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 That's the general consensus I'm seeing in the replies to this post, not that I'm dissapointed ofc, a gynocentric society to this degree was never going to result in realistic solutions to massive fertility problems. 
 I find it strange that you all immediately go for “we need to strip people of their rights” versus actually taking the time to instill a sense of responsibility and pride in people.

Of course, love and care cost, right? 
 Actually I take that back- I don’t find it strange. I find it unnervingly typical actually. 
 @owl. @☢️ :jhg_s: :jhg_n: :jhg_e: :jhg_e: :jhg_d: :de... @Rick is getting laid (off) 

Looks like it's working itself out. 

All the incels responding, along side the single cat lady's like pea in a pod, are removing their own genes from the pool. 
 I refuse to stoop to calling people ‘incels’ solely because they express invective that I don’t like; it only reduces their value to a binary mechanism of whether or not they’ve had sex (generally irresponsibly) and I hate that about as much as my value is expressed by them as whether or not I have children or “have eggs.” It’s banal immaturity and it’s just not good for establishing a middle ground where we can actually communicate.

Granted, people focusing on staying bitter will generally not make the improvements necessary to carry on their bloodlines. Dialogue simply can’t be had with a lot of people, but not most people. But for now an exchange of ideas can take place. 
 @owl. @☢️ :jhg_s: :jhg_n: :jhg_e: :jhg_e: :jhg_d: :de... @Rick is getting laid (off) 

And you, my friend, are allowed to piss in the wind.

If these guys ever got into a relationship, they would start to figure it out themselves. 

As is, not even the 35 year old fugly single ladies want them, as it should be, until they step up their game. 

And you, my friend, are allowed to piss in the wind.

It’s not pissing into the wind. Already I’ve begun to have a constructive dialogue with a reasonable individual who shares similar concerns to my own and understands the problems of the entire scope and doesn’t just try to put things off on one side or the other, acknowledging that there are faults to multiple sides.

Whatever solutions are proposed, however, may be a different story. But the key to reaching a middle ground and understanding is working together instead of playing red versus blue with sexes. 
 @owl. @☢️ :jhg_s: :jhg_n: :jhg_e: :jhg_e: :jhg_d: :de... @Rick is getting laid (off) 

I wish you the best of luck! We need more hope in this world. 

For me, when someone is so ready to impose their will on a others so quickly,, there is more wrong with them than a little bit of talking to can solve. 
 Fat boomers are a dime a dozen

Enjoy your remaining years of diabetes and arthritis 
 I'll be more worried if we don't manage to stop people from cutting their dicks off tbh 
 Okay, that also needs to stop. Some men seem to be doing that out of sheer desperation to want a girlfriend so badly that they figure they’ll just become the girl, and this is how you get twinkish looking dudes dancing in dimly lit rooms to creepy-ass music propositioning hypothetical people if they’d fuck them and how hard. 
 The only answers our society gives men is to either kill themselves or turn into a woman and later kill themselves; and it's not better for women either, we tell them a life of spinster consumerism is better than raising kids or we tell them they have to start becoming men to fit into some patriarchal society that doesn't exist anymore 
 @Rick is getting laid (off) @☢️ :jhg_s: :jhg_n: :jhg_e: :jhg_e: :jhg_d: :de... @owl. 

Trying to blame society for your own problems is exactly what 'they' are doing. 

Go out and get some wins bro. In real life. I believe in you all. 
 No I'm scared 
 @Rick is getting laid (off) @☢️ :jhg_s: :jhg_n: :jhg_e: :jhg_e: :jhg_d: :de... @owl. 

Me too, but society has been shitty for Millennia.

I'm not waiting around for that shit to solve itself. 
 You can't just stew in self-imposed misery forever, you have to take the reigns at some point, a lot of RW guys feel there's no point to it anymore though, that's how our enemies want us to think 
 @Rick is getting laid (off) @b7cf77c6 @☢️ :jhg_s: :jhg_n: :jhg_e: :jhg_e: :jhg_d: :de... @owl. We are part of a long and glorious lineage, and we are duty-bound to uphold it even in the face of the gates of hell. 
 @Rick is getting laid (off) @☢️ :jhg_s: :jhg_n: :jhg_e: :jhg_e: :jhg_d: :de... @owl. 

Confucius says, "fix your family before you can fix society." 
 The response from retards will be that "America Numba One" and "where you gonna go" while the Southern border is all open. 
 Do your best. But no one is coming to save you and your worst enemies will be "conservatives." 
 @Rick is getting laid (off) @b7cf77c6 @☢️ :jhg_s: :jhg_n: :jhg_e: :jhg_e: :jhg_d: :de... @owl. would you take a job at JP Morgan? Ourguys want to talk about solutions for society, not themselves, not understanding that there might not *be* a solution for society, but maybe they can save themselves. 
Get a job at a bank, make millions, get a cute girl with millions, raise 12 kids with the best you can provide. Innawoods guys will probably not get a gf, or it will be the best of the trailer park. Maybe the best group survival strategy is we look out for ourselves. 
 Well I live in a trailer park and I don't have kids so maybe I'm not the best guy to ask 
 @Rick is getting laid (off) @Spooky Griffith @☢️ :jhg_s: :jhg_n: :jhg_e: :jhg_e: :jhg_d: :de... @owl. 

Getting chicks is easy. If you aren't, start by looking in the mirror. 
 Mystery? Is that you? 
 getting chicks plural is easy
getting one who's worth it is difficult
certainly possible though brother 
 I don't believe in you. 

People that use incel as an insult need to seek Canadian MAiD at the earliest possible opportunity.

Please explore the ocean on an innertube 
 @Idea Enjoyer @☢️ :jhg_s: :jhg_n: :jhg_e: :jhg_e: :jhg_d: :de... @owl. @Rick is getting laid (off) 

Incel is a description of people who aren't attractive enough to get laid.

Don't dish, if you can't eat the shit off your own plate bro. 
 Get eaten by flesh eating bacteria 
 @Idea Enjoyer @b7cf77c6 @☢️ :jhg_s: :jhg_n: :jhg_e: :jhg_e: :jhg_d: :de... @owl. @Rick is getting laid (off) That's something an incel would say. 
 Amusing that I'm not an incel, but by all means troll away 
 Don't worry we're all incels doesn't matter how many kids we have lmao 
 Right. "Incel" is purely an insult 
 @Idea Enjoyer @Tyler @Nesano @☢️ :jhg_s: :jhg_n: :jhg_e: :jhg_e: :jhg_d: :de... @owl. @Rick is getting laid (off) 

Interesting it triggers you. It's a pretty uncreative term at this point to be sure. 
 You don't understand. It's not about being triggered.

What happens is that when someone uses incel as in insult, it actually reveals more about the person using the insult than anything else. 

In your case, it's clear that you think that sexual value is all that a man brings to the table, and if he doesn't automatically turn a woman on, he has no value. 

You are a mind melted republican typical of people raised in the throes of the feminist revolution that uncritically accepted what the media told them about women, never examining your priors 

Ironically, the only people of value who use "incel" as an insult are the pure trolls just trying to get a rise out of people. They have more value than you because they're just entertaining themselves.

Your values are more closely held than this, which is why your greatest value lies in fertilizing the earth. 
 @Idea Enjoyer @Tyler @Nesano @☢️ :jhg_s: :jhg_n: :jhg_e: :jhg_e: :jhg_d: :de... @owl. @Rick is getting laid (off) 

Spoken like a true incel. 
 Ngl I've let those kind of terms get under my skin before as well. Imo it's just a lazy insult people throw out as a reflex like "woke" or "nazi". If you've been posting as long as some of us have you just have to laugh at shit now, not write 40 paragraphs about how you're not upset actually 
 @Tyler @Nesano @Idea Enjoyer @☢️ :jhg_s: :jhg_n: :jhg_e: :jhg_e: :jhg_d: :de... @owl. @Rick is getting laid (off) 

That sounds like a man with true experience. 
 Fat and Republican is no way to go through life 
 I cringe when I hear the word incel the same way I crine when someone still brings up the term "SJW" 
 >taking the time to instill a sense of responsibility and pride in people.

We've been trying that for a century and it hasn't worked, people don't change unless they're forced to. Unless ofc we dismantle the current power structures which glamorize lack or responsibility and stigmatize haveing pride. 

people don’t change unless they’re forced to.

From how a lot of you speak, you would think men have no role in these problems as well. Let’s be real here. It’s just simply not realistic. 
 Men fell for the "zero responsibility" meme too, we were told that attachment was bad and just to have lots of guilt free sex in our 20s was the answer. And a lot of guys who did get involved in relationships with women valorized the pussy so much that all a girl had to do to control him was to withhold access to it. Men also bought into the memes that suggested they didn't have to improve themselves and didn't make the effort to become the kind of men women would be attracted to because complaining online was somehow more validating then getting an education and getting fit. So yeah, men are definitely not blameless in this. 
 Men have a role. We were to keep women from having "rights." We failed. 
 Women having rights was inevitable, if suffrage didn't happen in the 18th century it would've happened eventually 
 Women having rights is the end of civilization 
 No society could keep them in the kitchen forever, least of all our liberal American society 
 I'm sorry friend, this is the most doomer take I've heard for a while

"The destruction of civilization was inevitable"

 So many civilizations came and went before ours, did people really think we'd avoid the same fate? 
 Every person's death is inevitable from old age but we still look down on those who partake in vices that are known to bring death early 
 @Idea Enjoyer @☢️ :jhg_s: :jhg_n: :jhg_e: :jhg_e: :jhg_d: :de... @owl. @Rick is getting laid (off) 
America was handed the whole world on a silver platter at the beginning of the 90s but immediately pissed it away to settle oil scores for their favorite sand people. 
 In 1945 but yes 
 Looking at how the Talichads managed to resist for 2 decades by having their kids and grandkids continuing the fight.

While the Western Globohomo press keeps on harping about Sexist and Toxic Masculine goat fuckers doing what they do best, fucking up the Federal government's opium operations.

They never did touch the question of women supporting the Taliban. Because there were probably a lot more supporting their husbands and sons with fitting that suicide bomb belt than wanting to twerk.

Case in point is that managing to keep a cohesive group against a foreign horde does work. And the Taliban most likely didn't hesitate in removing foreign influences.

The feds probably see stable white American families as a bad thing unless they down with the ZOG like Californian coastal enclaves. And they don't hide their spite no more after throwing Tarrio in the pen for 2 decades, and he wasn't even at the rally in the lead up to the unsolicited Capitol tour. 
 They hate us worse than they hated the taliban 
 I wonder if all those flag waving dipshits back in the Bush era ever wondered.

Why didn't Bush use the death penalty on those detainees at Gitmo.

They still alive even now and Biden is going to cuck all of them by letting just coast off living there with no death penalty use. 
 Not people, just the women people 
 @owl. @☢️ :jhg_s: :jhg_n: :jhg_e: :jhg_e: :jhg_d: :de... @Rick is getting laid (off) responsibility and pride can be stripped away by a family court and a woman’s fickle personality. Not be insulting to the fairer sex, but asking why men don’t invest in women is like asking why semiconductor manufacturers don’t invest in Haiti.