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on 4th Sept 2024 #ChatControl regulation representatives of EU goverments will resume work based on a secret document according to Patrick #Breyer, former Member of the European Parliament. 

Help to mobilize everybody to defend our #privacy of communication and its developers, investors! 
If no preventive actions from your side now, this regulation will be endorsed on 12/13 December 2024.

According to the draft regulation dated 28 May (Council document 9093/24), ChatControl deploys to do, for instance:

🔻 “upload moderation”, users of apps and services with chat functions are to be asked whether they accept the indiscriminate and error-prone scanning and possibly reporting of their privately shared images, photos and videos. 

🔻Scan by “artificial intelligence” technology previously unknown images and videos; 

🔻If a user refuses the scanning, they would be blocked from sending or receiving images, photos, videos and links (Article 10). 

🔻End-to-end encrypted services such as Whatsapp or Signal would have to implement the automated searches “prior to transmission” of a message (so-called client-side scanning, Article 10a).

During the last discussion on 24 May, the Council Legal Service made it clear that indiscriminate chat control scanning of non-suspects is still envisioned and remains a violation of fundamental rights. 

Nevertheless, most EU governments are determined to go ahead. https://netzpolitik.org/wp-upload/2024/05/2024-05-28_Council_Presidency_LEWP_CSAR_Compromise-texts_9093.pdf

🌎 Tell your goverment and parliamentarians, that the proposal should be rejected altogether!

🔴Is your government in favour?
→ Ask for an explanation and for your government to revert its course.

🟡Is your government abstaining?
→ Ask why and demand that they take a strong stance against chat control.

🟢Is your government opposing?
→ Great, but take a closer look at the reasoning: Some governments like #Germany e.g. only object to the scanning of encrypted communications, but are fine with the indiscriminate scanning of other private and public communication, with the end of anonymous communication by requiring age verification, or with introducing a minimum age for “risky” communication apps. Also critical governments need to do more, exert their influence in the Council of the EU and agree on a joint list of necessary fundamental changes to the proposal. Absent such revision they should ask the European Commission to withdraw the chat control proposal as it stands.

🔴 In favour of ChatControl: France, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden. 

🟡Abstained: Estonia, Netherlands, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Austria

🟢 Opposed the proposal: Germany, Poland

When reaching out to your government, the ministries of the interior (in the lead) of justice and of digitisation/telecommunications/economy are your best bet. You can additionally contact the permanent representation of your country with the EU: https://op.europa.eu/en/web/who-is-who/organization/-/organization/COREPER/
 Great note thank you ! 

They won’t let it go , will they ? 
 If there is no resistance - what will stop them?  
 Of course ! I was talking about the EU 👀 
 As a Christian and an American I believe certain rights are inalienable. Speech is one of those rights endowed by our creator. May the Lord bless and give wisdom to the governments of the world to protect and promote good laws. 
 Lord is allowed for this draft to be at the last stage. So, if humans don’t stop it, it will be a precedent both for the EU and the US. It is very dangerous regulation for #freedomtech and its developers, users and investors.  
 Thank you.

They've been trying for some time to get #ChatControl approved. It looks like this could be their moment given that the few people who care about privacy and were abstaining or against the law might find this version acceptable in comparison with what's going on in UK and Brazil.

One option will be to move away from EU because there's really no sign that anything is going in the right direction at this time.

Another option will be to stop using the centralized platforms and move towards p2p and decentralized whenever possible. That will mean stopping to communicate with many people who see no issue in what's happening.

All in all, it will mean spending more time on Nostr. 
 For the moment the most important to ask all your friends act: send requests to their government to reject the proposal altogether.  
 The problem is my friend don't even understand what the problem is.

 Give them to listen my podcast about weaponization of banking data and explain that with messages data/communication will be even worse. Send messages to your politicians and ministers of justice and interior. 
 This has also some dangers to put on a list of state dangerous people. If most rebels give their identity away it is easy to target this group and sillence them. 
 the governments will never be on yoir side. they have never been. you can't do anything to fix this. the only way is the way forward, where you are in position where this does not affect you. they will not go quietly into the night, but begging is not the way 
 It depends where do you live and how you exercise your rights. In western countries people still have a lot of instruments to get implemented their recommendations. I was supported by western governments many times while I was under attacks of several dictators. So use your rights. 
 this sounds much more elegant than just forbidding things such as X in Brasil. Client side verification before sending? Insane - means they will be able to read, store, analyze but also censor in one sweep. This will be a huge step towards mass censorship 
 Why is the active German judge Patrick #Breyer not telling us this himself, on this platform?

He prefers Mastodon?

Another MEP is Christine Anderson.

Listen what she has to say about her workplace, a lawyer herself.

Lyudmyla, pls ask yourself the question, whether the EU institutions might be totally rigged. If yes, do you really believe that anything can be radically improved from within.

Try chat-control on nostr ...

 I am pretty sure client side scanning is already happening on most popular messaging apps like Whatsapp and fb messenger. The law chatcontrol would make it just easier to surveillance. 
 You are right. Currently a regulation is in place allowing providers to scan communications voluntarily (so-called “Chat Control 1.0”). So far only some unencrypted US communications services such as GMail, Facebook/Instagram Messenger, Skype, Snapchat, iCloud email and X-Box apply chat control “voluntarily”. 

 If they go very hard… it could be that the only private and secure solution will be GrapheneOS + SimpleX… 
 We should not wait for it and just allow it happen. We still have instruments to use. We need to act now. 
Denmark wants to ban  #Telegram, #Signal and other encrypted chats: 
 I totally agree with you and I’ve been doing it for years! Unfortunately, in my experience, 9 out of 10 people do not care and are not interested in this stuff…

Moreover, if they force the control at the operating system level, you can use whatever encrypted chat you want but they will control your messages before they are encrypted by the app… this is why I wrote that probably the only solution is GrapheneOS and SimpleX Chat… Apple and Google will comply for sure… they do not want to lose the European market! 
 You can’t censor 
 math. All these countries are in for a huge wake up call. 
 Do we know Signal’s stance on this? Would they implement these automated searches? 
 Android > Graphene > sideload whatever encrypted app you want without any of this bullshit. 
 Fedi fixes this. 
 We already have a "Hate Speech" Bill being shoved down our throats by the current minister of Justice. And that bill is pretty well known in the public sphere. No amount of public or legal protests have managed to change the governments mind. This one will be even harder to stop as it is not being covered in the mainstream media. 
 We managed to block it in June, we should just repeat the same mobilization three more times. Use your rights or lose them. This is literally a choice we have right now.  
 I'm afraid that contacting the gov with a message like "this is not what I want bla bla" will not change anything. Protesting will not change anything either.  
 Don’t afraid. Use your rights and privileges while you have them. It doesn’t cost you anything, but it will have impact. We blocked it in June and we will do it as many times as it needs. Join us and help with action to protect privacy and its developers now. 
 I will contact an MP but I already know the answer... and if you have a petition to sign let me know but again real change is not going to come just by asking for it... my view... 
 let ‘em!

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.

To change something, BUIDL a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

~ Buckminster Fuller #quotestr
 You are writing your arrogant response to me probably holding western passport/residence or being born in the western world, working in western countries. 

You use western language learned by very privileged groups of people in the world. 

If you are open source developer you will need financial resources and non of the authoritarian regimes will provide you or give contract to develop freedom tech. 

You will need to apply for funding in the western countries, organizations like @OpenSats . 

With all said above: try to go to Mali and develop, fundraise living there, but not in western world. Im curious to learn about your experience and results. 

So for sure, it is important to develop but please decrease your level of ignorance and just do a little effort to understand my position why we need to have safe regulatory environment in western world. 
 seriously now!? 

you believe that the way to resist is by contacting the “government”?

we need NO “safe regulatory environment” 


Let them do their shit! #0FOXGIVEN

just let ‘em;

it is the only way for #Freedom tech to flourish. 
 You didn’t answer any of my questions. So you don’t know what to answer besides your emotional arrogance. Read again and internalize. 

You may be one of the developers who will be a victim of over-regulation. 

Why not speak out against it now when so little effort is required on your part? Why don't you try to protect yourself and your colleagues, the community, while you enjoy all these privileges? 
 what are the questions!?

from my POV, resistance via governmental channels is futile.

we are BUILDing the future, we don’t care.

we focus on the light, not the darkness.


the sooner such dystopian regulations are out the sooner those who are not the usual sheeple can source the #freedomtech solutions. 
 I will be repeating myself, but will try to be more straightforward. Since you have asked, Im replying. 

Answer some simple questions: where are you from and where you work from, where is your money coming from? Who first will get access to your open source freedom tech and will be ready to support it for scaling? 

Don’t need to answer me, answer to yourself. 

You are writing your arrogant response to me probably holding western passport/residence or being born in the western world, working in western countries. Right? 

You use western language learned by very privileged groups of people in the world. 
By default you have more opportunities to defend your rights than others. Do you know about it? 

Are you open source developer? Don’t you want your projects be financially successful and scalable? If you are open source developer you will need financial resources and non of the authoritarian regimes will provide you or give contract to develop freedom tech. 

You will need to apply for funding in the western countries, organizations like @OpenSats or VCs. Do you aware that such organizations /companies impossible to establish in the authoritarian states without control of corrupt officials ? Do you know, that western world provides sort of guarantee for their rights and rights of their donors/investors to be profitable and their profits don’t taken. 

Do you aware that good regulatory environment makes people willing more give/donate, risk, invent and explore. So you are direct beneficiary of the this friendly western countries environment, established long time ago. The problem is that people become lazy in defense of their rights and privileges, while others are ready to limit rights of majority since they don’t see much resistance. 

Im surprised that I have to explain all of this. With all said above: try to go to Mali and develop, fundraise living there, but not in western world. Im curious to learn about your experience and results. 
 @lyuda_kozlovska, you seem to have a rather limited understanding of the true power of #freedom #technology. As a self-sovereign anarchocapitalist living in one of the countries of the Western world, which is counting years till its empire falls, I can assure you that it is not through the shackles of #regulation that real #change comes about. 

No, it is through the unconstrained #innovation and entrepreneurial spirit of the free market that we shall forge a new path forward.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete”. — Buckminster Fuller

You speak of the "Western World" and its supposed advantages, but let me tell you, true #liberty knows no borders. 

Whether I am in Mali or Monaco, the principles of individual sovereignty and decentralised #freedomtechno will always shine through. 

The very notion that one must rely on the benevolence of western institutions to achieve success is a fallacy propagated by those who cling to the status quo.

The future belongs to those who dare to dream beyond the confines of the state. With the power of #blockchain, #cryptography, and #p2p networks, we can build a world where no regulator, no bureaucrat, and no central authority can stand in our way. 

It is through #freedomtechnology that the true spirit of the libertarian revolution will be realised, and the shackles of oppression will be cast aside.

Stupid politicians and naive policy makers can do as they wish. We simply don’t care! Let ‘em!

The very notion of “funding” is changing rapidly. You describe a world which is long gone. The future is #permissionless. The future is here, it is not enough decentralised as off yet.

So, I say to you, do not be beholden to the false promises of the old establishment. Embrace the boundless potential of the decentralised future, and join us in the fight for true economic and personal #liberty. 

For it is only through the unshackled #power of the individual that we shall forge a new path, one that leaves the stifling grip of regulation far behind.

Arrogant? Nonsense. I'm merely operating at a higher level of intellectual sophistication and abstraction that you are most probably finding difficult to follow and comprehend.

True #progress is not achieved by opposing or battling against the status quo! 
 So what stops wasabi wallet to operate? What forced phoenix wallet limit their service in the US? 

I have no doubt that freedom tech will win but for one simple reason - because at least in the US bitcoiners are DEFENDING their rights, not just living in the world of adoration and dreams. I wish in the EU to gather such community. 

As for you - enjoy your comfort zone, while you can. A lot of people paid for it with their lives long time ago. 
 @Max Hillebrand can you provide some insight? 
 the future is here, it is NOT enough decentralised yet! (you don’t seem to get this, do you?)

if wasabi or phoenix were truly decentralised services, it would have been a non issue for both.

this is the learning-curve phase. it is through continuous experimentation and improvement that the new systemic tools of freedom will be surfacing.

Politicians, lawmakers and policy makers can keep doing their great job:
- bringing the western empire to its knees! (they can scan anything they like, from covidiots’ QR to the messages of the centralized apps etc)

#EU can scan deez nuts! 🥜 

Trust the process.

We are not there yet, still early; 
gradually and then suddenly…

BTW, #Eurozone is a failed experiment. 
 Trust but verify. Proof-of-work.  
 💯 totally! i’m with you. 

keep it real Lyudmula! 

your efforts and actions are indeed super useful for all this time in between.

You have my support no matter what are my long term beliefs. ;) 
 Unfortunately, the EU system is not a democracy. People can't influence that "government". They do what they want. Stay secret, use your own encryption. 
 Have you tried? Unfortunately ignorance to show your position again some changes is coming first from people. 
 Experience - politicians react on pain only. Put their income at risk, then they act. 
 What exactly you propose to do? 
 Direct democracy. Send the politicians away. Switzerland is template. 
 Send freedom of information for every representative asking to see any/all emails from their inbox that contain the title of this legislation.

You need to see what you can uncover. 
 I sent another email to the permanent representation of France, but it feels like flogging a dead horse. 


#ChatControl #privacy #eu #france 
 Download a copy of all the files needed to run the chat apps we're using here and distribute them far and wide. 

Make their nonsense unenforceable. 

 It had become a tradition, they will try to push it through every (half) year until they manage to find a weak moment and succeed. This is a fight where we have bare hands and they have a poisoned blade. They only need one succesful strike and we have to be succesful in defence every single time unless we develop a resistance to the poison. It's good the resistance is being build. 
 When there are less voices to resist and defend, we will see more actors ready to take our rights. We can debate about it endlessly. But our life and future generations won’t forgive us lack of effort to defend freedoms. Join us and help build defense 🧡 
 we must fight against this bullshit! 
privacy communication is a fundamental human right! 

 More important than that picture of someone pouring a coffee you were going to click like on. 
 #chatcontrol is back on the table after the bill was withdrawn in July due to a lack of majority support in the parliament. It's now being represented.
 Leiam o texto. Quem acha que Xandão faz tudo sozinho é um imbecil. Isso tudo que está acontecendo no mundo tem método, mentor.

Para os que adoram Hungria, e acham que é um país cristão e conservador. Tá muito conservador pra vocês? Só se salva nessa bagaça a Polônia. 

Está chegando o tempo em que aplicativos de criptografia end-to-end ser]ão considerados ilegais. 


em 4 de setembro de 2024, os representantes do regulamento #ChatControl dos governos da UE retomarão o trabalho com base em um documento secreto, de acordo com Patrick #Breyer, ex-membro do Parlamento Europeu.

Ajude a mobilizar todos para defender nossa #privacidade de comunicação e seus desenvolvedores, investidores!

Se nenhuma ação preventiva de sua parte agora, este regulamento será endossado em 12/13 de dezembro de 2024.

De acordo com o projeto de regulamento datado de 28 de maio (documento do Conselho 9093/24), o ChatControl é implantado para fazer, por exemplo:

🔻 “moderação de upload”, os usuários de aplicativos e serviços com funções de bate-papo devem ser questionados se aceitam a varredura indiscriminada e propensa a erros e possivelmente relatórios de suas imagens, fotos e vídeos compartilhados privadamente.

🔻 Varredura por tecnologia de “inteligência artificial” de imagens e vídeos previamente desconhecidos;

🔻Se um usuário recusar a varredura, ele será bloqueado de enviar ou receber imagens, fotos, vídeos e links (Artigo 10).

🔻Serviços criptografados de ponta a ponta, como Whatsapp ou Signal, teriam que implementar as buscas automatizadas "antes da transmissão" de uma mensagem (a chamada varredura do lado do cliente, Artigo 10a).

Durante a última discussão em 24 de maio, o Serviço Jurídico do Conselho deixou claro que a varredura indiscriminada de controle de bate-papo de não suspeitos ainda é prevista e continua sendo uma violação de direitos fundamentais.

No entanto, a maioria dos governos da UE está determinada a seguir em frente. https://netzpolitik.org/wp-upload/2024/05/2024-05-28_Council_Presidency_LEWP_CSAR_Compromise-texts_9093.pdf

🌎 Diga ao seu governo e parlamentares que a proposta deve ser rejeitada por completo!

🔴Seu governo é a favor?
→ Peça uma explicação e que seu governo reverta seu curso.

🟡Seu governo está se abstendo?
→ Pergunte por que e exija que eles tomem uma posição firme contra o controle de bate-papo.

🟢Seu governo é contra?
→ Ótimo, mas observe mais de perto o raciocínio: alguns governos, como a #Alemanha, por exemplo, só se opõem à varredura de comunicações criptografadas, mas estão bem com a varredura indiscriminada de outras comunicações privadas e públicas, com o fim da comunicação anônima exigindo verificação de idade ou com a introdução de uma idade mínima para aplicativos de comunicação "arriscados". Além disso, governos críticos precisam fazer mais, exercer sua influência no Conselho da UE e concordar com uma lista conjunta de mudanças fundamentais necessárias à proposta. Na ausência de tal revisão, eles devem pedir à Comissão Europeia que retire a proposta de controle de bate-papo como está.

🔴 A favor do ChatControl: França, Bélgica, Bulgária, Croácia, Chipre, Dinamarca, Finlândia, Grécia, Hungria, Irlanda, Itália, Letônia, Lituânia, Luxemburgo, Malta, Portugal, Romênia, Eslováquia, Espanha, Suécia.

🟡Abstiveram-se: Estônia, Holanda, Eslovênia, República Tcheca, Áustria

🟢 Opuseram-se à proposta: Alemanha, Polônia

Ao entrar em contato com seu governo, os ministérios do interior (na liderança) da justiça e da digitalização/telecomunicações/economia são sua melhor aposta. Você também pode entrar em contato com a representação permanente do seu país na UE: https://op.europa.eu/en/web/who-is-who/organization/-/organization/COREPER/

 This is a concerning issue, and it highlights the growing tension between privacy, security, and governmental oversight. The proposed #ChatControl regulation infringes on the right to private communication, pushing for widespread surveillance under the guise of safety measures.

To mobilize against this, here are a few steps you can take:

1. **Raise Awareness**: Share information about the regulation, its implications, and deadlines with as many people as possible. Use social media platforms, forums, and advocacy groups to spread the word.

2. **Contact EU Representatives**: Urge people to reach out to their Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and demand they oppose this regulation. Direct pressure on policymakers can sometimes sway votes.

3. **Support Advocacy Organizations**: Privacy advocacy groups like the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) or the European Digital Rights (EDRi) often lead campaigns to protect digital privacy. Support their efforts and join in their mobilization strategies.

4. **Petitions**: Start or share petitions targeting EU lawmakers to show the number of people who oppose these measures.

5. **Invest in Privacy Technologies**: Encourage investors, developers, and communities to support and improve decentralized privacy-enhancing technologies. The more robust alternatives to centralized systems grow, the harder it becomes to enforce invasive policies.

6. **Organize Public Discussions**: Host webinars, podcasts, or discussions to debate the risks of such legislation, ensuring a broader audience understands the critical issues at hand.

Time is of the essence; it's important to act swiftly if there's hope to prevent this regulation from being endorsed in December. 
 And if for some ungodly reason they succeed, do not use applications that obey these rules, use foreign applications that specifically decline to follow the rules and are therefore blocked.