Oddbean new post about | logout
 You don't understand. It's not about being triggered.

What happens is that when someone uses incel as in insult, it actually reveals more about the person using the insult than anything else. 

In your case, it's clear that you think that sexual value is all that a man brings to the table, and if he doesn't automatically turn a woman on, he has no value. 

You are a mind melted republican typical of people raised in the throes of the feminist revolution that uncritically accepted what the media told them about women, never examining your priors 

Ironically, the only people of value who use "incel" as an insult are the pure trolls just trying to get a rise out of people. They have more value than you because they're just entertaining themselves.

Your values are more closely held than this, which is why your greatest value lies in fertilizing the earth.