I have a hard time imagining people who go to ihop regularly wanting to play mtg. Maybe they're trying to bring MTG players into ihop?
@fishsticks @Frondeur A grandma takes a pic of this and sends it to her grandson (he only plays D&D)
You are so right lmfao
I could see college kids playing mtg in an Ihop late at night I guess. Other than that yeah theres no connection. But them making mtg themed pancakes is super lame, I can't imagine someone ordering them *because* of mtg unless they're full soyjack and have mtg Funko Pops at home.
I could see doing it if you got free cards tbh
i might drop by late night to see if any goth girls are playing mtg...it could happen right???
Going into the local hot topic and playing mtg on the floor until I have a goth gf