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 Go ahead change your version, but not on my node. I agree we need open source devs to maimtain the code but I don't anybody to f*ck with my money. #Bitcoin is not a collective nor a democracy, do some research, #Bitcoin is one node one vote, even if 99.9% of you were to decide to f*ck it with a bunch of crazy coders who think they are smart, I will not run it on my node.  
 fair enough. what are you going to do about the necessary update your node needs or else bitcoin breaks? assume you’ll update that one? 
 What type of updates are necessary? 
 If it is a fetal bug that need to be fix like the timestamp I think it need to be addressed and be fixed ASAP, people who agree with it will update, people who think that the update is not geuine shouldn't upgrade. You see the problem is when we keep upgrading it to break more things than doing if we did nothing, most of those unecessary upgrades of today will have more bugs that will need to be fixed by future generation of devs thus more need for sofisticated maitaners. You guys think we should keep upgrading but not all upgrade are good, in fact some upgrade of today will be a downgrade of tomorrow, the best action is to do the very least. Devs can go f*ck around on second layers we don't need all the fancy stuff on the L1. 
 #Bitcoin code must be backward compatible so I will never need to update my node. 
 this specific change will be a hard fork. you will have to update 
 Exactly, when that node breaks, he’ll be forced to update back to Core. Core has a monopoly which is why there is no free market choice in this ecosystem. 

Core devs are a single point of failure. If we’re honest with ourselves, they are a great blessing but also the greatest existential risk we have. 

It’s not a theoretical risk either. They messed up segwit by creating an incentive for non-financial data and now we have 4MB blocks with spam JPEGs. 

Lines of code == bugs. And even big free code (like segwit) can mess up the network dynamics. 

We need to respect the core protocol and be very very careful with changes. 
 That's exactlt the point I am trying to make, don't keep forking it or twick the parameters to faver a specific group, that's the fundamental flaw, and yes in that sens Core devs increased the block size 4X and opened the door for more JPEGs that are now filling for that space on a cheaper rate. Those are the problems with upgrades, the best we can do is the very least or nothing unless it's a fetal bug that undermind the longterm survivel of the network.
I get it Devs need money and to get that money they will look for more stuff to do but some of those stuff are destructive to the base layer, remimber Satoshi said "Once version 0.1 is released..." The base layer is just a ledger we don't need it to be fast nor private, second layers  are the place for thise to be built and othor inovatives stuff bur not the base layer.
The notion of having a bunch of junckies creating whatever they want on the base layer sounds like EtHerEuM to me