We did this at a couple nice restaurants I worked at.. went through them fast though. Blanched them in vinegar + water before freezing
How much longer can they last when frozen that way? Where I live, we have the climate to store them for much longer. 2-3 weeks max. But when there are too many, selling is the best option.
We wouldn't have them for long maybe 1-2 weeks at most. If memories correct I'd make them 2 or even 3 times a week. It was a pretty fast process and we would keep them pre portioned in little containers to pop into the beef fat fryer as needed. At one place there were times we had some extras that were in the freezer for a month or two, maybe longer we ended up using for our family (team) meals. Always turned out great. Stored them in freezer zip lock bags. Of course I'd always inspect before use. Did a quick AI search, I'm not sure how accurate this is hut sounds right to me https://m.primal.net/KXVj.jpg
Also might as well add a few sources I've found helpful, other ways to try / more information Heres a couple links on fries and a #foodstr if anyone else out there might be interested. Happy cooking! For Restaurant-Quality French Fries, Start with Cold Oil | Today's Special https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNSFRYwH0Xg&t=21s How to Make Crispy Homemade Fries Without Deep Frying | Julia at Home https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aixyMddoim0 Inside the Modernist Cuisine Kitchen: Cryo-Fried Steak and Perfect French Fries https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_tgxzXmpKQ The Secret to Super Crispy French Fries | ChefSteps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwOcubY-RDM
I’m a big fan of americas test kitchen.