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 nostr, what book are you currently reading? 
 A book about stoicism 🙏🏽 
 #Fructose is addictive.
73% of supermarket items in the USA have added fructose. 
Not to your benefit. 
 Bin noch dabei 😁
Aber die ist super bisher. Hatte ne Weile nicht mehr reingehört, aber die Folge holt mich wieder ab 👍🏽 
 Anyone knows the state of floods in Hamburg? Should I pack a boat?  
 Seen some pics from some areas, where it looked quite bad.
Probably an isolated issue though. It is not on mainstream media page 1, hence you should be fine I guess 😁🥸 
 „Dem Zufall unterworfen zu sein beginnt, wer einen Teil seiner selbst außerhalb sucht.“

„Celui qui cherche une partie de lui-même à l'extérieur commence à être soumis au hasard.“

- Seneca 
 Unsere hedonistische Gesellschaft fördert Weicheier und leichte Wege. 
 ok krass 😳 
 Solange wir unser #Glück an andere Menschen oder Dinge knüpfen, können wir niemals das Glück finden. 
 What is the best #christmas movie? 
 Lass es dir gut gehen.
Schönen 2.Advent 
 Danke für den Hinweis.
Das scheinen sie irgendwie zu restricten…
In folgendem Artikel das zweite Kurzvideo mit ihm 👍🏽

 I am always amazed about this as well 😁 It’s annoying, that the local shitcoin can’t be used.
Should make people think, but don’t think people take note…. 
 …not even starting to ask questions on the Ben Gurion Canal or the fact, that neither Mossad nor Shin Beth could avoid the intrusion of Hamas for several ours… 🙄 https://image.nostr.build/98815a0cfc02f1932e71815ab1a631d7dff596ddb7f7401cb1557817638cd295.jpg  
 are we sure? I see too many intact structure in the front… 😖😢 
 ok I see. That explains better 😖 
die Selbsterhebung des Geistes. 

Menschen die in systematisch organisierten Einrichtungen institutionalisiert betreut werden!
 „Das aktuelle Geschehen hat den geringsten geistigen Nährwert, denn es ist in der Regel noch völlig unverstanden, fehlgedeutet oder falsch gewichtet.“ 
 „#Medien sind das Fast Food der Information und führen zu schweren geistigen Vorerkrankungen: eine Überfettung dee Geistes mit ständigem Alarmzustand, mit Tratsch über Menschen, zu denen wir überhaupt keine Beziehung haben, und über Freund-Feind-Denken.“ 
 GM #Nostr

Who again wanted to see more natural pictures on here? 🌴 https://image.nostr.build/86b819b65a7cbd5d0a04699733daa4a93046c396bfc36c51ef6916a6e7adf171.jpg  
 Nice ☺️
I was seeing this beautiful sky during my morning walk.
Have a great day ☀️ 
 by the way @Disturbia 
I am impressed by the stance of #Malaysia on the Palestine 🇵🇸 topic ❤️ 
 I haven’t dealt enough with the SouthEastAsia region I have to admit. Only Malaysia standing out in my perception 🙏🏽

Do you mean that also Indonesia is taking a similar stance?
While the arab world is more
concerned about „their relations“ with the US, Europe, etc.?! 
 #painfree after 8 months!!!

Such a great feeling to have overcome a partial rupture of a tendon within my shoulder as well as a developing sciatica.
The latter one, I am now quite certain, was the consequence of increased running 🏃‍♂️ over slightly longer distances / time and with an increased frequency.

Learning of the story?

Never accept #pain

It’s a signal of your body to adjust. I have learned a ton in this period on physiology of the shoulder joint and sciatica causes and ways to get
rid of. Actually thankful for it now. It makes you stronger 🔥, both physically and mentally.

 Wir entwickeln uns in eine Gesellschaft, wo niemand mehr Fehler zugeben kann.

 I am from „The West“, but absolutely speechless on the double standards applied. It’s pure evil, „created“ for geopolitical and business interests mixed in this case with religious topics, on the shoulders of humanity. 

Whats up, #Nostr ? 😁🤙🏾 
 …and then came bulgarian splitsquats 🥵🥵🥵

 yes dumbbells, 3 working sets 25kg each hand 💪🏽 
 „Improvements follow from discoveries, not from regulations.“ 
 „Gute Philosophie ist ein Programm, Angst zu verlieren, nicht weil die Welt in rosarotes Licht getaucht wird, sondern weil das Verstehen der Schatten ihre Bedrohlichkeit mindert.“

 Hatte auch länger nicht reingehört.
Aber Gelegentlich sollte man schauen, was sich so an Absurditäten zutragen im politischen Berlin und darüber hinaus. 
 Sehr interessant. Danke fürs Teilen und Glückwunsch zu den Veranstaltungen.
Beauftragter für Meinungsfreiheit @quillie meldet sich bestimmt bei dir 👍🏽😁🧡👀 
 Der Glaube an den Staat herrscht parteiübergreifend. 
 The media have been lying to you for fifty years. There just wasn't a way to know this.

 What was your „wake-up“ moment? With all „events“ happening, I see definitely more people becoming critical, but also those who become extra stubborn following the „narrative“…
Hard to say, what will happen in the future. The Media Power is immense… 
 Wenn Antworten vor Fragen stehen, gewinnt ideologische Verblendung! 
 „When we talk to China, we get an airport; when we talk to Germany, we get a lecture." - Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (WTO)

 Only three of those century old Yohen Tenmoku tea bowls still exist.

The bowls are believed to have been produced in “Jian-yao” kilns in China’s Fujian province before being brought to Japan between the 12th and 13th centuries during the Southern Song period (1127-1279).

They are national treasuries today. https://image.nostr.build/d69618c61ab00cc288afbc6218114403f6ee8fcafc327822e1270f9afa16447a.jpg  
 GM Nostr 🧡⚡

What was the best podcast you listened to this week? All topics fair game.

 Bassem Youssef at Piers Morgan (Round 2) was not bad. 
 a rather big amount of accounts who i am sure i was following appear as unfollowed to me on damus... 
 Actually not…
Will keep an eye on it 🤷‍♂️ 
 sigh is the gas fee high  now? 
 why? are you shitcoining? 😁 
 We need a world without states. 😱 
 „The downfall of (the internet) was the centralization of the discovery mechanism“ - @jack 

 Funiculi Funicula 📖 
 #NostrNovember has kicked off! 

If you want to be apart of the local meetups below let me know a... 
 I saw all german metropolitan cities mentioned 😁
 Physical evidence of advanced civilisations, dating back far longer then what history books are saying.

What’s your take on it? 
 ….half an hour into the new #Elon podcast at #JRE.

Already talking about extinctionists being a danger for the world, especially when programming AI. 
 Hit the #gym today.

Earn some real #dopamin and forget about social media scrolling 💪🏽

 Habe ich gestern auf del Programm gehabt.
Lieblingsübung 🤩 
Bin auf 3 Arbeitssätze 120kg gegangen mit 10WDH.
Bin immer extrem vorsichtige bei der Technik und will das Gewicht 100% kontrollieren. 
 Super 👏🏾 
Immer dranbleiben beim Sport und Spass haben. Das ist am allerwichtigsten.
Danke auch für dein weiteres Feedback. Freut mich sehr das zu hören 🧡🧡🧡