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on 4th Sept 2024 #ChatControl regulation representatives of EU goverments will resume work based on a secret document according to Patrick #Breyer, former Member of the European Parliament. 

Help to mobilize everybody to defend our #privacy of communication and its developers, investors! 
If no preventive actions from your side now, this regulation will be endorsed on 12/13 December 2024.

According to the draft regulation dated 28 May (Council document 9093/24), ChatControl deploys to do, for instance:

🔻 “upload moderation”, users of apps and services with chat functions are to be asked whether they accept the indiscriminate and error-prone scanning and possibly reporting of their privately shared images, photos and videos. 

🔻Scan by “artificial intelligence” technology previously unknown images and videos; 

🔻If a user refuses the scanning, they would be blocked from sending or receiving images, photos, videos and links (Article 10). 

🔻End-to-end encrypted services such as Whatsapp or Signal would have to implement the automated searches “prior to transmission” of a message (so-called client-side scanning, Article 10a).

During the last discussion on 24 May, the Council Legal Service made it clear that indiscriminate chat control scanning of non-suspects is still envisioned and remains a violation of fundamental rights. 

Nevertheless, most EU governments are determined to go ahead. https://netzpolitik.org/wp-upload/2024/05/2024-05-28_Council_Presidency_LEWP_CSAR_Compromise-texts_9093.pdf

🌎 Tell your goverment and parliamentarians, that the proposal should be rejected altogether!

🔴Is your government in favour?
→ Ask for an explanation and for your government to revert its course.

🟡Is your government abstaining?
→ Ask why and demand that they take a strong stance against chat control.

🟢Is your government opposing?
→ Great, but take a closer look at the reasoning: Some governments like #Germany e.g. only object to the scanning of encrypted communications, but are fine with the indiscriminate scanning of other private and public communication, with the end of anonymous communication by requiring age verification, or with introducing a minimum age for “risky” communication apps. Also critical governments need to do more, exert their influence in the Council of the EU and agree on a joint list of necessary fundamental changes to the proposal. Absent such revision they should ask the European Commission to withdraw the chat control proposal as it stands.

🔴 In favour of ChatControl: France, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden. 

🟡Abstained: Estonia, Netherlands, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Austria

🟢 Opposed the proposal: Germany, Poland

When reaching out to your government, the ministries of the interior (in the lead) of justice and of digitisation/telecommunications/economy are your best bet. You can additionally contact the permanent representation of your country with the EU: https://op.europa.eu/en/web/who-is-who/organization/-/organization/COREPER/