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 I am running windows 10, today without warning microsoft decided to install something called copilot on my computer without my knowledge or permission. This is the last straw. Tomorrow I am going to go begin research on getting a new computer. I will be running some form of LINUX... Microsoft can go fuck themselves. 
 I hope the republican war on Taylor Swift goes exactly as expected. 
 @745ecb23 The poll numbers say whatever the CEO of the polling company wants them to say. You are old enough you should have known this. 
 I know there is a lot going on, but Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for far less than what Trump has done. 
 @0f342e77 This confirms that this evidence exists and I urge all prosecutors to hunt this down and include it in every trump trial. You are welcome. 
 The republicunts are now accusing Taylor Swift of being trans. While I admit that Ms. Swift is indeed beautiful enough to be trans I also admit that it is nobody's business but hers, and I don't fucking care. She is a top level business person and an amazing talent. Also shouldn't the republicunts be working on their own public image they look pretty bad. 
 I’m going to say it again: I like the Bluesky tech, but there’s just something wrong over the... 
 @40cd5708 It has a creepy nazi vibe. I thought it was created by jack dorsey. So the nazi vibe tracks. 
 Was the KathyGriffin that showed up on Mastodon last year an impersonator?  She sure seems pretty... 
 @40cd5708 If you are on a nazi social media site you are supporting nazis. 
 I did a quick calculation and I've spent close to 98,000 hours making video games. Making video g... 
 @de22920b At a rate of 10,000 hours to master something you must be amazing.... Which games? I may want to look at them. 
 My mother passed on in 2010. A few years prior she saw trump on the TV. She balled up her tiny fists and said, "ooh I hate that man". This is as close to swearing as I had ever heard from her. She also had the same reaction to stephen harper. She was clever enough to see them as a the same thing. People who put themselves above all else. My mother died one month shy of 90. Two weeks before she died she was driving her friends to church and shopping. I am glad she never knew of president trump. 
 There are a few people on the planet right now that would positively impact the entire planet by ceasing to exist. Nobody should have that much power and I hope they die sooner than later. Slow and horrible would be my preference, but at this point I would accept quick and painless just to be rid of them. 
 Periodic reminder that, especially when it comes to U.S. IP policy, "bipartisan" is not a synonym... 
 @e7f76f0d In the US bipartisan could mean tommy tuberville and joe manchin. Which is the equivalent of a pile of shit and another pile of shit. 
 CEOs making 300 times what their average hourly  employees make should be required by law to do a... 
 @2a70c54d CEO pay should be capped at 10 times the lowest paid employee in the organization. 
 Man this dumbfuck WISHES he were Don Quixote.

"Trump’s had a yearslong vendetta against wind t... 
 @46cd5609 Cats kill billions of birds wind turbines thousands. Yes they both kill birds. trump is a self serving asshole. 
 @728613c4 Cool, but I am too old to run so what I did is put up the following sign:
"If you have entered this property with an intent to talk about god, you have relinquished all rights to your immortal soul to satan please knock or ring bell to confirm". 
 @a1aa26bb If the worst people on the planet are vouching for you... Personally I would try and keep that secret... 
 If voting did not matter there would not be voter suppression laws or gerrymandering or anti voting propaganda. The fact that we have all three of these things makes it quite clear that voting matters. VOTE LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!!! 
 There is only one true side in honest journalism. 
 Jann's racist and sexist words make Rolling Stone a much less attractive publication for me. 
 @3967703f I have never bought one but I have thumbed through a few that were laying around the lunchroom back when I used to work. I will never pick up another one. 
 Today I learned there is a guy named jann wenner and he is a fucking racist piece of shit. 
 If a nazi owns a social media site it is a nazi social media site. If a social media site allows nazis it is a nazi social media site. 
 Me: That sound great what's in it?
Server: What is in what?
Me: The super salad, what is in it?
Server: I said, soup or salad....
Me: Oh well just give me a burger with a side of disappointment then. 
 If the cop is bad so is the organization that hired them. Time to start over from the ground up. Replace all cops with people who are not nazis. 
 @8084e121 My prediction of yesterday was that Texas would start mandatory pregnancy tests for women leaving Texas. GO CONFIRM YOU ARE REGISTERED TO VOTE AND VOTE DEMOCRAT LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!!!!! 
 I predict the fat orange fuck will get more idiots killed. 
 If you are still engaging with facebook or twitter you are actively making things worse. YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!!! 
 I have to go to a hospital every so often for tests due to a condition that I have. For the last year I am often the only person that I am aware of who is masked. Two days ago I was at the hospital and all the health care workers I encountered were masked. So yeah things are happening. 
 @e2aff28e musk may not be the entire problem but he is as much of the problem as he can afford. 
 @3967703f He should personally remove them himself. Yes I know he is in a wheelchair. No I do not care that this will most likely kill him. Are we clear yet? 
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 @c8565328 Unless he is murdered in prison I do not need to hear his name again thanks. 
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 @58587491 When you consider that NFT stands for No Fucking Thing it is very esay.