I wonder if Calvinists read "god of this age" as referring to God the Father, with a capital "G", instead of a lowercase "g", which would refer to Satan? 🤔 nostr:nevent1qqstlqv3w7w8rufchh5kq2sln6yf76s3lcpelmnqvc4qwl2x58ccgjqpp4mhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mqzyrdvucasp3pwdcqh6qxary9fx2pcvqp07ktmss0ttmu3me83e6zfzqcyqqqqqqg8j9du0
i dunno but "god of this world" = satan in most people's understanding
I believe that's the case as well, but as you know, there's no punctuation in the original Greek text. And Calvinists do believe that unbelievers are not capable of believing because they are not elected for salvation, according to Calvinism/August indianism. So perhaps they might agree that God the Father has blinded them from believing, as well...
I would consider myself a Calvinist and I agree with mleku that "god of this world" = Satan.
there is a thing of Enochian apocalypse in this too... it was prophesied to Enoch that the world would suffer an age of the rule of "Satan" who again like also the mess of linguistics about God is the person and the legacy of an individual who kicked off the War in Heaven that led to their defeat and their running away to make slaves of the rest of humanity outside of the realm they were born into (ie, Atlantis or whatever you want to call it, the place where Eden was found) The greeks called this one Chronos and he was the instigator of the Titanomachy and the word Shaitan in the hebrew and arabic means "enemy" and is such a generic term in the way its used that it also is a mess of linguistics to talk about, although unlike God, worshipping Satan is clearly idolatry and a cult of evil or at least stupidity the devil himself of course, being the lord of the flies, and the avatar of entropy, loves to promote errors and so throughout all of this it is a shit-storm of mistakes and misattributions and errors, and i'm not saying i have got it all straightened out but it certainly isn't straight in most models
I never thought about Atlantis being related to Eden and the destruction of the world by the global flood, but that would make sense.
there's a lot of threads all converging on that, that's why i like to talk about it... The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya really got me started towards this, been reading more in The Book of Jubilees and Plato's Critias got more stuff to read yet, The Book of Jasher
i think that the fact that you have to make so many distinctions about the word God says something in some places the text means "who made the universe" aka "God the Creator" in other places it means "God the Father" who is the Father referred to by Jesus and anthropomorphic (the prior one is not anthropomorphic), this one wants the best for us and most certainly isn't in the business of choosing and weeps for all who are lost in still other places it basically means Satan, and blinding people is one of his games, if i understand the way that some little parts of the bible (especially the ones full of rules about chopping people's body parts or stoning them to death) or who calls for war, these are false Gods that are either idols or the ideals of a dictator or a dictatorial cult in still other places it means people whose knowledge is incomprehensibly greater than ours, and sometimes these ones are also called Angels but the most high ones are called Lord and these ones in Genesis are the ones blamed for snubbing the welcome gifts such as the case of Cain or other ones which you can find later in Genesis, and notably the one where Jacob "steals" the blessing of Abraham is an example of the same dynamic, the godhood is imputed by one of the individuals upon a human and is taken to be a curse and this leads to psychotic behaviour (ie, making war or murder) the more i learn about the apocrypha the more sure i am that this is the gamut of the various kinds of God that are often named with confusingly similar words it's my opinion that one of the gifts we have as created beings is the ability to make our own judgement how we wish to percieve the world and that this choice is key to what is weighed up at the final Judgement at least, that's how i read it all
"For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth—as there are many “gods” and many “lords”— yet for us there is one God, the Father. All things are from him, and we exist for him. And there is one Lord, Jesus Christ. All things are through him, and we exist through him." 1 Corinthians 8:5–6 (CSB) I recently read some things that are stretching my understanding of theology. "Psalm 82 explains that God rules over this assembly of other ‘elohim whom He identifies as gods. They are not eternal, all-knowing, or all-powerful like He is, but they are still called gods", Tim Chaffey, Fallen: The Sons of God and the Nephilim (Richmond, Kentucky: Risen books, 2019), p. 91. ... "As strange as it may seem to modern readers, when we put all of these passages together, we see that God gave control of one nation to each bene ’elohim of the divine council. Or put another way, he allotted gods to each of the nations, although He kept Israel for Himself. He charged these gods to rule justly, and now we know why—so that the people would seek God. But we learn from Psalm 82 that they showed partiality to the wicked (v. 2) rather than providing justice. They failed to uphold the practices God required of them, such as defending the poor and fatherless and being just toward the afflicted and needy (v. 3). Do you remember the last line of that psalm? It will make more sense now that we’ve looked at these three passages in Deuteronomy. Psalm 82:8 states, “Arise, O God, judge the earth; for you shall inherit all the nations” (ESV). "At Babel, God gave the bene ’elohim authority over the nations, except for the one nation He would start with one man and his barren wife (Abram and Sarai). By the time Psalm 82 was written, the divine council members had failed miserably in their assigned tasks. They had led their own peoples into idolatry and injustice. Consequently, they deserved to be judged, and Yahweh would inherit all the nations", ibid, pp. 147-48. 🤔😯🤯
yeah, i'm pretty sure i've got a gist of what the real story is on this stuff God the Father is the one you want to be on your side God the Creator made evil also the gods - this is just an alias for the angels who are just people who primitive people thought to be omnipotent because of their science some were good, some were evil, and some messed up shit happened because of them... it was they who instituted the human sacrifice of the aztecs, for example, it was they who started the cults of the phonecians and prescribed the sacrifice of babies born of rape of slave girls you can read it over and over and over again in the bible as the catholic church selected, that the "fallen angels laid with the women and begat cursed children" and similar expressions as this everywhere and they were "giants" of course because they were F1 hybrids and the "angels" were another variety of human just as it has been recently determined that Erectus (neanderthal) also bred with humans they even have a name for the variant of human now, it's the Iberomarussians and they come from the region between spain and north africa and there is skeletons from this subspecies dating back over 40,000 years
also, "elohim" means "the bright ones" and refers specifically to their pale skin the genetic mutation of white skin, and lactose tolerance both concentrated in the iberomarussians, which might be better known as the "atlanteans" by their most famous kings Poseidon and Atlas they already had gravity control and antimatter power systems and in most cases where you read "The Watchers" in the old testament, such as Daniel, this refers to the fallen angels.
the irish had a special name for them too, the "tuatha de danaan" or "aes dana" and the norse had names for them you can find references to them all through the americas with their pale skin and red/blonde hair and even probably through asia and africa you can find references, the Dogons are one of the most famous ones who managed to keep some facts about the stars near Alpha Centauri that were not known until we discovered how to see X rays
I just happened to read this in The Unseen Realm by Michael Heiser, which shows that my earlier question was not so strange: 😅 > Similar passages that many Bible readers presume are clear in this regard are actually not. For example, 2 Corinthians 4:4 refers to “the god of this age” who has blinded humanity. Nearly all scholars identify this figure as Satan, but the name doesn’t occur in the verse or the context. Additionally, the phrase “god of this age” may refer to God himself. It is possible that the verse draws on Isaiah 6:9–10 (Septuagint), where it is God who has blinded the eyes of those who don’t believe. #vindicated nostr:nevent1qqsygpvnnt3r7lu5rznzzg07cfsghx45ccze6lzwvphgat90gqmz5lgprdmhxue69uhkx6rjd9ehgurfd3kzumn0wd68yvfwvdhk6q3qmt8x8vqvgtnwq97sphgep2fjswrqqtl4j7uyr667lyw7fuwwsjgsxpqqqqqqzn9eaek