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 i think that the fact that you have to make so many distinctions about the word God says something

in some places the text means "who made the universe" aka "God the Creator"

in other places it means "God the Father" who is the Father referred to by Jesus and anthropomorphic (the prior one is not anthropomorphic), this one wants the best for us and most certainly isn't in the business of choosing and weeps for all who are lost

in still other places it basically means Satan, and blinding people is one of his games, if i understand the way that some little parts of the bible (especially the ones full of rules about chopping people's body parts or stoning them to death) or who calls for war, these are false Gods that are either idols or the ideals of a dictator or a dictatorial cult

in still other places it means people whose knowledge is incomprehensibly greater than ours, and sometimes these ones are also called Angels but the most high ones are called Lord and these ones in Genesis are the ones blamed for snubbing the welcome gifts such as the case of Cain or other ones which you can find later in Genesis, and notably the one where Jacob "steals" the blessing of Abraham is an example of the same dynamic, the godhood is imputed by one of the individuals upon a human and is taken to be a curse and this leads to psychotic behaviour (ie, making war or murder)

the more i learn about the apocrypha the more sure i am that this is the gamut of the various kinds of God that are often named with confusingly similar words

it's my opinion that one of the gifts we have as created beings is the ability to make our own judgement how we wish to percieve the world and that this choice is key to what is weighed up at the final Judgement

at least, that's how i read it all