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"So a murder victim and his alleged killer were shown on the same level, in the same way, both of them party props."

It's not surprising that still haunts you. I'm sorry you had that experience even though it's illuminating for the rest of us. I wish I could say I was remotely surprised at how quickly and crassly the media moved on from the assassination. 
 "Never before has a mundane theory of urbanism been such a lightning rod for outrage. It’s like suggesting that public parks are part of a sinister plant-worshipping plot to demolish our homes and replace them with grass."


 @40cd5708 @c22052a6 
The political media in the US and the UK are so invested in politics as soap opera they have to actively disengage the links between cause and effect so the drama can be ramped up and consequences be damned. That's how on this side of the pond we have journalists who have stridently supported a bonfire of public services  suddenly asking in all seriousness why everything's so shit and getting cross about the ensuing mockery. 
 As #universities grapple with how do make policy on #artificialintelligence & assessment, its wel... 
The point that should be made early in life is if you cheat you'll never know if you were good enough in the first place. 
 The "COVID was over ages ago" fallacy popular with politicians and the media shows what a feckless apology for a chattering class we're lumbered with. Interestingly they're always the first to bang on about the Dunkirk Spirit and how "we" weren't bothered by the Blitz. Can you imagine them trolling up to Winston Churchill in 1941 and saying: "We're bored with World War Two, can't we pretend we've won it and go back to normal?"

Either version of the story shows Sunak's failure on the climate crisis: either he couldn't be arsed to go to the summit or he wouldn't be invited anyway. Yet another marker of the way the Tories have pissed away the UK's soft power over the past decade. 
One of the tragedies of the age is the international agreement between big media companies to use the innocuous sounding word "conservative" to describe the activities of viciously extreme misogynists and their fascist friends.

Given the report cites the argument about the NI Agreement as the cause of the delay and not also Sunak's spending the last year haggling about the price of membership it would seem he's caved on that. Any discount on member's would have been crowed from the rooftops. Instead UK science has had a year of lost opportunities just so Sunak could stroke his ego.