lol english first language yo...
under 50 my peeps...
though its alright ... we dont need to go on and on...
we both probably said enough - any continuing misunderstanding isnt likely to be resolved in this fashion...
the common ground is that we are both concerned for the kids... i would agree that simply not approaching at all and locking oneself away is not a good method for these young guys - but many were raised in broken homes, often by women alone, so assertive self-assuredness lesson might have been lacking... this is another indication of the emasculated society we live in.
for myself, I simply have put limits on the women i will consider for long term commitments and family-building... they will mostly hold unless the person is exceptional and wants to expend energy to prove otherwise... this is a general rule I apply to western women...
there are a lot more women than western out there so dont worry for me bro-man...
I mean yeah we do basically agree and its good to have standards.
Only thing different is that I would say dont go after non-white women, itll lead to similar if not worse issues than those you outlined about being raised in a single mother household. Snag a Slav or something maybe idk lol
>"have standards"
>slav woman
fuck ive been Connyed again.
I couldnt think of any "non-western" white women.