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 developers aren’t a threat to #Bitcoin. In fact, nobody is.

the only people that can change #Bitcoin are us, the collective free market that runs the software itself.

i ranted about how we should all support open source bitcoin development no matter who we are or what we believe in todays Mailbag Monday 

open source development is necessary for #Bitcoin to last for centuries to come as an open source project

New Mailbag Monday is out:

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UT2Uk-MctQI
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/money-matters-with-jack-mallers/id1695949365
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0dWOF1k9lAn4pFmTcuRD6c
Fountain: https://fountain.fm/episode/hIrXZ1BjndWzHfN4r4lq 
 Thanks for the insight about the blocksize wars and how the core devs weren't the ones that made the segwit2x update. The analogy of FOSS devs as artists was really helpful too. Loving the pod, keep it up Jack, Bill, and Dylan! 
 Thanks Jack, now bring Strike to Europe please 
 working on it. could be next week 
 I don’t see a vibrant free market for bitcoin software. There is one dominant version - Core - that everyone runs. It’s more of a monopoly than a free market. 

Please explain why you believe we have choice. 
 Go ahead change your version, but not on my node. I agree we need open source devs to maimtain the code but I don't anybody to f*ck with my money. #Bitcoin is not a collective nor a democracy, do some research, #Bitcoin is one node one vote, even if 99.9% of you were to decide to f*ck it with a bunch of crazy coders who think they are smart, I will not run it on my node.  
 fair enough. what are you going to do about the necessary update your node needs or else bitcoin breaks? assume you’ll update that one? 
 What type of updates are necessary? 
 If it is a fetal bug that need to be fix like the timestamp I think it need to be addressed and be fixed ASAP, people who agree with it will update, people who think that the update is not geuine shouldn't upgrade. You see the problem is when we keep upgrading it to break more things than doing if we did nothing, most of those unecessary upgrades of today will have more bugs that will need to be fixed by future generation of devs thus more need for sofisticated maitaners. You guys think we should keep upgrading but not all upgrade are good, in fact some upgrade of today will be a downgrade of tomorrow, the best action is to do the very least. Devs can go f*ck around on second layers we don't need all the fancy stuff on the L1. 
 Mas e se as grandes empresas comprarem tudo? 
 let's support our devs and open source for bitcoin  
 We should all do what we feel drawn to doing.

We shouldn't do things because we feel like we need to do them out of some sense of guilt, fear or obligation.

We should also be a little more careful about what gets our attention & focus. 
 Hope Michael Ver understands this. 
 Pride is the biggest threat to Bitcoin. 
 what we need is a development fund that invests to generate a revenue stream of capital, and then directs that revenue stream towards the developers who are building what we want.  that's a security, no matter how you slice it, but the invest and pay it forward business plan is the only one that would work on a Bitcoin foundation. 
 Why is continued development necessary? What kind of development, can you give an example? 
 Currently undiscovered exploits.  Anything that is not maintained will atrophy, and an exploit will eventually be discovered.  
 Voluntary donation is fine peer to peer. Guided/recommended donation is also fine(e.g.Open Sats). Multiple options will be more anti fragile. Bitcoin doesn’t care. 
 Hello @jackmallers, I purchased a Zambian SIM card and added money to my mobile account. However, when I open my Strike account and click on "Buy Bitcoin," it prompts me to add cash in order to buy Bitcoin, with no option to use mobile money. What should I do? 
 Shadow bankers are a threat to Bitcoin. Not technically, but financially. There is enough fiat floating around to buy up large swaths of Bitcoin Mcap, and it is being done right now. They have years of experience in taking over markets. Stay vigilant, and if I'm wrong, feel free to tell me how. 
 In theory that's true, but in practice unless core devs do something really outrageous most node operators will just upgrade to the latest version of bitcoin core. Hope I'm wrong. 
 Its already time to ditch core for Knots, pay attention 
 As soon as start9 officially supports it I will  
 Never heard of start9 before whats so cool about it? 
 completely agree.

closed door projects like RSK layer 2 are a genuine concern.

as one who can understand the backbone of a project, if not the tech, (I am sure I am not alone); it is becomming increasingly important to extend BTC education outside the tech forums.

expanding BTC developments, (functions, risks, merits, rewards) into laymans terms is becomming increasing necessary. i would also encourage education around how BTC's  course is being navigated, by who and how?

by doing so we invite and engage input from orange and purple pilled, skill sets, currently unable to contribute.  in turn reducing the chances of destroying the greatest gift of our time.

thanks for sharing. 
 The distributed network is still governed by a minority of devs.
I entertained this thought also:
 Decentralization is at risk with all the financial concentration of MCap. Or maybe… it was like this from the start 
 Decentralization is at risk with all the financial concentration of MCap. Or maybe… it was like this from the start