yeah, i'm pretty sure i've got a gist of what the real story is on this stuff
God the Father is the one you want to be on your side
God the Creator made evil also
the gods - this is just an alias for the angels who are just people who primitive people thought to be omnipotent because of their science
some were good, some were evil, and some messed up shit happened because of them... it was they who instituted the human sacrifice of the aztecs, for example, it was they who started the cults of the phonecians and prescribed the sacrifice of babies born of rape of slave girls
you can read it over and over and over again in the bible as the catholic church selected, that the "fallen angels laid with the women and begat cursed children" and similar expressions as this everywhere and they were "giants" of course because they were F1 hybrids and the "angels" were another variety of human just as it has been recently determined that Erectus (neanderthal) also bred with humans
they even have a name for the variant of human now, it's the Iberomarussians and they come from the region between spain and north africa and there is skeletons from this subspecies dating back over 40,000 years