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 Good morning fedi. I was thinking of heading out from the hotel shortly and asking someone if the... 
 @0d291166 Where are you? 
 Watching QI, reminded me that in the Middle Ages animals could be tried for witchcraft. Now that LLMs are in charge of human knowledge and wisdom, we could be doing that kind of thing again soon. 
 "If we tax the rich they will just leave."

Let them leave.
Pretty much anywhere they go they... 
 @54f74c48 I read that the city of London tried to attract more wealthy people as a way to increase local prosperity but it didn't have that effect. It was realised  that rich people spend most of their money buying things from other rich people - mansions, yachts, diamonds, luxury cars etc. They don't  eat more bread or get more haircuts, or hang out at the corner pub, so they have no impact on the local economy. 

" What's the matter, Anne?" The patholagising of Introversion


The repulsive recluse - how your personality can be an effective tool to maintain boundaries.


"I think I've had an aneurism" - 20 great ways to excuse yourself from Christmas Dinner.


" Sorry, I don't recognise your number" - Setting boundaries for introverts.


"Being your authentic self. Why you *shouldn't* get out more."

 @53645712 Some of us had to listen to it whether we wanted to or not.
 Neighbour turned it up so loud I could hear it *without* my hearing aid.
 Becoming One With Your Couch

 @954655ab 😂😂😂 
 nostr:npub1q9ma5xxhn8m69ztdj3lrefpnarszxgh3gk8wykkq53gfsl80mlssulzgdu Breakfast is a social const... 
 @1eb0d242 Ah yes, I try to avoid those. 
 Next time we need to do some economic stimulus we should do a buyback/exchange of petroleum power... 
 @01ae8892 I appreciate your intention, but do we really want the mass purchase of new tools, which themselves have a cost in CO2 emissions, both in manufacture and transport?

A better solution would be to not have lawns, sweep up leaves with a broom, use a screwdriver etc.

A mere 50 years ago I watched houses being built by men with hammers, saws, wheelbarrows. The only mechanised thing was a cement mixer, but for small jobs you'd  mix by hand in the wheelbarrow.

We should all re-assess what it means to "need" something and ask ourselves how much "need" has been created by clever advertising by people who want to sell us the goods. 
 I love y’all on here but. Damn. Sometimes I just want to talk about the good parts of life with... 
 @7fd7f887 ... said the guy standing on the train tracks to the people saying " There's a train coming". 
 Pan-fried #sandwich of egg, cheese & pepperoni, served with #sriracha mayo & #fermented root vege... 
 @1eb0d242 What's "breakfast"? 
 @681e4748 These were a fashion for women in the 80s until they didn't  want to have press studs in their crotch any more. 
 nostr:npub189nhq0cw33243htm08c53vjvgc5letv7d9sgqtgqsn6fnx6dv8zs0fsatx It's always been a necessar... 
 @a9c723a5 @3967703f Exactly. You might find that a whole lot of dislocated people think you should share your home with them. 
 nostr:npub1hgzpy28pe4f45t0a3falrc4lxzsc2rn89j42wnre7swx2m7e88hq99ktl4 I was talking about within ... 
 @3967703f @ba041228 @c4bbc8e1 Yes. The poorer people will end up living in the uninsurable houses, and they'll  be the ones to suffer the inevitable next major flood. 
 nostr:npub1qfpe5wy2fu82nj3qpw9gxd0nyv33lelayyunhfmxm0a2sgg006fqs22xdk Theoretically, I'm in an ok... 
 @3967703f @02439a38  eg you could have a comfortable home in an area that the food supply trucks just can't reach. 

If one thinks about it, i... 
 @34e2cb20 @3967703f Yes. But only some of us have thought about it. 
 OMG it's daylight saving again already! #Adelaide 
 Stunned to learn that Kiss are still alive. 
 Wish people would put the same energy they put into supporting Australian Rules Football into tackling climate change. 

Battle of the Batteries - rival neighbourhoods compete to be first to install a community battery?

Extreme House Moving - Can the team take a house apart and move it out of a flood zone in only three days?

#ClimateSurvival #Climate 
 @27a0c3d8 Oh, lordy lord! 
 nostr:npub1q9ma5xxhn8m69ztdj3lrefpnarszxgh3gk8wykkq53gfsl80mlssulzgdu I find it *hilarious* that ... 
 @a9b34d1d Go back to the bird site. I'm  sure all your friends will enjoy your belittling comments. Not surprised you're  lonely. Also, fvck off. 
 Just coz i drink my coffee, why does the level in my mug have to then keep reducing, eventually r... 
 @17902f8d I'm  contemplating keeping a supply of coffee in a small slow cooker so  it's  always hot and I can dip in whenever I feel like it. Would this work? 
 3:05. I'm conditioned to wait for a "School's Out" bell—50 years later. 
 @a3fd556a I now live just round the corner from the school I went to as a kid and they still use the same siren they used 60 years ago to mark break times and the end of the day. It's kind of eerie. 
 nostr:npub1f66ce7tc8mqkj6r4jr3k7qy2wpxw4fztxwkleyttzfcu6cpt4lcsn5xvfz nostr:npub1kt3hutklgrma64yk... 
 @6c0d1373 @4eb58cf9 @b2e37e2e "And when you go out into the world, hold hands and stay together".
From the book by Robert Fulghum

 Local Coles has moved on from self checkouts as an option, to bullying people into using them.

They now have only one human operated checkout, and there's always a queue of people willing to wait longer for the sake of the principle that people are more important than corporate profit. So Coles has appointed a staffer to harrass people in that queue.

Perhaps Coles has finally figured that we're  not actually computer shy, that our choice is political. (Most times I don't  even go to Coles but they do have my favourite coffee.)

Anyway, they've given a staffer the job of gracelessly ordering people to leave the human checkout and follow her to the other.

"No" I said emphatically, I'm going through here", pointing to the checkout in front of me. As she turned away I called, "I don't  work for Coles."

Not only am I not going to do the work of a staffer without pay, I'm not going to be rudely bossed around as if I was a staffer, for the sake of Coles' profit.

 I've been talking about how AI will directly lead to an Idiocracy (2006) scenario for some time, ... 
 @9a728d14 Its the end of knowledge. We'd be better off turning the internet off and reading encyclopedias. 
 So ... something has changed in the last week. 

Out campaigning for the Yes vote in SE Qld..

 @e2f1dae6 Hope so. 
 @d3e59536 Congratulations Ireland. 👍🏻 Proud to say the State of South Australia has also reached this goal, exporting renewable energy to other Australian States

 @133a688f I haven't  previously known of this tree but I agree that landscape is a publicly owned asset. 
 Okay a fun one...maybe!

When do you think humans gain consciousness? 
 @3fe52772 Can we define consciousness first please? If we can't  agree on a definition of consciousness first, the results will be meaningless.

Also, ask babies. They might remember. 
 @3183cc77 @b57823a9 I don't see anything alarmist in the original post. It just passes on facts drawn from a news article. It's not the poster's  job to reassure people if they find those facts alarming. 
 I’m always baffled by the suggestion that an #LLM could write my articles for me. That only wor... 
 @47954e97 Seems like knowledge is going to be reduced to the lowest common denominator, and the "information highway" will be no better than owning a set of encyclopedias in the 1950s. Possibly less reliable than the encyclopedias.

#AI #LLMs #FutureOfKnowledge 
 nostr:npub1q9ma5xxhn8m69ztdj3lrefpnarszxgh3gk8wykkq53gfsl80mlssulzgdu nostr:npub1p553zekrhumq4dqc... 
 @ba16141e @0d291166 Or doing nasty things to people who weren't  at home to answer the door. 
 As we approach October, your periodic reminder that Halloween is;

- Not "American culture import... 
 @0d291166 You wouldn't  say that if you'd  had raw eggs thrown at the brick wall of your house and you could still see where they were ten years later. #Halloween 
 nostr:npub1q9ma5xxhn8m69ztdj3lrefpnarszxgh3gk8wykkq53gfsl80mlssulzgdu Battery? 
 @426da298 Nup. Just solar panels. 
 @e1eb0aaa  As we all know, 🙄 #EVs all weigh exactly the same, have exactly the same tyres and drive in exactly the same terrain. And all EV drivers take off at the green light at a screaming speed, because they can. 
 nostr:npub1q9ma5xxhn8m69ztdj3lrefpnarszxgh3gk8wykkq53gfsl80mlssulzgdu my last bill was almost $50... 
 @e496e6e0 Thank you. 
 My electricity bill for the last 12 months has been AU$11.96. That includes charging my #EV 
 History knowers: Can anyone cite precedents where a politician called for civilians to assassinat... 
 @4c5b260f In most cases it would be a dangerous thing to do, for the obvious reason that the military leader has command of the military.

If you're  planning a coup, you need the military onside otherwise they will simply wipe you out. 
 (1/5) I'm voting yes and I'm asking others to vote yes as well.

One way I've had the #VoiceToPar... 
 @c2ae219b Yes, that's how I understand it too. 
 My mum would spend hours ironing clothes when I was a kid. I dont think I’ve ever seen an ironi... 
 @2144e09c I was born in 1952 and I can tell you that clothes were made out of very different fabrics. Synthetics were still a very new thing and a lot of technology is used today to make clothes "easy care". 
 Many supporters of climate denial are conservatives who fear loss of individual freedom from legi... 
 @cf8f5582  Not sure about the cult idea. Certainly there are denialists that are protecting their own interests. That's cynical, purposeful denial. People in psychological denial, however, are not doing it purposefully. It's something the human brain does when something happens that is very frightening but also unlikely. The brain chooses the "this can't be real" option because it relieves fear. This is why people leave it too late to evacuate from oncoming floods and fires.

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 @f0af7d07 @02439a38 Um, I think the Indigenous people of Australia would think your frst paragraph is a really funny statement.

I wont try and speak for the rest of the world. 
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 @1eb0d242 Thank you (takes a bow). 
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 @10123f0d They are. I can only relax when I'm home by myself. 
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 @d186e48f The guy who murders you is not your "boyfriend". Not ever. 
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 @11368807 In elementary school?!?