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 Logged into Facebook today...

Me: [goes to Facebook]
Me: [enters email & password]
Facebook: "Co... 
 It is not the internet that is broken.  It is much of Big Tech and government.  They seem to think they have enough of us sufficiently completely whipped that we will accept anything as normal and reasonable.  And it thinks with some justification that the one that aren't whipped enough yet soon will be by such overweening nonsense.  
 I added TOTP 2FA and removed phone numbers and devices from Google knowledge.   Makes me a lot happier when I have to use a Google identity.  My TOTP stuff doesn't need a separate app as my Password Manager hardles TOTP just fine (bitwarden, protonpass, keepassxc).  
 Deleted my old FB account somewhere during COVID madness when I tired of the rampant propaganda, shouting down and censorship.  Decided to sign back up 8 months ago for business reasons only.  Though I jumped through their hoops they still suspended the account in 2 weeks saying they thought I was a bot.  More back and forth.

Compared to what it was at its heydey, even in groups I used to enjoy, it is a sterile annoying ghost town now.    The marketplace has some legs. Some business area centric groups and hobby groups get some leads and mileage still I guess.  But not much there to put up with the abuse for.  
 It is very popular to do such crap.  Remember the great Bitcoin civil war between small block and big block folks?     
 just wish nostr was hooked to something less troublesome than lightning and thus bitcoin core.  
 LOL.  Russia does everything we don't like that we don't want to admit the US government is behind or is other organization including self-organization of plain human cussedness.  
 I really wish it was controlled by no one as originally intended.  Unfortunately it seems to have been quite subverted in original goals.  That it is fully traceable means that governments and other bastions of control freakishness can and do interfere with its intended use for freely exchanging value with anyone anywhere without asking anyone's permission or giving anyone a cut.  
 Read "Bitcoin Hijacked" then tell me it is controlled by no one.  
 Absolutely hideous.  This is how we become enslaved.  Bit by bit in changes of wording and scare tactics to get it passed by Congress critters that mainly don't read it.   Or they are in on total surveillance goal themselves. 
 Is ai assistant in every app a trendy gimmick or do people actually use these 
 Potentially it is a revolution including is UI.  Consider being able to just ask any app or system for what you want done conversationally instead of learning the API or old style UI or command structure unique to that app?   True digital assistant (think personal Jarvis) is much closer.  

However it will take time to be really good.  So much has become available so fast that even if AI new progress stalled it would take 3 years for app development and best use of what we have already to occur.  That is how fast it is moving.   I think the full implications are visible to only a few if that. 

I hope it develops in direction of true personal digital assistant and NOT sending even more data about each of us and what we are into and think to some cloud to be gathered and used against us.  
 Technocracy has nothing real or organic to do with transhumanism.  Don't let WEF and such goons claim the word for you.  They don't own it, don't understand it and are anti- its fundamental nature.  Transhumanism  is about Abundance and Freedom not Limits to Growth goonery are global control of everyone and everything.  
 This author is a Dark Side goon and puny as an intellectual.   Doesn't mean it doesn't get some things right though.   
 Why would someone care about what the Pope says?  His very position was created by the last of the Roman ruling class mating with and thoroughly infecting Christianity.  The entire creation of Church power is a million miles from anything Jesus taught.  
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 Ableist?  What the hell does that even mean in this context?  Transhumanism seeks transcendence of human limitations and the achievements of the deepest dreams of humanity.
Live as long as you like in perfect health. Defeat of death by aging.
Be as intelligent as you wish. 
Be as beautiful as you wish.
Have such Abundance that All the needs and many of the desires of Everyone on earth are met and with a tiny fraction of productive capacity and whether one has a "job" or not. 

Calling it "ableist" is trivial bullshit in comparison to what it is.  
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 Transhumanism is about claiming the ability and right to self-improvement - even radically so.    It is about overcoming our human limitations and frailities.  It is not anti-human but human potential and our species' fondest dreams fulfilled. 
Technology can be used for good or ill.  But Transhumanism is about more than just technology.  
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 HAHAHA.  All you have to do is hang out anywhere humans are for long to see how quite imperfect we are.  Or do a bit of self examination.  We age and die starting when we begin to have a bit of sense.  We sleep away 1/3 of our lives.  We are subject to many many afflictions.  Our minds are limited and biased.  We are a product of natural evolution to solve only one fitness function: Survive long enough to dependably reproduce.  How the hell do you get "perfect" from that. 

And if you believe in a Creator then we were created with enough intelligence, Talents in the famous parable, to improve ourselves and our world.  Pity those that bury their Talent.  
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 You have no idea what you are talking about.  Transsexual is as orthogonal to transhumanism as transatlantic is.   Same prefix means nothing.  And there is a LOT more to transhumanism than furries or whatever.  But don't let me disturb your silly memes with more nuance.