HELP! I have 30 lbs of potatoes in milk crates. What do? How can I store these? I don't have a pressure canner 🫠 #asknostr #foodstr
Cut em into fries, then freeze em, and sell any excess bags of fries.
I think I'm gonna go this route, and make casserole ready to go as well
Not a terrible problem to have. To the weekend farmer's market they go.
We did this at a couple nice restaurants I worked at.. went through them fast though. Blanched them in vinegar + water before freezing
How much longer can they last when frozen that way? Where I live, we have the climate to store them for much longer. 2-3 weeks max. But when there are too many, selling is the best option.
We wouldn't have them for long maybe 1-2 weeks at most. If memories correct I'd make them 2 or even 3 times a week. It was a pretty fast process and we would keep them pre portioned in little containers to pop into the beef fat fryer as needed. At one place there were times we had some extras that were in the freezer for a month or two, maybe longer we ended up using for our family (team) meals. Always turned out great. Stored them in freezer zip lock bags. Of course I'd always inspect before use. Did a quick AI search, I'm not sure how accurate this is hut sounds right to me
Also might as well add a few sources I've found helpful, other ways to try / more information Heres a couple links on fries and a #foodstr if anyone else out there might be interested. Happy cooking! For Restaurant-Quality French Fries, Start with Cold Oil | Today's Special How to Make Crispy Homemade Fries Without Deep Frying | Julia at Home Inside the Modernist Cuisine Kitchen: Cryo-Fried Steak and Perfect French Fries The Secret to Super Crispy French Fries | ChefSteps
I’m a big fan of americas test kitchen.
How much freezer space you got?
A lot
Sell all potatoes for BTC and store it in a cold wallet
That’s a great haul. What variety are they? That will help folks guide you in the right direction.
I should have guessed! They will store all winter. Let them cure for a little bit out of bright light (or the skins will turn green) in a warm place. You can lay them out on a piece of cardboard in a single layer and then put a piece of cardboard over them—a shady porch works. After they dry for a bit, store them in the coolest, darkest part of your house that has some humidity. (The inimitable Margaret Roach stores hers in a cool, humid mud room in her house: What climate do you garden in?
Mid west, we have about 6 months of winter but you can still get a lot of growing done. Thinking about a greenhouse 👀
Low desert here in the southwest. So we have two very short growing seasons. Only been here about three years so I’m still learning this climate—will probably take a lifetime, but I was a master gardener in Utah (fewer extremes than the Midwest, but similar length of growing season).
Keep the dirt on them. Even better if its still moist. Keep in rootcellar. Thats how it was done on the farm
Depends on how fast you eat them. If you have a big family, 30 lbs of potatoes won’t stick around long if you include them in your meal prep a few times per week. If you want to keep them through the winter and don’t have a cool dark place, Slice them on a mandolin, blanch for a minute or two in boiling water(keeps them from turning brown)put in the dehydrator, an Excalibur will easily hold 10lbs fresh potato slices per batch as long as long as you don’t slice them too thin. I then vac seal mine in bags or mason jars and use whenever I want. They should stay fresh at least two years.