@edda8af1 nein, das noch nicht 🥺 das hoffe ich klappt diesen Monat auch noch. 🥺🥺🥺
Help nochmal Party machen. 😵
Ich kann so etwas doch gar nicht gut.
Du hast frei. Das ist doch bestimmt ganz gut, oder nicht?
Und ich denke auch gerade die ganze Zeit... ja irgendwie ist mir nicht so nach Feiertag, weil der Osten nun einfach ein AfDgebiet ist.
@edda8af1 Aber gab es in den letzten Jahren nicht eh sehr viel Kritik an der Verleihung der Preise, da eh überproportional, unverhältnismäßig oft weiße Männer gingen, gerade im Literatur? Ich meine irgendwas Mal an richtig guter Kritik gelesen zu haben wo ich dann dachte.... oje.
Nice, I did study integrated design and art the university of arts here in Bremen but I failed at the end because of health problems, but still love crafting, museums and also fashion.
Now I try to find and fight my life back into something more normal...
But I did local politics and this also very exiting.
I always need myself guided into not to do too crazy and stupid stuff.
Inventing a new you from time to time, why not. It's okay not te boring.
I more often have to problem that I need to talk myself into doing stuff with other people because I enjoy to to stuff by my own. Like reading books, knitting, painting, learning a new language and posting stuff online.
Well maybe it is not over yet? I don't know you guys but sometimes Love or a relationship doesn't start easy.
Well that's at least how love happend to me.
I was just following you because after try to learn finnish since I started study design I was now looking for people from norway here because I just found it's a lovely language too and much easier to understand compared to finnish.
@c721880c 😔
Damn. It sucks.
If I found guys where things kind of worked out... I wanted to start to have children and they don't at least not with me. So I don't really want to date guys who just want to fck with me even I really like to fck and so on...
@c721880c Well it sounds good what happend with that woman? Do you get bored? Or was is just it?
I prefer longterm relationships I don't like to change the person I am in love with that quickly.
@c721880c Are you partying and writing stuff online about it at the same time?
I am confused because if I do social stuff I do not write about it at the same time.
@c721880c I did go to politics to meet new people and learn finnish in a offline class, I also had a a nerd group of people who were into broadgames and stuff like this... I found a good friend on a online dating app but lost her because she decided to hang out online with right wing dudes...
Now I am kind of social isolated again...
Well I still do the politics stuff but it's more politics not just fun.
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