It is a fairly round about way of saying "stfu you got lucky"

As for the second paragraph, its what we've been talking about. Yeah, those trends are out there and it does suck, nobody here is saying they dont, but you gotta look through the fog and see what is real. Just because you THINK youre going to get lit up by some random lady doesnt mean that it will. Be a good judge of character and take that chance. We should have things be where there doesnt have to be that thought in the back of every mans mind, but we also have to look after one another and lay it out like it is. 

You thinking that every western woman is out fleece every man possible is divorced from reality. What is true is that those women who do look to do that, do have an easy time doing just that with current court systems being what they are. But that fact, or other similar facts, doesnt automatically mean every woman is going to do that. 
 once again i DIDNT SAY EVERY and have in fact several times stated that there are exceptions - and clarified FURTHER that the exception prives the rule - the fuck is wrong with you ?

also - you asked dude...

you dont wanna hear the answer dont ask

 and i meant grace when i said it ... luck is entirely different and i dont believe in it. 
 Dude has his mind made up, why are you arguing with him? 
 I have guys in my life who take this same viewpoint right after rejection or during periods of loneliness, its good practice to talk them out of it. 
 to be clear though i was not talking about hedonism ... i said it clearly - its about risk/reward. 

a marriage is more a business relationship for the rearing of healthy societies and children , as opposed to a "female companionship" sentimentalist rag , whatever the hell that emasculated stuff is ...

western women are, mostly, no longer feminine, and nearly all of them have been infected by a century of feminist ideology - and yes there are exceptions but they simply prove the rule.

gamble away if it suits you... 
 I hate gambling. I would rather western civilization die out than risk being divorce raped. 
 >tell me , what do western women offer men these days besides pussy ? which they can get , without all the baggage , for a song and a phone call ...

This is what made me call you hedonistic, as I assume it was a flowery way to put "fucking a whore". Please correct me if I am incorrect. 

>a marriage is more a business relationship for the rearing of healthy societies and children , as opposed to a "female companionship" sentimentalist rag , whatever the hell that emasculated stuff is ...

This is again, very myopic and sad, you've lost the romantic fire of the Western Man and it shows. Everything is coded down to an exchange of goods and services. She is a hole and you are a pipe simply to exchange thrusts in a purely business relationship. You are not her shield and strength and she your pillow and respite. You are just as emasculated as the women you claim to be de-feminized.

Shit sucks and there are women who will gut you for your money and run, and it fucking blows. But your remedy to chase easy pussy is just switching which table at the casino you're playing at, instead of gambling your money, your gambling your health, and that turns into your money going away all the same. 
 totally wrong interpretation ... i thought i was talking to a man not his mother. 
 men dont need women for completion bro... its the other way around ...

men can live ascetic lives pursuing reverence for god , or lives of adventure and exploration ...

women are completed by men . men are completed by god.

you got a flesh worship problem 
 I mean, yeah, some men can, and thats great. But if every man did that, we'd be dead in a generation. Basically the same logic as ultrafeminists.

If men can muster the determination and force of will to lead a more solitary life in reverence to God or the arts or science or whatever passion might guide them, great!

But of that 45% of men ages 18-25 who are not approaching women, I doubt many of them are pursuing that form of dedication and would in fact like a woman to call their own. 
 oh i wasnt aware this was a sentimental save the masses from themselves conversation - i thought it was about gaining a cool and detached  understanding regarding why young men arent approaching women... 
 Before we continue, I want to ask, is English not your first language? I think there might be a bit of a language barrier (really language usage barrier). Im asking cause the way you format your posts is very strange and your word choice is strange. If English is your first language, are you 50+ years old, as Ive noticed the same behavior in people that age on these types of spaces on the internet. I would just like to know before we continue. 
 lol english first language yo...

under 50 my peeps...

though its alright ... we dont need to go on and on...

we both probably said enough - any continuing misunderstanding isnt likely to be resolved in this fashion...

the common ground is that we are both concerned for the kids... i would agree that simply not approaching at all and locking oneself away is not a good method for these young guys - but many were raised in broken homes, often by women alone, so assertive self-assuredness lesson might have been lacking... this is another indication of the emasculated society we live in.

for myself, I simply have put limits on the women i will consider for long term commitments and family-building... they will mostly hold unless the person is exceptional and wants to expend energy to prove otherwise... this is a general rule I apply to western women...

there are a lot more women than western out there so dont worry for me bro-man...  
 I mean yeah we do basically agree and its good to have standards.

Only thing different is that I would say dont go after non-white women, itll lead to similar if not worse issues than those you outlined about being raised in a single mother household. Snag a Slav or something maybe idk lol 
 >"have standards"
>slav woman 
 fuck ive been Connyed again. 

I couldnt think of any "non-western" white women. 
 You shouldn't. There is no reward for talking to women and you should avoid them at all cost 
 I think, from this current exchange and with experience with some of my buddies, the prevalence of marijuana might be a factor in the issue. That or just the wide spread use of depressant substances as a whole. 
 It could be 
 That's like saying only crazy people got the vaccine.

You define crazy by, ''believes in rape culture'' and ignore how many people actually believe in that shit, labeling as aberrations and not the norm. 
 I'd argue that it was no fault divorce that put the nail in the coffin of normal gender relations