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Notes by TheWildHustle | export

 Morning Nostr, and Happy Friday.


 Listening to A Lodging of Wayfaring Men.......ordered the book after listening to the first chapter on fountain.  
 Let's get ecash to a better UX than tap to pay. 
 Double tap to stream multipath payments from your NIP 60 wallet.  
 A wallet for zapping
A wallet for receiving 
Autowithdraw to cold storage
And a sat stream visualizer

So autowithdraw my rewards and zaps to Sparrow and give me a breakdown of mining rewards gaming rewards gift card rewards stacker news rewards nostr zaps etc. 
 Imagine if nostr had a subscription NIP

Pay 10 bucks a month over nwc 
Select splits between relays, clients, donations, npubs, and zapvertising.

 Interactive badges would be a game changer.

Imagine a fountain badge that glows purple when you've streamed a certain amount of sats.

Freaks would stream sats for the "Nostritch Super Saiyan glow". 

 Here's for the proof of work.


 Went to town on that thing. 
 Ha, I would've quit the coffee, out of protest.

Bullish on doing things yourself though. 
 Anybody got a good book to read? I’m stuck right now! 
 Mandibles/Atlas Shrugged/The Gulag Archipelago  
 Great show, fountain is 🔥


 Trustroots is moving to nostr. This is big.

 Nostr rideshare and delivery 2025?

Drivers open a client and see a bunch of job requests on a map 
WOT/Shopstr/Btc Map support? Pay merchants through multi path payments from your nip 60 wallet? 
 Today, is a good day. 
 "They tried to make me go to rehab"
 Little bit of a learning curve could use some help here. 
Use primal on mobile
Don't worry about selecting relays 
Follow a bunch of freaks

Put your nsec in the alby extension and checkout nostrapps.com

Checkout fountain, Wavlake, zap.stream and stacker news 
 I’m excited for corporate shills to make their way to Nostr so I can talk epic amounts of shit ... 
 Mornin Nostr 
 I try to limit my post to Jesus and Bitcoin and recently Nostr. Because I have nothing better to ... 
 Good enough for me. 
 Cancelled my Apple Music for nostr:nprofile1qqs8wk0myn8v2m79w4g82n9g7mfvvqvrmgjn0j8nsyy0mu5rkg9qukqppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0z9hf3y

 If I know you but don't follow you yet, please leave a like. 
 Dropped one of those things, just in case. 
 Hi all, can anyone give me a reason to switch from Damus to Primal? What’s the difference? #int... 
 Primal on Desktop
Amethyst on mobile
Ox Chat on mobile

And Fountain, Wavlake, Zap.stream, etc. 
 New to #nostr. 
Post your best tips to navigate this space 🙏☺️

Is it possible to post art... 
 Probably shouldn't follow me my notes are low quality mostly crap I thought up randomly just post... 
 And that's why we follow 
 If the nostr critics on X actually used nostr enough to understand it, they would understand why ... 
 These are some of the nostr apps. https://nostrapps.com/ 
 I am new on Nostr. Lets see.. Any bitcoiners in here? 
 Getting zapped on fountain from the ghost of Charlie Munger, is hilarious.

 Grow Nostr, not your hair.
 Streaming e-cash is underrated.  
 The best books determine the distinction between who you were before you read them, and who you a... 
 Mandibles, Gulag Archipelago, Atlas Shrugged.

Back to back to back. 
 What are some tips you would give to a new Nostr user?

 Alby is lit
Primal is lit
Fountain is lit 
Amethyst is lit
Zap Stream is lit

And fasten your seatbelt, your here early.
 Who on here left the legacy socials already? 
 Five months before I started working for Gladstein at the HRF. 

It’s been a blessed journey. 
 And your still not bullish enough. 
 I can’t believe these morons are actually going to try to fight math and think they are going t... 
 They don't understand what they're fighting, and they don't know how to fight it. But by golly gee, they're going to fight. 
 Ozempic Ice Cream is Hilarious.
 Saw your note on amethyst, much appreciated. 
 It'll be crazy seeing the state come after nostr clients. We're still in the "they ignore you" phase of nostr, once people understand value proposition.....the world changes forever. 
 Name a better dynamic duo than nostr:npub1getal6ykt05fsz5nqu4uld09nfj3y3qxmv8crys4aeut53unfvlqr80... 
 Craig Wright and obvious lies. 
 Nostr with 10x more daily active users is crazy to think about. 

But we'll probably see a 1000x over the course of 20 years.

 I’m gonna marry my soulmate today 

 Proud of you, freak! 


