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 I should have guessed! They will store all winter. Let them cure for a little bit out of bright light (or the skins will turn green) in a warm place. You can lay them out on a piece of cardboard in a single layer and then put a piece of cardboard over them—a shady porch works. After they dry for a bit, store them in the coolest, darkest part of your house that has some humidity. (The inimitable Margaret Roach stores hers in a cool, humid mud room in her house: https://awaytogarden.com/celebrating-and-storing-the-humble-potato/.) What climate do you garden in? 
 Mid west, we have about 6 months of winter but you can still get a lot of growing done. Thinking about a greenhouse 👀 
 Low desert here in the southwest. So we have two very short growing seasons. Only been here about three years so I’m still learning this climate—will probably take a lifetime, but I was a master gardener in Utah (fewer extremes than the Midwest, but similar length of growing season).