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 This is why I struggle so much with things like full-time school or 9-5 jobs in factories, etc. I am highly productive, except when my fertility waxes and wanes (then my productivity is low), and I have to be lower-medium-productive straight through, to take part in normal routines.

I tend to fall back into homemaking and branch out from there, with part-time work, volunteering, or self-employment. Then I can produce in fits and starts, and nobody is bothered.

And this way, I managed to have children and actually spend time with them. 
 I do have to say that my past employers have always been eager to keep me and never complain because they are willing to tolerate my very-low-lows because of the very-high-highs, but I always feel guilty about it. Feels like I'm doing something wrong. 
 That's exactly it, even if we allow ourselves or are allowed to live our lows, or rather go with our natural hormonal flow, we still feel bad because we were raised to always achieve!! 
 Because you see everyone around you being a Good Little Worker Bee and you just want to go home and have some tea and a nap. 
 One of the most enlightening things about being a homemaker was meeting other homemakers and being completely astounded by how many of them are some of the most talented, intelligent, and industrious women I've ever met.

That's probably why homeschooling has taken off, in such a big way, anywhere it is allowed.
Can't work a normal day job? Teach a group of high schoolers all about Chaucer, various forms of map projection, and the Table of Elements, instead. 
 industrial, government schooling systems have flattened out the centre of the bell curve and diminished humans in a really bad way (not to mention all the rest of the corruptions) 
 make housemaking great again

seriously, i can cast back to my most recent experience of living around an old school housemaker, a 70 year old serbian woman who was the mother of my colleague back in parallelcoin days, she loved doing her thing and i loved appreciating her for doing her thing, we had strong sympatico me and her

once a woman gets into this groove she does not want to leave it, it's what she was born for

anything else is like saying bone cells want to take the damage from the environment

no, there's a reason why the most acute pain is signaled by the nerves that wrap around bones to detect breaks

they are the backbone of human society, what's not to be proud of there? 
 Society is a giant factory, now. 
 run by the most inhumane factory managers possible, who are fine with massive body counts to achieve their prescribed targets

sick, twisted, violent pieces of shit who are gonna get their asses canned very soon 
 I bet that more women than people know suffer from exactly what you are describing. I feel the same way. I have always worked part-time and was also self-employed so that I could at least manage my energy a little bit myself... Not everyone can do that. For one year I actually accepted a full-time job I was offered, which really drained me. When we women are in our moon, it is so counterproductive if we are not allowed/able to go within. Because that's where we have the chance to recharge our batteries. Not being able to live our cycle destroys our power. And I am sure that the world is so "broken" because it has become a very male-dominated world and we women cannot fully live out our magic. It is so important to go back to the roots and recognize who we really are 🙏🏽  
 I suspect a lot of women just turn their cycle "down" by taking hormones straight through or staying very overweight or underweight, to depress their fertility.

And many use pain medication, stimulants, or antidepressents, to stabilize themselves.