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 nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 nostr:npub1p9hxd3g330yqj24p... 
 @b02bc6c1 @096e66c5 some trees are mast type: they produce very heavily one year and less the next year(s) I think red oak, and swamp white oak (Quercus rubra and bicolor) are mast types. Others produce consistently year after year. Two consistent producers are willow oak and southern live oak. Consistent: one mature tree, at least one bucket+ of acorns. I have a willow oak thread pinned to the top of my profile. They need to be processed first but they are really good. 
 This is your seasonal reminder that all acorns are edible. Some need processing, others do not. 

In October, I will do a thread on Southern Live Oak, Quercus virginiana. These don’t need processing but do need to be steamed in their shells to remove the nut. Last year, house moths ate most of mine so they need to be well-sealed and frozen after shelling. 

#foraging #NativePlants #gardening #jardin #cooking #FoodPorn #trees #arbol  #acorns #plants @096e66c5 #FoodSecurity #Permaculture




 nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 nostr:npub189nhq0cw33243htm... 
 @383c57e5 @3967703f personally, I wouldn’t eat anything grown from a cemetery. I’m not superstitious but too uncomfortable with the thought of it. 
 nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 nostr:npub189nhq0cw33243htm... 
 @383c57e5 @3967703f are you referring to herbicides to keep grass grass? Ours does not and often can’t afford to have people mow the grass much less spray chemicals. And even if other cemeteries did, it wouldn’t matter bc people are just collecting seeds for planting. 

The native plants would be planted in specific places in the cemetery such as front office gardens, along borders/entrances, etc. Not where people mow or might spray chemicals. 
 That is a wonderful scheme nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 ... 
 @326ce0aa for this project, it’s best to be clear from the outset so people know that the native plantings are in specific areas and not over internments. (This is where the reflexive knee-jerk reaction is.) Trees can be planted where there needs to be shade but native flowers/vines/smaller shrubs would be along borders, entrances, office gardens. A lot of cemeteries have contained areas where native plants can be planted but they’re unique to each location. 
Can't recall the exact ones... 
 @0c59af14 thanks, the cemeteries here have issues even affording for people to mow the grass. We were thinking of planting only in certain areas (not over internments) like along fences/borders, entrances/exit garden plots, main office garden, and planting trees in places where there needs to be shade. 
Not sure where you're locat... 
 @0c59af14 could you let me know what those legal restrictions were? We’re in the US. 
Very unfortunate news.  

 @fc3605ed yes, I try to make native plant food look really snazzy so people would actually look at it and know that these plants are edible. Most people think redbuds (and others) are just for pretty. 
 How can we use this moment of stupid to our intellectual advantage? What can we create that we've... 
 @3967703f I’m trying to start a food security + rewilding program in my city. The project proposal is currently going through bureaucracy but they’ve been sending me very positive signals, they’ve just never done anything like this before and it might take a while to set up. If it does, I will post about it and other people can set up the same program in their cities. 

Cemeteries are always short of funding so this benefits everyone.

 nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 aww i'm sorry to hear that!... 
 @71799169 it was at least 20ft. It was really tall for a rosebud. 
 Update on rosebud tree after being felled by tropical storm Ophelia: The arborist says that the root ball is too far out and the taproot looks a bit torn. He also said that it is already near the end of its lifespan judging by its size. I checked online and apparently they only live 20-30 years. 

Really disappointing. I used the flowers for food. 

#trees #arbol #gardening #permaculture #cooking #GrowYourOwn #NativePlants #foraging




Since I wouldn't keep a ne... 
 @326ce0aa it seems that only in the last few years that most people are taking climate change seriously. I am just starting a food security program in my city that could be expanded everywhere if people ask for it. It’s currently going through a lot of bureaucracy but ppl are optimistic so maybe you can try where you are and adapt it to EU/DE needs/considerations. You can just copy/text and email or set an appt with city office. Cemeteries are always low in funding.

 Thanks, nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 that is very helpfu... 
 @326ce0aa maybe if you contact the German sellers, they might have leads on the other varieties? Are their apple/fruit growers forums/networks you can talk to? Really wouldn’t want you to get into trouble. 
 nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 pawpaws are good eats! 
 @e1c74812 yes! 😊 
 nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 What do the zones refer to?... 
 @fa6d0e00 climate zones refer to the coldest possible temperature in winter. Some plants cannot survive deep freezes. I checked and Boston is between 6b and 7a depending on where you are. 

The east coast of US has milder winters than further inland and the PNW, so growing in zone 7 in Washington state is not the same as growing in zone 7 in Washington DC. 
 FREE SEEDS for native edible plants; eastern North America, zones 9-6

I’m near my goal of sending tree seeds to at least 20 people this fall and I still have many seeds left. 

Besides the ones stated below, also added 
Celtis occidentalis 
Passiflora lutea 
Passiflora incarnata (limited and only to zone 7)

#gardening #rewilding #NativePlants #FoodSecurity #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateDiary #permaculture 

From: @adfbf87b
 nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 ah!! Now I am curios and I ... 
 @fc5a6d19 maitake mushrooms are really high in vitamin D and they are very savory. I brown them in a little oil prior to combing with other ingredients. It could make a really nice tarka. I also combine dried maitake powder with wheat flour for savory breads. 

Mushroom farming is becoming quite the thing in North America, so much that you can buy mushroom compost for use in gardens. Such dark fluffy soil! 
 Not the most productive Saturday for me...had a slight headache most of the day, as I tend to do ... 
 @afb108af  :blobcatheart: 
 It's too bad #acorns aren't more useful. Because I have a metric ton of acorns to deal with. #aut... 
 @2afdf712 @2afdf712 all acorns are edible but some need to be processed.


https://mastodon.world/@jblue/109881330914753124 this is my willow oak acorn thread that shows cold processing to remove tannins. Acorns taste better after cold processing rather than boiling. 
 @134318c2 hello, I was wondering if you might be willing to boost my food security+rewilding project? 

It is for eastern North America, zones 9-6. 


I’m near my goal of sending tree seeds to at least 20 people this fall. Besides the ones stated below, also added 
Celtis occidentalis 
Passiflora lutea 
Passiflora incarnata (limited and only to zone 7)

Thank you  :blobcatheart: 
 nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 I'd like the smaller plant ... 
 @d3884407 let me know which seeds you are interested in and your address by DM. I am also offering Passiflora lutea and that is smallish. 
 nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 really kind of you to offer... 
 @ec45f895 I’m going to keep boosting it until I get at least 20 people who will plant the tree seeds and I’m getting pretty close (15 so far). 
 nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 Not only is this photo extr... 
 @93b1041d I collect native plant seeds from local nature reserves and plant them in my yard to rewild it. The flower is one I’ve been propagating for a couple years. 
 Bombus impatiens on Impatiens capensis 

For reals. This was not staged. The bee landed on this flower of its own accord.

Common eastern bumblebee on jewelweed

#InsektenSamstag #insects #bees #abejorros #abeilles #gardening #jardin #insectos #plants #plantas #bloomscrolling #fleuristonfil #florespondence #NativePlants #rewilding @096e66c5 @0f07a352

 Passiflora lutea, yellow passionflower. 

Berries are edible but doesn’t taste very good. Like mildly sweet pen ink. A little gross. Starvation food, not very good. Flowers are edible.

Host species to many unique butterflies and bees. 

Anyone who is collecting seeds from me this fall, let me know if you want these included. Cold-stratify these in a pot outside or in a garage. 

#NativePlants #gardening #rewilding #foraging #ClimateChangeGardening #bloomscrolling #florespondence #fleuristonfil




 Quote for the 2nd car repair this week just came in and while it wasn't the fix that would have l... 
 @71799169  :blobcatheart: 
 If you've had storm surge &/or salt water flooding, care for your plants. After Sandy & 1up to 36... 
 @9a2a9a13 this is why all my most precious trees and shrubs are in pots so I can move away from wind and floods. I can always save seeds and replant from the parent tree so long as the fruiting tree lives. 
 I thought I was hung over, but it was actually a reaction to the rather large ice cream I ate las... 
 @3967703f all is not lost. Oatly does a good fudge browny oatmilk icecream. If you can find an ice-creamery that makes its own ice creams, there should be good sorbets. The best sorbet I ever had was a pear sorbet from a pro who had won a European prize for it. 
 @58606072 hi, since you mention this, would you be willing to boost my food security + rewilding project? 

It’s for eastern North America, zone 9-6. I am almost near my goal of sending fruit tree seeds to 20 people. 

 nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 Well done. I'd like to try ... 
 @ba28c49b this project aims for rewilding plants where they are native. Also, I don’t have a license to send seeds to the EU yet, maybe next spring. Pawpaws have been cultivated in Germany since the late 19th C so there a number of cultivars you can get grafted seedlings or seeds. Mine are wild plants. Cultivars are nearly seedless. You should be able to find a seedling tree for less than 15€ and lots of seeds for much less. Don’t buy a bareroot tree though. It won’t survive.❤️ 

Forwarding to a local farm... 
 @cccccf6a  :blobcatheart: 
 nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 Thanks, and you're welcome ... 
 @90438803  :blobcatheart: 

I'm sad 
 @e718e629  :blobcatheart: 
 What's your favorite thing to do with figs? Dehydrate them? Fresh with some ricotta? The early wa... 
 @afb108af I put fig crema on my salads everyday. This is a quick recipe for it: https://www.food.com/amp/recipe/balsamic-fig-vinegar-437586 
 Can arrive help me with #gardening ? I'm trying to root #rose clippings and #lilac clippings but ... 
 @849aaf43 I root out cuttings by trimming off most leaves and cutting the few that remain and sit it in an Indole-3 Butyric acid+water solution with some superthrive and leave it in for 15-30 minutes. Then I stick it in a closed pot with damp perlite (no pests/worms/flies/rot while  maintains even moisture). And then put it in a warm place. It will take 2-3 months to root out. For temperate species, you’re more likely to have success if you make the cutting in early spring.

 @fc5a6d19 awesome  :blobcatheart: is there much work being done with mushrooms farming for regenerative agriculture in India? 
I know the feeling, I have... 
 @f1c3815a perennials for the win  :blobcatheart: 
Ooh, what other species are... 
 @5f94e68c @71799169 Helianthus tuberosa, Prunus angustifolia, Desmodium canadense (leaves taste mild, faintly like baby peas), Mitchella repens, maybe some other stuff, need to see how well plants do next season. I’m trying to offer edible plants that you can’t normally find at a garden store that are also keystone species. I did a hackberry post yesterday. 
 nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 I was able to find a few mo... 
 @e32fffb5 awesome, could you let me know your address by DM. The persimmons from the tree I collect have fruits the size or a little larger than apricots but the fruit doesn’t fall until late October into November so I send them November. I know of a tree that is dropping fruit now but the fruit is the size of scuppernongs, very wee. 
 nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 nostr:npub1s0xjf9wkmc8cfcxs... 
 @42734347 @83cd2495  :blobcatheart: ❤️ 
 nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 i would gladly give hackber... 
 @f032d9de sure, let me know your address by DM and how many seeds. I read a scientific paper online that tested all the different strategies and the best germination came from dry cold-stratification with the fruit still on, as in store them in the fridge with no covering. Then in the spring plant them with the fruit still on bc the fruit fermentation helps with germination. Did you want any other seeds? 
 nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 nostr:npub1p9hxd3g330yqj24p... 
 @3c084642 @096e66c5 the grape leaves might be really good for wraps in the meantime. The wild muscadines we have here need to be steamed pretty well. 
 nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 Hi!  I would be delighted t... 
 @5ef6fde4 just let me know which seeds and how many. I recommend 5 pawpaws if you want at least two trees but you’ll probably end up with five. Diospyros has a very high germination rate but is usually dioecious so you should grow out all five. I bind mine together for trunk fusion. And send me your address by DM. 
 nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 i'm along the CT-RI border ... 
 @ed5703a4 let me know which seeds and how many and send me your postal address by DM. I recommend 5 pawpaws if you want at least two trees but you will probably get five pawpaws. The persimmons also have a very high germination rate but are often dioecious. 
 nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 I'm down!  At some point in... 
 @5ef6fde4 have you seen my other post? I have a bunch of stuff to share 


just let me know what seeds and how many and I will ship everything out first week of November 
 nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 I feel like a pollard hackb... 
 @67553171 funny you should mention hackberry orchard. I’m trying to find growers/takers for native fruit tree seeds and the district of cemeteries said they might accept them if I grow seedlings but they need to confirm with the official arborist. 
 nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 am i reading this right and... 
 @ed5703a4 yes, I’m mailing the seeds to eastern US where these plants are native. The boehmeria and physalis are in paper envelopes and the Diospyros and Asimina are in plastic bags with damp sphagnum that you can just stick in your fridge over winter. Boehmeria needs to be cold-stratification but not in a fridge in plastic or the seeds go bad. It’s better dusted over dirt in a protected pot outside or in a garage. Physalis doesn’t need cold-stratification. 
 nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0lwv3p2th0lk5jz9whseagcqkcjamvqqmlf4fsckpqf0 while the fruit over the se... 
 @67553171 yes! 😊❤️❤️❤️ 
 @83cd2495 dear god, would you be willing to boost my food security + rewilding project? 

It is for eastern North America, climate zones 9-6. 

 Book worms! Do you have a favorite fiction series you can recommend? Been really getting back int... 
 @afb108af I always look forward to new books by Richard Powers and Silvia Morena-Garcia. Power’s latest one, Bewilderment, will rip your heart out, I was sobbing at the end just to warn you. Morena-Garcia blends sci-fi/horror with Mexican history that makes real historical events seem present. 
 nostr:npub16wyygpcffqgp4gg7hf6tfj0fmerrnqmuxfc0dd0gcy7f3gqnna8sm86gsk nostr:npub14hals7mg55wgdj0l... 
 @03072dd9 @d3884407 hi, I am just shipping these seeds to eastern North America where they are native. 
 Climate change is an immediate threat to the majority of the world's population.

We need a local... 
 @90438803 thanks for posting this thread. I have bookmarked it. ❤️

I was wondering if you might be willing to boost my food security+rewilding project? I am close to my goal of sending tree seeds to at least 20 people (15 people already signed up for tree seeds). Thank you 

 @a461cadf wasn’t there an x-files episode in the first season a bit like this? Think they were green though.