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 Sadly not 
 How did this fag even get popular in the first place? I don't understand the appeal.

 >in a ok to good mood
>ask a few girls out
>get rudely rejected multiple times
>get in a bad mood
>few days pass
>in a bad mood still
>get a few girl's number
>instantly feel better
I need to figure out how to make it so women don't affect my mood so drastically because this is a problem that wildly affects my productivity 
 I dont know how anyone else does it 
 Stop making cringe poasts challenge 
 Had a dream where a girl loved me back 
 Been waking up with complete dread and lack of will and I dont know how to fix it. 
 That means it's well loved 
 nostr:npub1u9gp2hpxs6qwufhrzm32usgaqgzgudlmfnsvrh8ut3cq7c4c4j7sru8gl5 Are you a fucking Indian? S... 
 No, thank God 
 The women are close to being right. Just swap the nigger and the Asian and it's right. 
 I don't know how anyone can look at this stuff and become Catholic at this point. 
 I also woke up with thoughts of suicide too! 
 Is there a source for this? Need to send it to my dweeb friends that won't believe "it came to me through a dream". 
It's hard to change your n... 
 I need to train becoming more cold hearted so I can find someone who isn't. Ironic. 
We've had this conversatio... 
 True, I just feel bad outright leaving like that too. I aught to stop caring as they clearly don't care about themselves. 
Oh you need to get mugged ... 
 Closest I get to that is going on dates and finding out shes 30 and not 22 like she looks.
That or she has an insane body count when she looks relatively innocent. 
COFFEEEEEEEE coffee coffee... 
 Coffee never does it for me believe it or not. At best it keeps me awake but it doesn't make me awake on the inside if that makes sense. 
 Im really tired. 
 >don't take up space in their spaces
I too agree they should go back 
 Found a cool video about animal crossing.
While talking about new horizons, the dude went on a hu... 
 I hate most of those video essayists. Like they'll make a solid video then pepper in a bunch of gay fag shit that makes it unwatchable and they're ALL like that with very few exceptions. Like dude I just want to hear about how good this film was or why modern trucks suck, not about how "brown bodies" are "disadvantaged" by "evil white men" (the "white" people they cite as evil are almost always jewish)

Fundimentally the issue is that people on our side that would be neutral or right leaning usually either don't view video making (propaganda) as valuable or they literally have better things to do. 
 Around my neck. 
 Bet the ladies love it (unironically) 
 We'll make it. The question really becomes how brused and beaten we'll be on that path. 
 I wish I could stop living it 😭 
 I'm gonna pay someone to hack a med database just to look for female names being prescribed tism ... 
 Unironically probably pretty easy tbh 
 "Sorry anon but you can't have this because you didn't realize how rare this would be outside of highschool (the only place to meet these girls while they're still virgins) so now your only options if you want anything more than raw casual sex are twice remarried single mothers and zoomers with unrealistic standards that get the ick over nothing"

 "I'm ex-mormon" is code for "I'm a massive slut" 99% of the time. It's worse when it was a "phase" and they're trying to be trade again. Way too common. 
 This is extremely clean for woman standards, let alone neet woman standards. Most are 10x worse. 
 Guy asked me why the flag was half mast yesterday at work and I told him he should probably see a doctor if it's that bad 
 I wish someone would do this to the niggers that do this shit because they're 500% worse. This is tame in comparison and niggers won't stop, unlike whites, because some guy got shot. 
 Brb going to therapy and talking to my therapist (the bartender) 
 Imagine being actually excited for new works of fiction. I go into book stores frequently for a variety of reasons and the new releases selections are filled with gay shit nobody cares about and new releases by legacy authors a minority of people care about. Who the hell unironically buys "lgbt YA fiction". Both ultra niche and retarded. 
 What's the deal with the Chinese and extreme numbers of people suffering? It's like it's in their blood or something. 
 This is my new calling card now. Literally me. I will justify all my actions by "I think it would be fun!"

 Went into a book store yesterday holding a banned book fair and asked if they had anything published by antelope hill but they just pointed me to their "lgbtq+ fiction" area for all the "banned books" they had

 I love that guy. Wish he would publish his magazine physically instead of doing annuals only. 
 Im a gambling addict (I go on dates with different women regularly) 
 i might drop by late night to see if any goth girls are playing mtg...it could happen right??? 
 Going into the local hot topic and playing mtg on the floor until I have a goth gf 
 I could see college kids playing mtg in an Ihop late at night I guess. Other than that yeah there... 
 I could see doing it if you got free cards tbh 
 nostr:npub1u9gp2hpxs6qwufhrzm32usgaqgzgudlmfnsvrh8ut3cq7c4c4j7sru8gl5 nostr:npub1lahj30dua32tc9g9... 
 You are so right lmfao 
 I don't even really need a deep dive into the lore or anything, just wanna know the planets cultu... 
 The part that urks me is that they basically teased that with all of those pikmin shorts. I don't get why Nintendo doesn't make movies about their IP then release pikmin short films to show before those films or something 
 Our leading bully scientists are working on new ways of calling gay nerds gay retards. God bless them. 
 I've never really got why nintendo has never dived deep into animation and manga continuations of their series. Theres clearly a deep obsession with the light stories and "lore" of their works, I don't get why they don't exploit that. 
 I have a hard time imagining people who go to ihop regularly wanting to play mtg. Maybe they're trying to bring MTG players into ihop? 
 Low neuroticism, low charisma character build 
 I'm putting all my points in charisma rn and it's starting to work. 
 Literally me 
 Go hit on women silly 
 Its not actually illegal to talk to women 
 Only if you're not ugly like everyone on poast 
 I approach three people a day on average on a slower (fewer young people around me) day. The vibe usually is fine in all honesty but you get looks for sure. The success rate is pretty low all things considered. Not counting people that flake or give you their info and stop responding, I get a real date out of cold approach maybe 1/15 tries at best? It's starting to lower as I get better at it but I've been doing this at a rate and scale most guys can't reasonably do. 
 >I'm sorry anon but you said really hurtful things
>Oh what were they?
>refuses to elaborate if they respond at all
Just tell me something tangible gosh darn it 
 >Hi Anon. I...
Is the worst thing to see if the rest of it is a wall of text. 
 >Hey are you single I-
>yes I am
>-I'd love to take you out sometime
>oh sorry I'm not single
Why are women like this 
 This is true with normal gf's too and nobody believes me. It's genuinely over for gen alpha and late zoomers.

 When you see busted 20-something tiktok whores having meltdowns on social media, there's always a... 
 Disagree but I totally understand where you're coming from. Most women don't have anyone in their lives calling them out for their behavior. Internet jokesters genuinely are often the only people doing it. Think of it as group peer pressure trying to led other women from making the same mistakes 
 involcel? involuntary voluntary celibate? 
 Yeah basically. Think a guy who can get pussy easily but not the kind he would ever wife. Not an incel because he could easily fuck but not a volcel because he isn't not fucking (good) women voluntarily. 
 My king they’re incels if they were good at useful shit they wouldn’t be malding over not bre... 
 True. This is why involcels are the only cels worth respecting 
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 Yeah you're right. Just kind of annoying to drive 40 minutes for these women just to leave. 
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 I usually ask women to come without make up and they still wear it anyways. 
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 Rather that not be on the timeline tbh 
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 Take your pills grandpa 
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 gm (I cant sleep) 
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 I feel like I'm dying slowly. Like the world is twisting me into a mockery of what I want to be. I kinda get why suicide bombers do it even if I would never. Total sacrifice for something they totally believe in. 
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 What happened this time? 
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 They could just be trying to scam old people 
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 A girl I've been talking to for a while is exactly like this. I can convince her into wanting xyz and have her visibility excited about it, then she'll tell me "so I talked with my therapist" and flip to the exact opposite direction with her tone being extremely disappointed and depressed. I genuinely hate them so much and I wish for their total destruction. 
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 Name your first born daughter "purple guy" 
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 Genuinely surprised 
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 >yeah I'm an anarchist
>i exclusively blow up power plants in high density citiess and synagogues for no particular reason
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 Same genre of video imo. Anything with a guy talking about a topic basically. 
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 Guess you have to run