there is a thing of Enochian apocalypse in this too... it was prophesied to Enoch that the world would suffer an age of the rule of "Satan" who again like also the mess of linguistics about God is the person and the legacy of an individual who kicked off the War in Heaven that led to their defeat and their running away to make slaves of the rest of humanity outside of the realm they were born into (ie, Atlantis or whatever you want to call it, the place where Eden was found) The greeks called this one Chronos and he was the instigator of the Titanomachy and the word Shaitan in the hebrew and arabic means "enemy" and is such a generic term in the way its used that it also is a mess of linguistics to talk about, although unlike God, worshipping Satan is clearly idolatry and a cult of evil or at least stupidity the devil himself of course, being the lord of the flies, and the avatar of entropy, loves to promote errors and so throughout all of this it is a shit-storm of mistakes and misattributions and errors, and i'm not saying i have got it all straightened out but it certainly isn't straight in most models
I never thought about Atlantis being related to Eden and the destruction of the world by the global flood, but that would make sense.
there's a lot of threads all converging on that, that's why i like to talk about it... The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya really got me started towards this, been reading more in The Book of Jubilees and Plato's Critias got more stuff to read yet, The Book of Jasher