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 I like the philosophy of the female cycle a lot. It’s like the seasons. When a female is in her autumn and winter phases, it’s a time for letting go of things she has outgrown, calming down, and looking within, noticing what needs to change to build the environment she needs to thrive. When spring arrives, the wisdom she gained can be planted and formed, and in summer season, it will be implemented and become part of her life. The goal behind this is, on one hand, important for successful reproduction, and on the other hand, it’s the way a female intuitively follows her path to fulfillment. 🧚‍♀️ 
 Food for thoughts.. PV 🍀🤙 
 Being aware of this is so important especially in todays world… 🙏🏼 
Idk it feels like many don’t see the wonders behind that rythm… 
 Probably because many don't know at all about it in first place.. I admit it's the first time I hear about it in this words, Ns didn't thought it was this typical and seasoning and often. 💜🤙🍀 
 School just told us how to protect and how the organs look like. Gynecologist said here take the birth control pill… or something different. 
Nobody really teached us about the ovulation timeframe and how to manage the different amount of energy level every ~month 

Take some research if you’re interested it’s not much you need to know in the end. 
Still talking about the average. :) a healthy cycle is about one moon cycle long. 

Thank you so much for your interest!! 🙏🏼 
 Thank you for taking time to explain 🫂 
 Of course! 🫂 
 It also mimics the larger season over a lifespan of maiden, bride, mother, and grandmother. 
 Absolutely! This is a reminder that we’re part of Mother Nature. 💚 
 Absolutely...We must re-create a society where women have the support to live their cycle... When entering autumn and especially winter season we should be supported by the "system, employer, community..." so we women can allow ourselves to withdraw and go within. Other women or/and men take care in the meantime of nurturing, of the children and work during that time...And when entering spring and summer, women will have new energy to step out and thrive. My vision since ever!!! 🙏🏽🥹 
 This is why I struggle so much with things like full-time school or 9-5 jobs in factories, etc. I am highly productive, except when my fertility waxes and wanes (then my productivity is low), and I have to be lower-medium-productive straight through, to take part in normal routines.

I tend to fall back into homemaking and branch out from there, with part-time work, volunteering, or self-employment. Then I can produce in fits and starts, and nobody is bothered.

And this way, I managed to have children and actually spend time with them. 
 I do have to say that my past employers have always been eager to keep me and never complain because they are willing to tolerate my very-low-lows because of the very-high-highs, but I always feel guilty about it. Feels like I'm doing something wrong. 
 That's exactly it, even if we allow ourselves or are allowed to live our lows, or rather go with our natural hormonal flow, we still feel bad because we were raised to always achieve!! 
 Because you see everyone around you being a Good Little Worker Bee and you just want to go home and have some tea and a nap. 
 One of the most enlightening things about being a homemaker was meeting other homemakers and being completely astounded by how many of them are some of the most talented, intelligent, and industrious women I've ever met.

That's probably why homeschooling has taken off, in such a big way, anywhere it is allowed.
Can't work a normal day job? Teach a group of high schoolers all about Chaucer, various forms of map projection, and the Table of Elements, instead. 
 industrial, government schooling systems have flattened out the centre of the bell curve and diminished humans in a really bad way (not to mention all the rest of the corruptions) 
 make housemaking great again

seriously, i can cast back to my most recent experience of living around an old school housemaker, a 70 year old serbian woman who was the mother of my colleague back in parallelcoin days, she loved doing her thing and i loved appreciating her for doing her thing, we had strong sympatico me and her

once a woman gets into this groove she does not want to leave it, it's what she was born for

anything else is like saying bone cells want to take the damage from the environment

no, there's a reason why the most acute pain is signaled by the nerves that wrap around bones to detect breaks

they are the backbone of human society, what's not to be proud of there? 
 Society is a giant factory, now. 
 run by the most inhumane factory managers possible, who are fine with massive body counts to achieve their prescribed targets

sick, twisted, violent pieces of shit who are gonna get their asses canned very soon 
 I bet that more women than people know suffer from exactly what you are describing. I feel the same way. I have always worked part-time and was also self-employed so that I could at least manage my energy a little bit myself... Not everyone can do that. For one year I actually accepted a full-time job I was offered, which really drained me. When we women are in our moon, it is so counterproductive if we are not allowed/able to go within. Because that's where we have the chance to recharge our batteries. Not being able to live our cycle destroys our power. And I am sure that the world is so "broken" because it has become a very male-dominated world and we women cannot fully live out our magic. It is so important to go back to the roots and recognize who we really are 🙏🏽  
 I suspect a lot of women just turn their cycle "down" by taking hormones straight through or staying very overweight or underweight, to depress their fertility.

And many use pain medication, stimulants, or antidepressents, to stabilize themselves. 
 Germany has this, with Gleitzeit (you can spread your working hours over the course of the month), but some jobs really need a tight shift schedule, as otherwise the customers show up and lights are out.

I think the latter are simply not jobs appropriate for everyone. Not just fertile women. Also, family men or those caring for the disabled or elderly, or anyone with chronic illness, can't always just jump up and run out the door and stand at a machine for 8 hours straight . 
 Absolutely 🙏🏽 
Oh and another thing which I feel is so important to illuminate: Men also run through monthly hormonal cycles...and also have lows and highs...They have been taught that this is not the case...but it is! And also men may learn to listen again to their body and take their time when they feel a low...otherwise it can turn into illness, rage, depression.... 
 We're all industrially farmed animals, now, and some animals are more tamed than others. 
 We've actually been that for a long time now... 
 I'm not well suited to it, I'm sure plenty on here aren't. 
 That's why we're here, and not there. 
 I've got a feeling the whole "advanced" civilisation thing where most people are doing what most people don't need or seldom need is never stable or maintainable long term, the problem is the population has gone beyond the numbers that can be sustained otherwise...

Rome was rather a soft landing, I don't see how it can be for us. 
 And the more they knock out the energy sources from under us, & steal the productivity from everyone, the sooner that's going to be. 
 the entire ecosystem is affected by the changes of gravity and radiation caused by the presence of the moon in its orbit around us, from the tides to the blocking effect of the moon shielding us from solar radiation to the rise and fall of gravity due to the alignment/opposition/square relations of the moon relative to the sun

and it affects the magnetic fields as well, there is an entire complex of magnetic flux lines that are constantly changing due to the orbits of the planets and these have big effects on how much radiation hits us both from the sun, from the galaxy around us, and even from such things as jupiter and saturn 
 ancient jewish and chinese and other calendars also were devised to track these things... modern technology allows us to also further monitor the sunspots, plasma channels and explosions that blast plasma at us, and shower us with X-rays and other things, these all have massive influences, and the Hindus and their Yuga thing... yes, turns out that this is a cycle that is created by the rotation of the galactic disc and when it gets to the vertical points every ~12000 years it can cause such drastic effects as causing the entire earth to rotate to a new rotation axis, the 6000 and 12000 and 25000 year cycles the hindus talked about are real, and we are in the midst of a reversal now, and likely within 30 years there could be such a dramatic disaster that very few of us survive

according to fossil and genetic records, one of these transitions some 50,000 years ago almost wiped out humans altogether 
 in 30 years!  I'll stop saving for retirement then. 
 no, keep saving, but think about how to get into a place where you won't get washed away by the ocean flooding everything and the rain dumping petatons of water on you at the same time

also, pray that there is a Jesus and he's coming with his posse to collect the righteous 
 oh wait, so is 2nd coming something that also happens every 12,000 years? and they just take the lucky ones somewhere safe until it's all over and the cycle repeats? 
 The Hopi nation from the 4 corners region (Utah/Arizona, NM, Colorado) have the legend that they emerged from a cave in the ground and the god told them to spread out. 
 yes, "a god" in old myths is a keyword that usually refers to a human with advanced scientific knowledge and benevolent intentions, usually... some of them are not benevolent, thus shit like the human sacrifice of the aztecs and the more modern cult of kings 
 The dramatic disaster you describe seems terrifying. I’m still a believer of a positive change for humanity…. Even if this could be one… at least my descendants should live in paradise. 
The cosmic energies are so fascinating. 
 As far as I know, men have more likely a daily cycle of rising and falling testosterone. No doubt they cycle with the moon aswell… everyone does, differently, but men need to be always ready in that case, so they get some daily peaks. They should be able to live out their hormonal triggers, express feelings and movement, or as you say, they bottle their feelings up. 
 There's a reason they start having heart attacks in middle age. Worn out.

Trying to get Hubby to dial back the stress at work, some more. Money isn't everything. 
 bitcoin fixes this 
 Yeah, but he his idea of relaxing is volunteer working. 😂

He has me to teach him proper chilling. Extreme relaxing. 
 i say that such things are for example a session in a float tank, or a massage and acupuncture session, or a days long journey into the wilderness and camping and such

things that are mostly not doable in your own house, especially not if it is your workplace 
 Take care of your man 🫂 
 I try, but he's stubborn and doesn't like to be babied. 😂 
 he will absorb the wisdom, but it needs to spring from himself to motivate him... this is the nature of Man 
 we all listen, and we resist the person who told it, and then it absorbs, we dream, we ponder, and then springs inception, and it becomes ours, and we follow but we aren't really following the person, we are following the Wisdom 
 A genuine thought! 
 Only if you have a proper winter in your home. 
When the weather is fairly good all the year, or it is too hot in the summer, things are different i suspect  
 how do you know the beginnings of each phase? 
 Basal body temp 
 This, to know it exactly, especially ovulation!

If you take a closer look at this diagram, you can see menstruation (winter), rising estrogen (spring), rising FSH+LH/ovulation peak ~48h (summer, maybe fresh and early summer) rising Progesterone welcomes autumn season! https://image.nostr.build/87f9b67de8f32a58df1eba4da026d37353a437e2f0b0392c2167a6787adffb3f.png  
 Yeah, I started measuring with NFP, but now I can just tell by being more in-tune. It's a clearly repeating pattern. 
 pretty interesting info!! i’ve always heard of taking advantage of our cycle, but hadn’t come across on the how :) thank u <3 
 I think measuring the basal body temperature is a good way to understand your cycle better :) so glad I’ve got this information. I feel so much better since stop using the pill. 
 In the sense of understanding my moods! 
 Yeah, I switched from hormones and meds to measuring and adjusting my lifestyle, and there was this aha! moment.

I had to get off all the pills. Permanently damaged my health, trying to pretend to be a man. 
 part of the reason why idgaf about finding a woman these days is they are all on default prescriptions of hormone pills that make them into woman-men all out dominating and hunting and not caring about things that a woman is born to care about

it's sick, and i'm not gonna waste my time with this chemically induced psychosis tyvm 
 They don't know that it's having a negative effect on them. I was on BCP as a teenager and never stopped until shortly before I met my husband.
I have a cousin who is very "crunchy granola", who convinced me to stop with the chemicals, eat organic veggies, clean with vinegar, and wear wool. 
 bless that cousin! 
 What should go wrong preventing a womans body from ovulating every month with hormones…. Fuck this pill. I wasn’t myself during that time. 
 literally causes a form of psychosis, and i'm tired of pretending it isn't 
 Hmm, maybe.. it blocks her natural senses…. I’m tired too, observing that on most of my female friends….
But believe me, not every woman is interested in that. But there is so much education needed. We SIMPLY don’t know!!! Nobody telling us about it !! This is shocking. And since it’s the average, many women don’t care because it kinda works. 
Oh you have pain? Take the pill
Oh you have an unregular cycle? Take the pill
Oh you just don’t want to be pregnant? Take the pill before you find out that there are only about 5 days you actually can get pregnant in a cycle. 
Who needs awareness & holistic approaches. 
That topic hits different. 
 I know women who got on it with 15 to help with acne. 🥴 They're about to go through menopause and they're still on it.

My women's doctor keeps warning me that I'm being irresponsible, not being on hormonal birth control. Yo, I've been married for 2 decades and we have kids. I think he's not going to run away in  shock, if I get pregnant. 😂

The whole birth control discussion gets weirder and weirder, the older you are. 
 Deep and solid thoughts. 
Thanks for sharing your insights. 
 Thank you for reading. And welcome, hope you arrived well on nostr! Do you need any support? 
 I did and am still fascinated by nostr.