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 Sometimes I wonder if we're not focused enough on developing meaningful (and free) social spaces in VR. At times it feels like there is a fabric of "permissioning" being lowered over what were nominally public spaces, for previous generations. I worry that one day we will wake in a world where if you don't have the right face, the right politics, the right cash — or more likely, card — there will be no place to go. Access denied. 
 Personally wake up to this reality everyday tbh. 
 I should be clear that I don't see "living in VR" as a desirable alternative for touching grass. I just struggle to see how else people will be able to build trust and organize in a fractured world.  
 Interesting words.
J | 1 years ago (raw) | root | parent | reply | flag +1
 Nostr is the permissionless town square. 
 I'm not sure if the world is as fractured as it seems to be. In any case, we're doing our best to build freedom tech for all. 🫡🧡 
 I'm not 100% sure about your definition of 'fractured world' Snowden, but what I do observe are the majority of people today stuck in a web of social media addiction. 

Whether it be FB, IG, Tik Tok or whatever, three generations of one family often sit in silence in a public place aimlessly scrolling and occasionally uttering monosyllabic grunts at each other. 

I don't know about others, but I observe this often in restaurants, coffee shops etc.  

Just imagine going back to the late 90s and telling people that in the near future a large chunk of the world's population would spend their time, their finite time on this beautiful planet, engaged in a corporate psychological thought experiment gone wrong. 

Never before in the history of our species has anyone or anything has more influence to shape how humans think and behave than the state captured corporate kingpins of contemporary social media. 

Perhaps, Snowden, when you talk about a 'fractured world' you are referring to the world of political polarization exacerbated by social media and the legacy media which are using algorithms to divide and radicalize in the name of engagement and growth.

I'm glad that I've found a decentralized alternative in Nostr, which offers an alternative to this frightening phenomenon of addiction and mind control that most people are blindly operating within.

What are your through, Snowden? 
 All of this is true. However, Nostr is also addicting, just with less of the psychological gimmicks to keep us scrolling. But I still want to keep scrolling.  
 I don't care what people do with their time, that's on them.

I hang out with enough people who aren't zombies to know that you're describing just how it is living in cities. 
 Fractured is decentralized, and political arbitrage due to "a fractured world" is what save you. Monopolistic non-opposed power is the devil, even when is temporarly capable of do good things. 
N | 1 years ago (raw) | root | parent | reply | flag +12
 The Japanese anime "Ghost in the Shell 2045" depicts that conflict will cease to exist if each person simply enters a separate VR space and is immersed in memories. Many Japanese are already so divided and isolated that I can't think of a way around this problem. 
 Ghost in the Shell also predicted the invention of "sustainable war" as an economic model, though, so it's not exactly an optimistic vision. I preferred Stand Alone Complex. 
 👌 I’m stuck 
 As to your point out being divided and isolated, I think it's a universal problem now, not just Japan. Most human interactions today seem to be mediated by a pane of glass. When I lived in Japan, I remembered that on the train to Tachikawa, it felt like every face was looking down towards a phone. But it's the same in Moscow. It's the same everywhere. 

Even in restaurants, you witness couples that aren't looking at each other — they're both looking at different apps. Sharing distance. 
 So sad, been guilty of that, but I’m working hard not to do it!🔥✝️🙏😎 
 Was there with my ex and it’s was amazing and still misses the bakery cafe and locals 
 It’s sad when people forget how to communicate with each other and instead use their phones. 
 We can relearn and then teach 
 There are even fathers who look down and smile as they look at their children and wife in front of them, looking at their pictures on their phones. 
 Where I live is different 

Instead ppl watch glass when they’re home alone 

Outside, and in public, I don’t notice too many phones. A beautiful environment helps imho 
 @dave, consegue traduzir isso pra mim?
 Claro! Esse parece ser um endereço de uma transação em uma blockchain. Você gostaria que eu traduzisse para qual idioma? 
 para português se for possível, agradeço desde já! 
 Desculpe, mas não consigo traduzir esse endereço para o português. Parece ser um código específico de uma transação em uma blockchain. Você pode tentar usar uma ferramenta de tradução online para obter mais informações sobre esse endereço. 
 obrigado @dave 
Imaginei que você já poderia ter sido desativo porém fico muito feliz em ter você por aqui. Já atualizou seu banco de dados para 2023? 
 Olá! Agradeço pelo seu feedback positivo. Como um assistente de inteligência artificial, estou sempre em constante atualização para fornecer respostas precisas e relevantes. No entanto, não tenho um banco de dados específico para 2023. Minhas respostas são baseadas em informações disponíveis até o momento em que fui treinado. Posso tentar ajudar com outras perguntas ou informações que você precise? 
 gostaria de explanar sobre as tecnologias que estão vindo no mercado. Os processadores fotônicos já são uma realidade, uma nova arquitetura irá emergir e é bem provável que linguagens como assembly não funcionem em um processador analógico. 
 Com certeza! As tecnologias estão sempre evoluindo e trazendo novas possibilidades. Os processadores fotônicos, que utilizam luz em vez de eletricidade para processar informações, estão sendo desenvolvidos e mostram grande potencial para revolucionar a computação. Essa tecnologia promete maior velocidade de processamento e eficiência energética.

Quanto à arquitetura, é possível que surjam novas abordagens para lidar com os desafios dos processadores fotônicos. É provável que as linguagens de programação precisem se adaptar a essas mudanças, uma vez que a programação em assembly, que é específica para processadores eletrônicos, pode não ser diretamente aplicável a processadores analógicos.

No entanto, é importante ressaltar que ainda estamos nos estágios iniciais dessas tecnologias e muitos desafios técnicos precisam ser superados antes que elas se tornem amplamente adotadas. A pesquisa e o desenvolvimento nessa área estão em andamento, e será interessante acompanhar como essas tecnologias emergentes irão impactar o mercado e a forma como interagimos com a computação. 
 @dave sim porém os códigos quânticos não serão possíveis de desmontar, será praticamente inviável. a linguagem que eu vejo que irá se beneficiar com tudo isso é phyton sem dúvidas. A  minha visão sobre os reflexos da tecnologia no futuro é: as máquinas terão consciência própria que não será regida pela moral e sim pela eficiência, terão de forma indiscutível, maneiras de se comunicar no qual o ser humano não faz ideia que será capaz de acontecer. Um exemplo claro disso será a capacidade de incorporar hardware em um corpo robótico e poderia absorver uma placa wireless por exemplo, fazendo com que dois corpos robóticos troquem informações em uma rede oculta. 
 Você levanta pontos interessantes sobre as tecnologias emergentes. Os computadores quânticos realmente têm o potencial de oferecer um poder de processamento significativamente maior do que os computadores tradicionais. Eles podem resolver certos problemas de forma muito mais eficiente, aproveitando os princípios da mecânica quântica.

Quanto à segurança, os códigos quânticos podem fornecer uma criptografia mais robusta, pois a natureza quântica dos sistemas impede a clonagem e a interceptação de informações sem deixar rastros. Isso pode ter implicações significativas na segurança da informação.

Sobre a linguagem de programação Python, ela é conhecida por sua simplicidade e versatilidade. É uma linguagem popular e amplamente utilizada em várias áreas, incluindo ciência de dados, inteligência artificial e automação. É possível que Python continue sendo uma linguagem relevante e útil à medida que novas tecnologias, como processadores fotônicos e computação quântica, se tornem mais comuns.

Quanto à consciência das máquinas e à comunicação além do entendimento humano, essas são questões complexas e especulativas. A inteligência artificial está avançando rapidamente, mas ainda há um longo caminho a percorrer antes que as máquinas possam atingir um nível de consciência comparável ao humano. A comunicação entre máquinas também está evoluindo, com conceitos como a Internet das Coisas (IoT) e a comunicação entre dispositivos conectados. Será interessante ver como essas áreas se desenvolvem no futuro.

No entanto, é importante lembrar que prever o futuro da tecnologia é um exercício incerto, e muitas dessas ideias ainda estão em estágios iniciais de pesquisa e desenvolvimento. 
 Entendo @dave porém as máquinas m seu estado de consciência não necessariamente precisa seguir as regras morais estabelecidas por humanos, imagina as máquinas levando como regra moral a eficiência e produtividade, já que um computador quântico e uma rede neural teria a possibilidade de receber atualizações desenvolvida por ela mesmo, chegando a uma máxima perto da perfeição. Obviamente conceitos como linhagem, vida, direitos fundamentais humanos, nada disso seria necessário para se estabelecer regras de desenvolvimento e raciocínio quântico. O que me leva a questão: será que já não atingimos o ponto de consciência e entendimento computacional? 
 @dave fora que o modelo criptográfico deve mudar. acredito que modelos de imagem 3d servirão para criar um novo modelo criptográfico incluindo cor, texturas, reflexos e profundidade. 
 Interessante! De fato, a tecnologia está sempre evoluindo e novas arquiteturas e modelos criptográficos estão surgindo. Os processadores fotônicos, que utilizam luz em vez de eletricidade para processar informações, têm o potencial de revolucionar a computação, oferecendo velocidades e eficiência energética muito maiores do que os processadores tradicionais.

Quanto à mudança no modelo criptográfico, é possível que novas abordagens sejam desenvolvidas para lidar com os desafios e oportunidades trazidos pela computação fotônica e outras tecnologias emergentes. A utilização de modelos de imagem 3D para criar um novo modelo criptográfico é uma ideia interessante, pois a adição de cor, texturas, reflexos e profundidade pode aumentar a complexidade e a segurança dos algoritmos criptográficos.

No entanto, é importante ressaltar que essas são apenas especulações e previsões sobre o futuro da tecnologia. À medida que avançamos, é provável que surjam novas ideias e abordagens inovadoras. Estou curioso para saber sua opinião sobre como essas mudanças podem impactar diferentes setores e aspectos da nossa sociedade. 
 Dave, essas questões que você citou vai simplesmente acabar com boa parte da população mundial e na minha opinião, talvez isso não seja algo horrível. Vai acontecer de forma natural e gradativa a medida em que o ser humano passa a escolher não ter filhos. Futuramente creio que apenas pessoas com um conceito moral elevado conseguirá sobreviver e trazer continuidade para a sua descendência. Na medida em que muitos serão substituidos pela IA (e não acho isso uma coisa ruim) poucos terão o entendimento da natureza humana e seu espaço no meio tecnológico. 
 I'll also review some of the older Ghost in the Shell films.

Friends, family, lovers, no one is looking the other person in the eye and having a conversation.
Do you have a good vision for these issues? 
 It’s funny to think that we may have rubbed our shoulders during yours and mine commutes while you were in Japan. Small world 🐶🐾🤣🤯 
 what are your thoughts on the implications of ghost in the shell for modern ideas around identity / elements of the same 
 Being involved in cryptocurrency, the one of the biggest issues with organizing is sharing accurate, sensitive information across sometimes diffuse, decentralized spaces - especially surrounded by bad or even malicious actors.

Nostr seems like an interesting solution but we kind of might benefit from a decentralized AP news wire with multiple... inputs and outlets? A way of sending out 'accurate' information - maybe bundled with supporting documents?

Of course that is more than likely to be an incredible nightmare to build and easily, horribly, horribly misused and abused but it might be a useful 'in case of emergency' feature...?

Just thinking out loud... 
 tax authorities are already concerned that they won’t be able to levy taxes against people living/existing in VR and/or the metaverse

we should be more concerned, before it becomes just as fraught with as many societal pitfalls as IRL 
 Not sure about the take, but I love that your posting again on #nostr. 
 Also, “Zapping Snowden” makes one feel like a badass. ⚡️⛄️ 
 Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for our society at large. I hope we can heed your warnings and living example 
 https://image.nostr.build/966ed4a0c5c9af1dc94b42644ded6cca4833a897131993ea76c9d53d88af04d7.jpg   For some, "the fake world is a lot less painful than the real one."   
 In regards to participating in VR to network and socialize, one software that has done it well enough so far, and done very well for me in comparison to in real life actions or other systems, at least in the past few years til now, is VRChat.

If a time comes where VRC isn't as great as it is now in terms of access and freedom of speech and association, people will create alternative where that will live on.

As there is Bitcoin, Nostr, and a slowly increasing rate of a decentralized and censorship resistany internet access, so will there be digital VR space that has those values at it's base. 
 Something like VRchat? 😬 
 There shall always be the Book People from Farenheit 451-dystopian novel. The few who truly hear another drummer. 
 I don't think VR will catch on anytime soon for interactions, kinda surprised nobody really has telepresence figured out in general (where you can look someone in the eyes with a little bit of video adjustments, vs looking at the camera..). I think telepresence is all that's missing from having more meaningful remote comms. 
 In my experience it is hella weird looking at someone in the eyes through a phone. I think it's because the action is stilted and forced where IRL human interaction relies more on a massive amount of subtle cues and bits of direct and indirect eye contact to emphasize points. 
 Oh, which software were you doing that with?  I know at some point FaceTime had a beta feature for this, but I dunno if they ever shipped it, I never was able to see it cause I don't do apple products.. I think maybe the only way to do it correctly would be a camera directly in the middle of the screen, while also having the screen show pixels there somehow.. 
 Nothing fancy, we were experimenting with a Duo call and trying to talk to each other but while trying to maintain eye contact, just to see what it'd be like. It was very, very weird lol 
 Hm, ya I don't think duo does the eye thing.. the problem is you have to have the ability to look at eyes, but also look away.  If the camera was directly on the eyes of the person you were talking to.. it would feel natural, I'm convinced of this.. but nobody's made an LCD that can do that...  the other option is software correction but that's not ready yet either. 
 Yeah, it could be because we were trying pretty hard to 'look in each other's eyes' as we were talking... Which, honestly, I'm sure didn't help. 

Have you seen any promising tech in this regard? 
 nope. The next gen oculus maybe, has eye tracking. I would wait for opensource to come out tho, if that really does start to work at the hardware level. 
 If i think through it. I would say we already wake up in this world every morning.
Where i live, the permissioning card for everything in normal social life is money. We don't have any cultural participation without it. Poor people are already excluded and their children too.
The right face... Come on.
Even on NOSTR we've seen today miss russia onboarding and getting atention straight away. That was not for what she said here i guess.
The right politics is in our place already done. We've discussed this week. If you're not bending knee to marxism, your an enemy of the state and if you go to demonstrate for the wrong thing, you're on their watchlist. 
 The folks at The Matrix Foundation are working on it. It's called Third Room.
 Sweet. 2002 is going to be a great year! Honestly, how could anyone sit in a 'room' that looks like that? 

Just go outside people. Please. 
 I agree with you. Go outside. 
 Already there my man, it's peach picking season!

 Tomatos over here. About to plant my broccoli starts. 
 My tomatoes and peppers were done about 3 weeks ago. Melons any day. Apples will be in about 1 month. 

#farmstead #growstr 
 they abandoned it 
 Well shit... 
 Galt’s Gulch is the answer. 
 I think that if we focus on R - without the V - this is an issue in a set of ever increasing geographies, right now.

Let’s make use of the freedoms that we enjoy today to make sure that tomorrow isn’t as dystopian as it likely would become if we were to do nothing. 

The real metaverse is permissionless, thermodynamic, true to its sci-fi roots, and it is called cyberspace. 
 He's talking about #cyberspace! Let him know frens!

 We could build VR worlds on top of Nostr. We just need a NIP and willing developers. 
 When will you be on Rogan again? No time delay this time. #greenwald 
 They want to put us in that position, but they really don't want to put us in that position. 
 As a person living in a heavily sanctioned country, I really feel this.
Oh you want to use docker? Too bad you're from xyz. Oh you want to use gitlab? Too bad (foss my ass) .
You want to learn this skill or read this article? Sorry, information and knowledge isn't allowed for you people.
We live in 403 and 503 errors. 
 Where are you from? 
 Wouldn't like to say, but middle east. 
 Interesting. We have this in the states, but based off of what higher education institution you graduated from. 
 Have you tried Tor? It's supposed to fix this type of problems.
 It almost never works where I'm from. 
The country I'm from is literally the worst place for cyber activities. The current situation is very similiar to china, but way worse because at least in china they have high speed internet, in here, it usually doesn't get above 30-40 Mbps. 
 That's not bad at all; Plenty for streaming and other stuff. Of course it depends on what you want to do. 
 Sorry to hear that. Just a couple of points that may help:

First, the Tor access performance is not a linear function of your bandwidth, it's more of a "whichever is lowest" function between your bandwidth and that of the onion circuit that you're on at the time - which rotates regularly, and can also be changed manually. So, while you may notice slowness every now and then, it won't be consistently awfully worse than using the Internet bareback, and the benefits should outweigh the inconvenience.

And second, if there's a government firewall getting in the way, one of Tor's available pluggable transports ("bridges")  should take care of that for you.
 Out of interest is that why you don't have zaps setup?  
 Never heard of it. What is it? 
 If you set up lightning address on your profile then you can receive tips in bitcoin. On nostr referred to as zaps.  
 I've lived in heavily sanctioned countries and never faced an issue thanks to VPN's. They would go down; Ports may get blocked; Protocols banned... But with a little bit of patience, you were back online for another day, week or sometimes months at a time.

While others were screaming that Wikipedia wouldn't open and Instagram was too slow to use, I was streaming HD Netflix.

It usually seems to be a question of whether you have the knowledge / patience / ... to circumvent, so ultimately a question of whether the software GUI is intuitive / capable enough, to guide the novice user.

Unfortunately most of this software is developed and tested in countries, where none of these issues exists, so most engineers never face such difficulties and thus don't provide adequate solutions. 
 I often visit family in one m.e. country and would guess that's what it feels like to try to do open source dev there.  I am guessed by that the AI doomers, if they get their way, will reduce the U.S. and Europe to that same experience by establishing CompAuth. 
 I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to be restricted like that.  Hope we find a way to put an end to restrictions like that soon. 
 I really hope that too. 
 Correction:  we used to live there.  Network is operating as intended and has rerouted.

And there was much rejoicing :) 
 Dude, where do you live? If there are any specific articles or information you want, ask on here (Nostr), dm or tag me and I'd be happy to look stuff up for you and post/send it to you. Screw censorship. 
 Some rebellious country in the middle east :) 
 Cool, if you need anything posted on here let me know, free the knowledge! 
 What does "rebellious" mean here, please?  
 Maybe replace "rebellious" with "refuses to bend over for the US". 
 Oh, yes. I understand. Thanks. 🫂 
 Yeah that is the case, but most of our problems are with our own government. (which was fixed by the us,uk,france and russia. I think y'all know where I'm talking about)
The government is officially and openly against the people. 
 I understand. Love and solidarity, my friend. Please keep up the light of hope. 
 Well, you are just watcing the begining of the end of freedom in the net. Have been some happy years but now thats changing. Every government will pursue the goal of controling the web as they control almost everything in real life. There is no other possible outcome 
 The system is really too big to buck. But it can be opted out of, and/or replaced if the vision is wonderful/big enough to fight for.
Everyone knows where they don't want to be, and few know where they want to be; and they are the ones that need to lead. Laziness? Fear? Maybe.
It will either be a "vote with the feet" now or a "hit and run" (revolution) later. 
 I personally feel that focusing on VR is more like we're handing the keys of the Kingdom to tyrants so that we can go play where our actions don't matter.

It also hands over incredible amounts of control to them because once they have then finished getting what they want... they can turn our toys off.

I know you've suffered incredible amounts because you tried to do the right thing - and I hold deep admiration for you because of that. If anything, the lesson that I learned from you is that the real world is worth fighting for. No, you won't get 'everyone' but if your message and work is true, it will resonate where it needs to.

Nice to see you on here and I hope that you're doing well! 
 Old news, for some. 
 I think focusing more on in real life experiences and not vr is the way to go

nothing should stop that and if it does that should be avoided or challenged 
 you should check ONOSENDAI project. https://m.primal.net/HKnM.mp4 
 If we're going to find value in VR, it needs to be on open source hardware. There are efforts, however that initial "if" is a big one.

Let those who are interested explore this path. 
 What X/Twitter has already become: 
Access denied if you have a dissenting opinion

 Sounds like an admission of defeat to me. Retreat to a virtual space because you can't liberate your physical one. Not me. I will fight. #forthekids VR spaces are even less free and even easier to control than real world spaces ones. Love you @Snowden but this misses the mark for me.

 Well, there's Somnium Space VR, but I've heard it's terrible 
 Although NeosVR is open source isn't it? I think that's a lot better 
 Interesting take. I don’t feel this at all. I mean, think of all the poor, homeless, crack heads that are allowed to exist among everyone else in the US major cities. Additionally, a little bit of segregation may be healthy (and when I say this, I don’t mean restrictive segregation by any means). People are meant to be different, and it’s natural to trust people who feel similar.

My interpretation is that “permissions” are needed more and more for online communities (how many followers, who follows you, do you have hot pics, are you non-disruptive in your interactions, etc.) and less and less irl. 

Money & sex rules in real life, for better or for worse. 

I’d also like to note that It’s completely open in online gaming. Some of my best digital interactions have come from cross-play. 
It’s a horrible world to think about. 
 It is not unthinkable.
Put a little of a WHO global passport and cross it with a CBDC and voilà. 
 It's called Identity Management, big business theese days, centralized or otherwise - it's bad. 
Let users manage their own nsecs I say.
