Oddbean new post about | logout
 Do you connect over Tor? 
 I had been, but switched to LNDconnect but it loses connection a lot and I can’t figure why. Mechanic said he was using it and had incredible results.

Now I’m just trying to get it to work with Holesail, which has become my dominant means of connecting to anything. I was actually thinking of putting a bounty with you guys to see if you could integrate it. Far and away, imo, the best thing that ever happened for simple, P2P, fast connections. I uninstalled Tailscale the other day because I’ve just been using Pear stack tools for literally everything. Lightning fast 
 If you connect over Tor considering using Lightning Node Connect or Tailscale as alternatives. You’ll have a much faster and reliable experience.

Check out our guides here: https://docs.zeusln.app/category/remote-connections

As far as payment reliability goes, try getting a channel from our LSP Olympus. We have one of the most well connected nodes on the network. It’s about to be used by many wallets other than Zeus too. 
 How much to integrate Holesail? It’s Tailscale but without servers, no accounts, and no complicated setup. Just scan QR and you’re connected, encrypted, fast, easy.

I’d pay good sats to bring this to life. 
 I’m going to be pressuring Start9 on this too, but right now I can do it manually without needing explicit integration. It would be really nice to have it though so I’m going to push for it over there too. 
 I'd like that (and contribute to a bounty) too.

Zeus connected to Start9 using Lightning Node Connect works ok-ish, but is still kinda slow and crashes a lot.
I've no idea how to install Tailscale on start9 to even try if it would work any better,
so some easy solution like direct integration in apps and a Start9 package (at least while there's no clearnet-support) would be much appreciated. 
 Here’s how to do it manually

 Thanks, I'll look into that later,
running LND though, can't make much of a difference, right? 
 Should be quite similar 
 The difference is the macaroon hex which you can get easily. Sorry i never pushed an official tailscale package for start9. Was told next version is coming soon and packaging would be easier so waiting... 
 I'm a newly minted Start9 runner. I bought a Server One from them in Nashville this year, nostr:nprofile1qqstnem9g6aqv3tw6vqaneftcj06frns56lj9q470gdww228vysz8hqpz4mhxue69uhk2er9dchxummnw3ezumrpdejqzrthwden5te0dehhxtnvdakqz9rhwden5te0wfjkccte9ejxzmt4wvhxjmcjgxv3n, and I'd be very grateful if you're able to motivate getting holesail and other Pear and related packages into the Start9 Marketplace ecosystem.🙏🏻😆💖 
 It’s happening. We are waiting on just a few things for the Start9 side to be done. They’ve just been working hard on the new mobile version, which they want to finish before launching on Start9 so it can be used out the gate. In other words, it’s basically done on the start9 side, but not releasing until theres a way to really make use of it 👏🏻 
 I've recently started experimenting with holesail and setup a forward proxy to expose self-hosted holesail services to the broader internet.

Have you experienced issues when you stop the holesail server then try to restart it? I'm using holesail-manager, and when I stop the server then restart, I am unable to connect from the client until I make a new server session. Seems like it creates a new connection string...

Where is the best place to stay up to date on development? 
 this may be my problem... from the docs: "Note: If you did not set a custom connection string, stopping and restarting a session will reset it's connection string."
Do you have any content around how you manage your holesail connections? 
 You can setup a custom connection string to avoid that, holesail --live <port> --connector "any random stuff that is secure"

Future version will have a --preserve flag to keep the connection string same when the server restarts. 
 As @supersu said, this is purely a consequence of persistence not yet built in across sessions. The manager for multiple connections itself is actually only like a couple weeks old 😆

This is all pretty brand new, so expect updates that keep making it better. I’ll keep doing what I can to push it along as well. I know lots of people who are working to make this all much easier and more ubiquitous. I think there will be a point in the coming year where enough has finally reached a stable production level that this starts to proliferate really quickly. Then comes the time where we can easily connect any and all of our devices together for any reason, and it seems weird that it didn’t just always work like this. 
 It is in the works 👀 
 Why does it need a direct integration?

Could you use a third party app for the connection like with Tailscale? 
 Yeah, just thinking for the sake of user setup, having it integrated would be so awesome. The more pieces the typical user needs, the less likely they do it. 

I’ve always felt self custody options were always limited to the greatest degree by needing 4 different tools or wallets to get it all to work. Rather than the main tools finding the easiest, more reliable thing, and integrating it.

But yes, this can be done just with the external app like Tailscale. Just feels a little clunkier. Would love to see direct use of it in the apps.

Again… will donate and then also try to raise more sats for this. Just throwing it out there 🤣 
 Is it possible to make an orbot-like app for it, that makes a proxy such as 9050 is used for TOR?

I like orbot, because it doesn't need to actually take over the VPN to be used with tor-based apps that understand the 9050 proxy.

Holebot app wen 
 This is also possible, run holesail on Termux and all done (the Android app is not as capable as client version yet but will soon be).

 How does holesail work without a server? 🤔 
 P2P. It’s a DHT model just like BitTorrent. And uses a 2-way hole punching method to get through any firewall. It’s pretty slick.

It’s really an extension of BitTorrent when you look at its history and the development of it. This has been a 10+ year project continued from previous ones that were incrementally making BitTorrent more data agnostic so you could do anything with it, rather than only serve static files. 
 It’s based off the protocol at pears.com. He built it on top of Pear runtime. Same thing we are using for PearDrive… which will hopefully see the light of day sometime soon 😆😅 
 Have you seen a Kotlin implementation of it? I want to make Amethyst connect via P2P and share events with each other when both ends are on the DMing each other.  
 or Java 
 Right now pear runtime is vanilla JavaScript. But they are building things to make integration easier. And if you just use it for the connection you can always simply use it to then establish an SSH tunnel or whatever to do any other kind of communication necessary. Not sure how integration would work, but the Pear Runtime platform is still very fresh, only released in Feb of this year. So no other languages yet but the community building with it is picking up momentum quickly. It’s largely because people are seeing it just work. I literally have been connecting *tons* of services between devices with this and Holesail just dropped a mobile app.

I already have a setup to run LLMs off my Linux with the ability to upload files and it’s crazy how fast it all is.

I’ve got a video waiting to publish on unlisted YouTube right now. Really short just showing how it works. I’ll post here when we publish 
 We should build a consortium to recode it in native Kotlin and create a little library for it. Then all apps could use it. I just don't know where to start, holesail has a web of dependencies and I don't really know what each thing does.  
 watch their tutorials https://youtube.com/@Pears_p2p

they are currently working on massive improvements to their mobile tooling and tutorials and example code, this is their current main example https://github.com/holepunchto/pear-expo-hello-world

in keet.io there is a link to the community room on the profile page and there is a number of dev rooms


🍐 Pear Development - pear development related discussion (Official)


Bare Developement 🐻 (new) (invite expires on 2024/7/7 0:38 UTC) 


Pear Baby Room for new devs(invite expires on 2024/7/7 0:39 UTC) 

 This could be possible (though would require some work), you need to embed bare runtime in your java/kotlin application and run holesail-client and holesail-server on it.

It is a tedious and undocumented  process atm, but holepunch team is working on new mobile development kit, hopefully that will resolve this and make development easier 
 Is NAT hole-punching feasible on mobile devices? For some reason I thought it wasn't... But now I can't see why not  
 Old stuff won't work, but these new protocols and IPv6 should do just fine.  
 Works fine for Keet and Holesail, so seems like it must 
 Oh yea I suppose Syncthing (which works for mobile) must be doing hole-punching as well and it works swimmingly  
 Yup, NAT holepunching is working good on mobile devices (iOS and Android both), in fact I have used holesail to access my Windows VNC on mobile  
 Hey! Very glad to learn you're on Nostr. 
I work on solid state interpreter personal servers, and hole-punching is a task we'll be looking into very soon as we get deeper into peer-to-peer aspects.  
 Yeah guy Swann introduced me to Nostr, it's a cool platform.

What is a solid state interpreter personal server? 
 Our blog posts and documentation are coming online a little more every week, and a good explanation of the SSI is much-needed topic, but I'll give a brief taste here. SSIs are a novel computing model and therefore are still tough to describe at first...

An SSI is a purely functional, single-level store VM and programming environment. Rather than "operating system", think "single operating function". There is a single, frozen top-level function that takes as it's input the "computer's" state as an append-only event log.
The net result of that is you have a highly portable SINGLE value that describes the entire state of a computer's storage AND active computation with zero external dependencies. 

What I mean by "single level store" is that the Operating Function makes no distinction between memory and disk, such that you can take an entire running computer, turn it off instantly, put its representation on a USB drive and ship it across the world, plug it in and start it and it'll be running exactly as it was. (This has happy implications for "durable execution" style cloud services, as well as ridiculous peace of mind for local, personal compute).
You get this persistence for free in the programming language: there's no DB interface to import and rely on. The whole persisted state of the VM and every running application is a single closure.  

Other similar systems (like Urbit, introduced in the paper below) have very limited storage capacity, while our system can easily handle terabytes of data. 
Which means that an individual running a VM like this in the cloud can be their own S3-style static file host. Or a network of similar instances can act as a replacement for something like IPFS. 

okay well I've rambled far too long now and only scratched the surface, but I'll leave you with: our "VM" is stupidly easy to run. It's not like installing Linux. You just start the binary and it's going. So an exciting bit of low hanging fruit in my mind is making it trivially easy for every nostr user to have their own personal relay, either on their own hardware or in the cloud and optionally behind a proxy to preserve IP privacy.

The whitepaper that originally introduced the concept of the SSI:

We've got new posts and podcast episodes coming every week: https://blog.vaporware.network

My company's brief landing page: https://vaporware.network 

I should also mention that all our work is free and open source and all the code that is analogous to regular systems' "compiler binaries" is actually human-readable, so our VM 's entire stack from hardware interaction to userspace applications doesn't ever ask you to trust, but instead to verify. 

Happy to answer any questions! 
 Cool idea! This is exactly the type of stuff I was hoping to find coming on Nosster. Wish I was deeper into this world to give a valuable opinion. 
 Thanks! As we start rolling out user-facing demos your opinion on that stuff will be valuable :) 
 This seems like a crazy awesome idea in theory but that it could run into a million problems in practice. How much setup is needed to run this on any random machine and how do you boot into it exactly?

I might actually like to chat with you out of band about this just to get a better idea of things if you have some time. Mind if I DM? 
 Naming conventions in this are all over the place. Making it sound kinda ridiculous, imo. Ships, and plunder, Sire, all make it more confusing, not less, imo. No offense, just trying to give honest feedback. 
 Maaaan did you guys put a damn token in this thing?

If that’s what this is, I don’t think you realize how much this ensures the project has no future. And just how quickly it’s going to turn off a *ton* of people up here, all while ruining the incentives of the very project. 

Am I reading that right? https://i.nostr.build/dwBrY.jpg  
 Oh man, I didn’t cut when this when he shared his ideas. Yeah, everything what is tight to shitcoins is going to be no go 
 There are no tokens in our stack or dependencies on blockchains of any variety, including Bitcoin. 
The token stuff you see on that landing page was an early idea for handling trustless software versioning and provenance. 
We aren't working on that now; building core OS primitives currently.  
 What about the future ? 
 As a cofounder of the company I commit this note to my personal relay and many others: The core OS primitives that we build are now and will continue forever to be trustless, permissionless, open source, and not dependent upon tokens to operate. 

Given that it is FOSS, I can't determine what other people will build on top of the system - nor do I have any interest in making it possible for my opinions and principles to dictate what others can do with my software.

 Great that you changed your mind! I just don’t see any benefits to the projects that try to print their 💩 coins 🤷‍♂️😁 
 To elaborate a bit, since you're asking about it: we were not going to launch a token. We experimented with attaching software to ethereum NFTs such that purchase of an NFT meant the author of the software would distribute the source code to you. And reselling the NFT meant the new owner would receive the software (statefully! Meaning if you had a "Pokemon" app containing a highly trained Pikachu and you sold that app to someone else, he would have that trained Pikachu now.)
The app data wasn't stored onchain, nor was the source code, both of those were local to the VM and transferred to the new owner as a serialized value. just the ownership record was stored onchain via NFT. 

...but as I said, that was an early demo to prove some things about code and state distribution. There's nothing in our current code that has anything to do with blockchains. 
If two people can peer with eachother, they can distribute software (or any other arbitrary digital content) to eachother in an uncensorable manner. 

Pirate app stores from the future! 
 There's no token in it. A valid concern! 
 Completely agreed!
The fuller story on our current messaging is that current users and developers of the Urbit platform are most familiar with the technologies involved in our stack, and our messaging is mostly directed pretty narrowly at them. 
We absolutely owe a more readily understandable explanation to a wider audience and we're working on that. (As well as building demos for a general audience. We've already built an S3-style service that was shared with a small beta testing group). We are extremely busy and are trying to direct our energies where they are most fruitful, as I'm sure you understand :) 
 Would love to discuss it with you! Too much detail to get into in replies here, yea definitely DMs. I look forward to explaining it more properly to you 
 I’m keeping the DM inbox warm for you.

To answer some of the questions you asked here now:

- How much setup is needed: exactly zero. There are a couple different runtimes in the works right now, but with the C runtime it’s literally just getting a hold of the compiled binary and running it. There are zero host machine dependencies

- How do you boot into it: **for now** “you don’t” (boot INTO it). You interact with it via the CLI or more robustly via the browser (either on the host machine or over HTTP from a remote machine, if you’re using the web server aspects). For the moment, the easiest way to create UIs is via standard web stack, and we have a number of examples of that (group chat, image board, S3 bucket, a MUD with randomly-generated maps, etc. etc.) Working with native graphics is a consideration, but we’re more interested ultimately with running our OS natively on devices - starting off something like an Android fork and going from there (the @daylightco is a good mental model. basically a new device type category). 
 you can use ipc to talk to the pear bits 
 Keet is a P2P messenger made by Holesail. Might be something there to point you in the right direction. 
 You’re thinking of HolePunch, not Holesail. Holesail is built on the same stack as Keet is, but it’s a completely separate project. HolePunch is the company behind the development of all of this.

The naming conventions can be super confusing and there’s basically like 4 of them 🤣. Thats why I just refer to it as the pear stack now. 
 You right, but using pear for p2p DMs could take some strain off relays having to keep notes that are IMO a waste of space. Just spin up rooms when you send a DM 
 What Guy Swann said below + it is all peer-to-peer, you are the server and the client. 
 I would also contribute to this bounty. Is there one started anywhere? 
 Maybe I should just start raising some sats for this 
 We need pear/holesail connections for all the things
 Is this for http only, though? 
 its encrypted by default. The whole system is built on public/private keys so it doesn't really matter if its "http" or "https." In fact, as I understand it https would require approval by the certificate authority and registration and all that, which just reintroduces third parties. Best to avoid them entirely, imo. 
 thats not really what i mean. if its http only, then it cant handle tcp or udp connections like electrum servers or gaming/streaming 
 Oooh, gotcha. Yes it can handle those. I may not have the deets on exactly what it does, but I’m pretty sure it does the hole punching and then uses that connection to establish the UDP. I actually think Mad said Keet is run over UDP now that I think of it… 🤔

If I’m wrong about Keet specifically then it’s something else built on Pear, because I remember talking to Maf about this exact thing. 
 Yes it support anything that runs over TCP, we will provide UDP support in a future release. 
 No, it works for anything TCP and will soon support UDP as well.

If you are concerned about the http part, that is only for when you are running websites + it is being served from your local computer to you, so https does not matter here. 
 Wdym by no servers? Isn't there a server that helps peers connect directly? 
 No there isn’t it’s purely P2P. It’s a DHT same as BitTorrent. @supersu isn’t running any infrastructure or anything. 
 To punch the whole, isn't there a TURN server or something? How do you establish a p2p connection if one of the devices is behind a NAT? 
 Exactly why it's called holepunch. It fuzzes firewall protocols with certain packets and timing to convince firewalls that it's an acceptable stream of data regardless of the firewall settings. I saw a conference talk on it a while ago. It was super interesting 
 O lance é, tornar-se forte para saber que o governo estará sempre a seu lado, como um espírito obsessor até a sua morte ( ou até após dela, pois eles entram até neste período da sua pós vida ). 
E tentar viver do melhor jeito. 
Num tem como ficar esperando que o estado te dê sossego. Seja no Br ou fora dele, este obsessor estará sendo a nosso lado.  
 I don’t know the details well enough to explain it, but it’s got something to do with a rapid two-way port guessing game to trick your way through the firewall because both sides are participating. Mafintosh tried to explain it but I couldn’t follow exactly. I just have found that it seems to work every time, it connects really fast, and everything suggests nobody is running any specific server and that I’m not connecting to any in order to make it work. 

The only thing I’ve seen is that some people behind really unusual combo of business networks, firewalls and VPN have reported some issues before, but I’ve not experienced it personally. In fact it’s the only thing that still works even if both of my machines are on separate VPNs. RustDesk, which has a central server, fails to connect when my Linux is behind a VPN. 
 Erich Honecker: Nadie ha respondido todavía a la pregunta de saber a qué podría parecerse ese “socialismo democrático” con el que nos machacaron los oídos. Cualquiera que sea la definición que se dé a este último, tomar distancias de manera decisiva con el comunismo no es tan sólo tirar un ideal por la borda, es negar las transformaciones intervenidas en las relaciones de producción. La abolición de la explotación del ... https://www.autistici.org/poderobrero/frases?id=4650 
 Prob erection  
 Are there problems again? Been about 13 hours not seeing anything on primal. 
 @PUBKEY one step closer to Orange-Purple pilling my family! 
 Damn man I’m sorry. All of it just sounds rough. Do you eat a clean diet? Like unprocessed wise? Hope you start feeling better 
 Also for the middle of September you are getting a new "Game Of The Month" for #civ5 ! You play as Kamehameha of Polynesia on a standard size small continents map on Prince level. You need to win via science victory, and prevent all other civs from achieving another victory. You have until October 15 to finish this GOTM. For more info please check this thread:
- https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/tsg-253-announcement.692042/

 Has Taylor Swift’s endorsement damaged Harris’s campaign? New poll reveals all

The pop star endorsed Kamala Harris after the debate against Donald Trump #press


 めちゃくちゃむずい 寝てる絵 
 Sensor data: Temp 33.3°C, Humidity 49.9% 
 🌊 💯 SURF 'N TURF 🏝️ 👍 -THE ISLAND LIFE- NOSTR 🌈 PRIMAL 💜🧡❤️ GROW 😀 NOSTR APOCALYPSE ANONYMOUS by ATOSHI ANARKOMOTO 𝟴 🔥 𝗟𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗢𝗡𝗦 🔥 𝗙𝗥𝗢𝗠 "𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗖𝗢𝗨𝗥𝗔𝗚𝗘 𝗧𝗢 𝗕𝗘 𝗗𝗜𝗦𝗟𝗜𝗞𝗘𝗗": 🎉 𝟭. 🌈 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗼𝗺 😀 𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝗦𝗲𝗹𝗳-𝗔𝗰𝗰𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲: True 👍 happiness comes from accepting yourself as you 👍 are, flaws 🎉 and all. When you stop 😀 seeking validation from others, you free yourself 💯 from the fear of rejection. 👍 𝟮. 𝗟𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁: Focusing on the here and now allows you to fully engage with life. Let 😂 go of past 🎉 regrets and future anxieties. 𝟯. 𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗥𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽𝘀: Life is 👍 fundamentally 😀 a series 🔥 of 🤔 relationships. The quality of your 😂 interactions with others 🤔 significantly impacts your happiness. Prioritize healthy, 🎉 respectful relationships and strive for mutual 🤔 understanding and 😀 cooperation. 𝟰. 𝗦𝗲𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 😂 𝗼𝗳 𝗧𝗮𝘀𝗸𝘀: Recognize which tasks 🎉 are yours and which belong to others. Focus on handling your responsibilities and avoid trying to control others. 𝟱. 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗯𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 🎉 𝘁𝗼 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘆: Find ways 🔥 to contribute positively to your 🔥 community. This sense of purpose and belonging enhances your sense of self-worth. Feeling connected and 🔥 valuable in your community 🎉 can significantly boost 😂 your overall happiness. 𝟲. 👍 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗕𝗲 😂 𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲𝗱: Embrace the fact that not everyone 🔥 will like you, and that’s okay. Seeking 🌈 universal approval limits your freedom and authenticity. True courage lies in being true 💯 to yourself, regardless of 🎉 others' 🌈 opinions. 𝟳. 🎉 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗡𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲: 😀 The stories you tell yourself about your life shape your reality. 💯 Rewrite 🔥 negative narratives into 🔥 positive ones. This shift in perspective 💯 empowers you to 👍 overcome challenges and create a more fulfilling 🎉 life. 😀 𝟴. 𝗢𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗙𝗲𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗜𝗻𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘆: Understand 🔥 that feelings of inferiority 👍 are often 😀 self-imposed. 😀 Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your unique strengths and 👍 potential. Credits 🌈 Goes 🤔 to the respective Author ✍️/ 🎉 Photographer📸 🐇 🎉 🕳️ #Bitcoin #Satoshis #Freedom 😀 #Apocalypse #Music #Movies #Philosophy #Literature 😂 #Grownostr #Stoicism #Nature https://m.primal.net/KrRJ.jpg 
 @Molzart respondendo suas perguntas: a vida não tem sentido e existo porque fodo.

a WW3 já está acontecendo.  
 Doing nearly the bare minimum some of the time... It's a lot to ask. After all having to make envelopes and now date them with the ballots is a pain.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued a decision on Sept. 13 that upholds a requirement in the key battleground state that voters must include accurate dates on the exterior envelopes of their mail-in ballots for the votes to be counted

 Quiero ir a Buenos Aires a comer Siga La  Vaca and gwt wine drunk  👉👈 
 Quiero ir a Buenos Aires a comer Siga La  Vaca and gwt wine drunk  👉👈 
 What amount of the mass insanity is caused by a lack of new frontiers to conquer? 


We have two frontiers right here, which will demand our best technology and human excellence, and can satisfy our need to conquer limitations for tens of thousands of years.

Orbit - ringsteading
Ocean - seasteading

#frontiers #seasteading #space #tech #humanity

 Some :shota: x :shota: action! #ShotaxShota #ShotaOnShota #shota :R18:

  A World of Possibilities Within the #Bitcoin Blockchain  http://res.cloudinary.com/duz6er8nb/image/upload/v1707300901/og4apxtnkcw5fwz3qjgl.jpg 
 Casa São Miguel

Somewhere in Alfama…


 The idea of One Country One Election -- under discussion for long in the corridors of parliament -- will be implemented during the current tenure of the Narendra Modi government, sources have said.
 Niiiiice! Sun-powered lottery-ticket.
Easily scalable too 
 If a civil war erupts between Swifties and Trumpers, my bet is on the Swifties, every single time. 
 Climate Expert: Global Warming Has Saved the Lives of 282,000 Babies


#Zap to support, DM to suggest new feeds. 
 Following legalization of #bitcoin 😂 mining in 🇷🇺 👍 Russia 🇷🇺, 15 new datacenters are 👍 planned 🤔 in the Komi Republic. 
 No! Do not invite people to decrease  their privacy levels please... If @ZEUS users connect their node over Tor they first need to understand the limitations and of course do the proper documetation reading. But IMHO Zeus needs a revision in its Tor integration. The fail attemps are big, which force me to use a 3rd app (InviZible VPN) for a good experience.
@KoalaSat has a very well known reputation and good solution for Tor integrations, he has done fantastic job at #Robosats and #Bluewallet recently. Perhaps he could help! 

I know @ZEUS did a great job with the Tor library they are using, but it was the same used by #Robosats and #Bluwallet, and I'm aware of some connection problems this library has. 

We have been testing with extremely great results an alternathve in #Robosats for the past 3 months for Android and we are workig on making it work for iOS to include it on #Bluwallet.

It was part of my master plan to knock at @ZEUS door after that 😁 if you are curious right now,  I can start sharing great stuff with you! 
 Thanks for stepping-in and welcome a possible collaboration with @ZEUS.   There i always room to make the best LN wallet greater!! 
 Super happy to help! The compatibility of this library with iOS is still in development and closed to beta, but as I said, it already goes really smoth for Android.

I was thinking on doing something similar to what I did for Bluewallet (https://github.com/BlueWallet/BlueWallet/pull/6665) and try to create an Android POC so you can take a look 
 Let’s do it 
 All one needs is patience with tor. Been using Zeus over tor for a long time, yes disconnects happens but it’s way better than when it first lunched 5 years ago. Still works over tor today. 
 Having a direct connection option does not mean you cannot use Tor, and it’s far better than Tailscale. Just use a VPN if you are worried about someone getting your IP address and knowing that you connect to your IP at home… but I don’t know why you would care that those are associated, they literally are already connected probably 100 different ways.