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 Italian Kindergarten Offers Unlimited Gluesticks 
 The Annie Altman stuff is being heavily suppressed across every social media platform I can find (shadowbanned from twitter, thread deleted from HN, removed from reddit) so that's corporate social media for you. Tech corps coming together to protect their own. #samaltman 
 nostr:npub13w6fhssk27ffmh00g8lfr9p8adxcrvtf8lgu6z2j6je7ugmtqpws4l479m okay, so you end up with de... 
 @5d859d2e yeah the tests are written by the developers, usually near the end or at least after the midpoint of the project. A number of them are regression tests of a sort, if particularly tricky bugs were encountered during development. 
 Wow. Doubt all those people I convinced to sign would have done that (nor would I have felt good about asking them to) if they'd known their full names, addresses, and (sometimes) phone numbers would be posted online for everybody to see. Naked intimidation tactic. https://tech.lgbt/@Caution/111161760310311944 
 It's interesting and surprising to me that it's difficult to show TDD actually has a positive eff... 
 @5d859d2e testing it by running it and clicking around or whatever, then eventually encoding those behaviors as tests once they stabilize 
 coming to realise that laziness is not really a thing. it's just that capitalism makes us believe... 
 @d1641565 I go back and forth on this. I do think wanting to do work that your peers or community finds useful is a base human need, and this idea is the motor powering most hypothetical utopian non-capitalist human societies. And it is sometimes possible to carve out a space where it's possible to do this type of work within our current society. So if one has all the tools, abilities, and space for this type of work but never gets around to doing it, this might constitute laziness. 
 Currently scoping out switching to a BJJ gym to which I can #bike instead of drive. Did the math and over the course of the year, compared to driving to my current gym round trip (17.9 miles) 3x/week, this would save nearly one ton of #CO2. Enough for two round trips between Atlanta and Seattle via airplane. More than I expected! Don't like the culture at the new gym as much as my current one but heavily considering it. 
 Another way to conceptualize this is that 1 ton of CO2 is also around the amount saved by me following a #vegetarian or #vegan diet for an entire year, compared to a meat-heavy diet. So cutting out three driving trips a week is basically the same as a fairly high-impact life change. Wild! Plus obviously driving sucks, especially in #Atlanta 
 Opinion born from Canada where there is actually a viable left-wing third party option (for all its faults): lesser-evil voting is bullshit, strategic voting is bullshit. Both are totally myopic, which is why they're always paired with the "most important election of our lifetimes" framing. Never look ahead at where this is going. Funnel people into the party of managed neoliberal decline, then wail when they lose the next one because they offer nothing! 
 pleasant afternoon doing some exercises in #lean4 proving tail-recursive forms of functions are equivalent to their non-tail-recursive counterparts 
 Not sure how widely-known this is, but a lot of US tech job postings are straight up fake. US immigration law requires employers to conduct a "labor market test" when helping a foreign worker (H-1B or otherwise) start to apply for a green card (PERM process). I immigrated from Canada so this was done for me too. A real-looking job posting has to be circulated but it's really a scheme concocted by lawyers to be able to say the immigrant is the only qualified candidate. #hiring #tech 
 tofu is unironically humanity's greatest culinary achievement of all time, and no meat alternative will ever come within a lightyear of touching it 
 @be08e2df after looking into it I found out I was actually eating weetabix growing up, which is a british knockoff of the australian weet-bix. you're right that shredded wheat is similar to them both, though! haven't eaten either in over a decade but people are real particular over their morning routines I guess. 
 Can someone from AUS explain to me what's special about Weet-Bix and what's the current supply ch... 
 @be08e2df (grew up in Canada, guess this is a commonwealth thing?) it is a GOATed breakfast cereal, delicious with some brown sugar on top as it slowly disintegrates into milk 
 celebrating the memory of my loved one with a commemorative anti-homeless bench 
 Still trying to sort out my thoughts on generative AI. At a certain point it becomes a question of whether I want to keep participating in the tech industry or not. Maybe the internet itself hit the same to 30something professionals living through the dotcom era, and that never felt weird to young me; only now I'm facing what they faced. On the other hand we all endured the web3 hype cycle which went nowhere. But the new generative AI is actually useful sometimes, even if it's mass plagiarism. 
 once again I am taught the lesson that applying to job postings is a waste of time. if you aren't getting a referral or talking to a recruiter you're probably just helping to run someone's H-1B market test. 
 I really do think banning NSFW content is the best things online spaces can do for their vibe. #reddit is so insufferable because everyone there is posting with one hand on their dick. The base commenter's audience is assumed to be happy to sexualize absolutely everything, and not wanting this is weird. This is obviously unpleasant in the real world, like would you want to hang out in a cafe where some dudes are wanking in the corner? 
 ngl, encouraging users to ask questions via emailing list is.....1) not very user friendly and 2)... 
 @180e2ef7 as long as the archive is browsable phpBB-forum-style I kinda like it 
 One of the best #UFC fights in recent memory got posted for free on youtube, where the #1 fighter in one weightclass went up to challenge the #1 fighter in the next weightclass (both also notably good champions) - so much incredible technique on display here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQef0jJ_k9U 
 My unsolicited advice to software engineers is to make your headphone music half as loud and your screen fonts twice as large. You might be doing this all day every day for decades, so be nice to your irreplaceable senses. 
 I like the physical book format but most of the long-form history #books I enjoy have incredibly tiny text, probably 1/2 as large as the font I set on my e-reader. How do people deal with this? Read with a giant magnifying glass suspended in front of your face or what? 
 @cb3fd821 "One way of getting into postwar Canada "was by showing the SS tattoo," Canadian historian Irving Abella told "60 Minutes" interviewer Mike Wallace. "This proved that you were an anti-Communist."" https://jweekly.com/1997/02/07/canada-admits-letting-in-2-000-ukrainian-ss-troopers/ 
 Aww. This is the kind of “grass touching” I need. I bet it feels good to see and be a part of. 
 @nobody it's fun when you start to recognize individual birds! I have names for most of the cardinals around here, mourning doves are a bit more difficult to tell apart though. 
 A mockingbird has started frequenting the birdbath! Sometimes I can even hear it singing on our street. #birds

 Still chuckle sometimes thinking about when I was playing hockey as a teenager, and we were doing horribly against some of the big city teams. After one of our practices the captain & assistant-captains gathered everyone in one room, with an air of total seriousness. Trying to set up an intervention type vibe. The captain stands up and says "All right guys. Something needs to change. No more losing." and that was the end of his thesis. 
 Man, I'm not looking forward to 2024. I'm dreading this election year. 
 @1dc6f255 how could you possibly be dreading "the most important election of our lifetimes" yet again 
 Does anyone here use #sourcehut and pay a yearly fee ? I've recently migrated everything over and... 
 @dab41b40 I use it and pay. to the rest of your questions I haven't liked audited the company or anything but I assume it does? 
 Finally finished the main story of #RDR2. Overall very good but long enough to feel more like a curse than a game (there's also an epilogue I haven't played yet). Controls bad. Better-realized characters than any other game I've played. Beautiful tragic story of redemption somewhat undercut by you shooting 150 people in the head every other mission. 
 @095e5c5b one time while collecting signatures for Stop Cop City I thought I would hang out in the local Whole Foods parking lot to get all those supposed crunchy liberals frequenting the place. Was cured of that notion pretty quick. Endless parade of angry over-scrubbed steamed hams. 
 Interesting sleight of hand being pulled by the oil companies here, where the focus is on minimizing #emissions for the actual act of extracting oil. The oil you're extracting *is* the emissions!!!! #climatechange https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/bakx-sask-alta-ghg-emissions-intensity-oilpatch-1.6965944 
 As I age the weeks blur together. I impishly bend this phenomenon to my own ends by working on my project a small amount each day. I blink, an alarming amount of time has passed, the grains of sand make a pile, and it is done. 
 Chinese tongue twister I came up with from my anki deck (also a decent showbiz name?): mr. imaginary phenomenon (xiānshēng xiǎngxiàng de xiànxiàng) 
 I’m here to learn but come from a different tradition. Why is giving money considered #MutualAi... 
 @ffce1ad2 it's just a branding exercise leftist groups here do to avoid calling it a charity drive. I agree reciprocity (or expectation of such in the future) is a core component of mutual aid. Me sending money to people is not that. 
 does pirates of the caribbean count as "capeshit" 
 moderate rebels 
 I'm about to go see Oppenheimer. My pre-movie expectation:
The Interstellar of the Manhattan Project 
 @de59566c bunch of cringe about how you don't need to be some nerd who does MATH to do physics 
 white boy in the cafe car of this amtrak train with the giant laptop sticker "I ❤️ East Asia" 
 'never say never'
you can never escape an event horizon 
 @smitten I would simply Hawking radiation my way out then spontaneously reconstitute myself 
 The plan: we find out which bizfluencer wrote the book that has companies spamming you with surveys after every transaction & interaction - I assume it's called something like "The Magic Moment: How Elevating KPIs Outwits the Competition and Delights Your Customers" - then fire them out of a giant circus cannon into the middle of a partially-frozen lake 
 Amtrak really served me a breakfast with 80 grams of sugar (even before the suggested & declined orange juice). Blueberry muffin alone had 33 grams of sugar and was the sweetest piece of crap I've ever tasted. Interesting business model to try and kill your customers I guess? 
 Whelp just figured out we have bedbugs a day before going to stay at in-laws' house for a week. Glad we caught it but sad those plans are scrubbed now. Now following the recs in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JAOTJxYqh8 
 So some Canadian navy ships sail 12,000 miles to a place called the "East China Sea". And they... see some ships from China there. And the most objective way to report this finding is in a tone of breathless condemnation I guess. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/hmcs-ottawa-east-china-sea-1.6959012 
Event not found
 @9de4ca08 You are correct!