Found my new thing
@728613c4 My mom would use the totally opposite tactic: she’d out-bible them so badly that they’d pass the word around and we wouldn’t see them for years, until some poor clueless soul stumbled by randomly and suffered the same fate. Again.
@728613c4 um which part...?
@728613c4 Cool, but I am too old to run so what I did is put up the following sign: "If you have entered this property with an intent to talk about god, you have relinquished all rights to your immortal soul to satan please knock or ring bell to confirm".
@728613c4 that sounds even more fun than the time I got a mother/daughter pair talking about Eve and the serpent. I started explaining about Astarte, Lilith and snake goddesses. Then I went to the bookcase for Robert Graves's mythology books and they made their excuses and left.
@728613c4 Unfortunately, this never works for men.
My kind of girl!