Oddbean new post about | logout
 Food for thoughts.. PV 🍀🤙 
 Being aware of this is so important especially in todays world… 🙏🏼 
Idk it feels like many don’t see the wonders behind that rythm… 
 Probably because many don't know at all about it in first place.. I admit it's the first time I hear about it in this words, Ns didn't thought it was this typical and seasoning and often. 💜🤙🍀 
 School just told us how to protect and how the organs look like. Gynecologist said here take the birth control pill… or something different. 
Nobody really teached us about the ovulation timeframe and how to manage the different amount of energy level every ~month 

Take some research if you’re interested it’s not much you need to know in the end. 
Still talking about the average. :) a healthy cycle is about one moon cycle long. 

Thank you so much for your interest!! 🙏🏼 
 Thank you for taking time to explain 🫂 
 Of course! 🫂 
 It also mimics the larger season over a lifespan of maiden, bride, mother, and grandmother. 
 Absolutely! This is a reminder that we’re part of Mother Nature. 💚