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 As a person living in a heavily sanctioned country, I really feel this.
Oh you want to use docker? Too bad you're from xyz. Oh you want to use gitlab? Too bad (foss my ass) .
You want to learn this skill or read this article? Sorry, information and knowledge isn't allowed for you people.
We live in 403 and 503 errors. 
 You're not missing anything.  Except an endless stream of gitlab spam emails.  FOSS & nostr ftw. 
 Where are you from? 
 Wouldn't like to say, but middle east. 
 Interesting. We have this in the states, but based off of what higher education institution you graduated from. 
 Have you tried Tor? It's supposed to fix this type of problems.
 It almost never works where I'm from. 
The country I'm from is literally the worst place for cyber activities. The current situation is very similiar to china, but way worse because at least in china they have high speed internet, in here, it usually doesn't get above 30-40 Mbps. 
 That's not bad at all; Plenty for streaming and other stuff. Of course it depends on what you want to do. 
 Sorry to hear that. Just a couple of points that may help:

First, the Tor access performance is not a linear function of your bandwidth, it's more of a "whichever is lowest" function between your bandwidth and that of the onion circuit that you're on at the time - which rotates regularly, and can also be changed manually. So, while you may notice slowness every now and then, it won't be consistently awfully worse than using the Internet bareback, and the benefits should outweigh the inconvenience.

And second, if there's a government firewall getting in the way, one of Tor's available pluggable transports ("bridges")  should take care of that for you.
 Out of interest is that why you don't have zaps setup?  
 Never heard of it. What is it? 
 If you set up lightning address on your profile then you can receive tips in bitcoin. On nostr referred to as zaps.  

 I've lived in heavily sanctioned countries and never faced an issue thanks to VPN's. They would go down; Ports may get blocked; Protocols banned... But with a little bit of patience, you were back online for another day, week or sometimes months at a time.

While others were screaming that Wikipedia wouldn't open and Instagram was too slow to use, I was streaming HD Netflix.

It usually seems to be a question of whether you have the knowledge / patience / ... to circumvent, so ultimately a question of whether the software GUI is intuitive / capable enough, to guide the novice user.

Unfortunately most of this software is developed and tested in countries, where none of these issues exists, so most engineers never face such difficulties and thus don't provide adequate solutions. 
 tied to zao you but it didn't let me 
 I often visit family in one m.e. country and would guess that's what it feels like to try to do open source dev there.  I am guessed by that the AI doomers, if they get their way, will reduce the U.S. and Europe to that same experience by establishing CompAuth. 
 I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to be restricted like that.  Hope we find a way to put an end to restrictions like that soon. 
 I really hope that too. 
 Correction:  we used to live there.  Network is operating as intended and has rerouted.

And there was much rejoicing :) 
 I bet you that a Nostr-based versioning system could work really well. It may not be exactly like git, but something similar could possibly work.

 It has to be atleast fully git compatible. (Like podman is to docker). Mastering git takes a lifetime, nobody wants to learn a whole new version management tool. 
 I don't pretend to know git, so I don't know how feasible it would be to replicate via Nostr 
 Dude, where do you live? If there are any specific articles or information you want, ask on here (Nostr), dm or tag me and I'd be happy to look stuff up for you and post/send it to you. Screw censorship. 
 Some rebellious country in the middle east :) 
 Cool, if you need anything posted on here let me know, free the knowledge! 
 What does "rebellious" mean here, please?  
 Maybe replace "rebellious" with "refuses to bend over for the US". 
 Oh, yes. I understand. Thanks. 🫂 
 Yeah that is the case, but most of our problems are with our own government. (which was fixed by the us,uk,france and russia. I think y'all know where I'm talking about)
The government is officially and openly against the people. 
 I understand. Love and solidarity, my friend. Please keep up the light of hope. 
 Well, you are just watcing the begining of the end of freedom in the net. Have been some happy years but now thats changing. Every government will pursue the goal of controling the web as they control almost everything in real life. There is no other possible outcome