Oddbean new post about | logout
 Name a better dynamic duo than @Alby and @ZEUS 

I’ll wait 
 Ben Affleck & Matt Damon? 
 You’re talkin to a Boston guy, hell yeah!

 Nostr and Bitcoin 🏆 😁 
 That's exactly the problem. Too much concentration right now, too few real alternatives on the lightning wallet scene.  
 Craig Wright and obvious lies. 
 nostr:nprofile1qqsrat92w6pjd47uaq8kact6mgveh6l8av7p5c9nnv2wpfvthtrxleqpr3mhxue69uhkummnw3ez6vp39eukz6mfdphkumn99e3k7mgpr3mhxue69uhkummnw3ez6vpj9eukz6mfdphkumn99e3k7mgpremhxue69uhkummnw3ez6vpn9ejx7unpveskxar0wfujummjvu840r3k and nostr:nprofile1qqszf5mgc9qwuek4tfhq0t3j9qxny0nrxvthcetgfv0g9m27euqdx9cjq8ted 💥💥 