Oddbean new post about | logout
 I don't think that's accurate. If you don't absorb sugar from your stomach during digestion, how is it absorbed?  
 I'm not sure what you're asking. You absorb all sugar that is ingested.  
 Yea, the whole point of the digestive process is to absorb fat, sugars, amino acids, etc from what you eat. Your body deploys insulin to regulate blood sugar that is absorbed in this process. Fiber provides protection in your stomach and intestine lining by moderating the absorption of glucose, preventing blood glucose spikes and regulating the deployment of insulin. Blood glucose spikes prevent your body from using fat for energy efficiently and synthesizing proteins. Saying that fiber is useless is a little disingenuous and innacurate since your body can't actually build muscle efficiently without it regulating how much insulin is deployed, no?

 Fiber does not "prevent glucose spikes". It MAY dampen the effect of certain spikes, but insulin will spike nonetheless. Exercise, including walking, can also dampen the insulin spike after a meal. Insulin responds to ALL nutrient intake as it is completely necessary, therefore, you NEED insulin for muscle building. How else do you expect the protein to get into your cells?

Insulin spikes may temporarily downregulate fat burning, but does not mean it stops forever.

Pathologic insulin resistance is when you need to worry. Avoiding highly processed foods, such as those with high fructose corn syrup and especially seed oils, are what will lead you to that issue. 
 You're not necessarily wrong about insulin responding to everything, but fiber definitely plays a pivotal role in regulating the deployment of insulin in response to how much sugar your digestive track actually absorbs because of how it physically coats the inside of your digestive track during the digestive process. If you don't eat something fibrous before the sugar on your plate, you risk oxidative stress, free radical production, neuropathy, vascular damage, and chronic inflammation of the body because of the insulin response to unmoderated glucose spikes.

Similar to how vegans unrealistically expect everyone to stick to a straight plant based diet and dismiss qualities of other foods, advising people that fiber is useless is not really setting them on a path to heath. It's about moderating your blood glucose spikes to maintain a cool balance in your body. 
 You are jumping to an awfully quick conclusion with just two cofactors involved and giving much too high of importance to fiber while equating it to preventing disease AND somewhat helping with you GI in some way. There are many pieces involved in this puzzle.

You might also want to take a look here with regard to fiber: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xqUO4P9ADI0 
 Lol you the one saying it's useless hermano I am just saying fiber is an important piece of the puzzle so don't count it out!

My ubooquity instance is acting weird right now but you should be able to download a copy of Glucose Revolution from this link where a French scientist publishes the results from an experiment with continuous blood glucose monitors and outlines how fiber moderates the intensity of spikes and insulin deployment and helps to cure diabetics. #bookpirate 

 Additionally, including saturated fat with a carbohydrate source causes physiologic insulin resistance (which you want), among other benefits. 

Fiber is useless.  
 And you are a vegan 😂 
 Vegans eat saturated fat and avoid fiber? 
 Vegans sling YouTube links around and are dismissive of diversity in human bodies + peer reviewed research. They also say things like "eating meat is useless" lol 

Lol dressing your carbs in fat is actually hack 10 ^ in Glucose Revolution! I restarted the process on my server so you should be able to read it now. 

 Lol "peer review". The circlejerk of scientists kissing each others asses to keep "science" within their own purview while continually confirming their biases to the masses and manipulating statistics to lie about their results.

Go back to Reddit where you came from. 
 Ok Dr. Vegan you got the last word!! Here I go back to Reddit :( https://i.nostr.build/PO4Pn.jpg