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 Oh god it's video

[frequent reaction by me to clicking links in Mastodon] 
 @7dfc084c Same. I like to read words. 
 History knowers: Can anyone cite precedents where a politician called for civilians to assassinat... 
 @4c5b260f In most cases it would be a dangerous thing to do, for the obvious reason that the military leader has command of the military.

If you're  planning a coup, you need the military onside otherwise they will simply wipe you out. 
 Ooh it's starting to warm up. With a crisp beginning, we're in for a mostly sunny and slightly br... 
 @b4a59720 Had to put the heating on when I got up. 14. 5 frickin degrees!
 @15582ef4 Same at my house: sprightly young cat, fresh from the cat shelter, chases portly older cat up and down the hallway, giving portly cat much needed exercise. 
 I'm assuming everyone on Mastodon is already voting Yes
 @daa314a9 Yes. 
 Via Acyn:

Fain: I find the pathetic irony that the former president is going to have a rally for... 
 @62a04c04 Trump and unions? 😂😂😂😂😂 
 @dd10be64 Yes, I've been advocating this for a while. A random selection of citizizens would do a better job than we've  seen from elected governments over the last several years. People with actual life experience, who won't  be making a career out of politics and owe nobody anything for their place in parliament.

A randomly selected parliament would be way more representative, with women and minorities just as eligible as white males. 
 nostr:npub1q9ma5xxhn8m69ztdj3lrefpnarszxgh3gk8wykkq53gfsl80mlssulzgdu nostr:npub189nhq0cw33243htm... 
 @77bbb2c3 @3967703f  It's  certainly easier to recruit fighters from people experiencing economic stress. And it is treating people as disposable. 
 Having my usual giggle over people posting pictures of yellow oxalis flowers.  In Australia they're  an invasive weed.  #soursobs  I guess this sort of thing happens a lot. 
 @cfda352e This article is a good explainer of the issue. Thanks to the author and The Conversation. 
 People are not attempting to legitimize slavery because of the past, it's because they want to do... 
 @3967703f  People can be replaced with machines but then you have to dispose of all the surplus, non-productive people. In the 19th century, colonisation was the answer. Many of the convicts Britain sent to its colonies were farm workers made redundant by mechanisation, who'd  resorted to petty crime to support themselves. Other unwanted people like the rebellious Scots and Irish were given subsidised passage to the colonies.

Not so easy to do now, though witholding welfare and health care can raise the death rate, as can inhuman working conditions like requiring people to work outside in the hot sun with no water breaks. These kinds of policies see human life as disposable. 

Shingles List


Unchain My Hearties!

 Of all the places he could have chosen, Finn has decided this mat right by the back door is his territory.


Electric Blanket of the Vanities

 nostr:npub1q9ma5xxhn8m69ztdj3lrefpnarszxgh3gk8wykkq53gfsl80mlssulzgdu not that I'm aware of, but ... 
 @452504bc They're  used a lot in public landscaping here because they're so tough and drought proof. Mine are arranged in a circle and when they had flower heads all around last year they looked really pretty. 
 Thought I'd  catch up with what's  happening in the #UK Love this journalist's wry commentary.

Is it time for a Great Noticing in #Australia?

 @452504bc  I have these in my garden in Adelaide,  South Australia. Here we just call them Dietes. Didn't  know they were called fortnight lily. Is there a reason for the name? 
 @176f88ee Oh good. Hope they fight among themselves and lose traction as a result of looking disorganised. 
 @2bda365c Gorgeous, aren't  they, and they smell lovely when you've  got a lot of them. ( Mine are taking over everything atm). 
 nostr:npub1q9ma5xxhn8m69ztdj3lrefpnarszxgh3gk8wykkq53gfsl80mlssulzgdu nostr:npub1pmxc6x4m8cf2gemj... 
 @bdabbff7 @0ecd8d1a @4183a04c @3a447f2a  What would you do with this data? 
 nostr:npub1q9ma5xxhn8m69ztdj3lrefpnarszxgh3gk8wykkq53gfsl80mlssulzgdu Numbnut Wazza Mundine may n... 
 @dc2b6f73 @6f334c2f I don't  think the European Union was around in Captain Cook's  time. 
 @6f334c2f Odd that Mundine said "European countries" instead of "the British". 
 @6157c3e8  Aboriginal people won't  even talk to Senator Price! That's how representative she is. 
 nostr:npub1pmxc6x4m8cf2gemjktdhu7vmf87kaprlq8t88fm2n25pzyp5sf9qdzexkq nostr:npub1gxp6qn9ehf92pmvy... 
 @bdabbff7 @0ecd8d1a @4183a04c @3a447f2a If someone's  going to put a robot in my house, I'd  rather have one that does some of the housework rather than one that watches and records me not doing the housework. Kinder, I think. 
 Every claim #Trump makes should be reported like this: 

“Former President Donald Trump, who ma... 
 @129bca96 "Disgraced former President". 

Hurricane Lee? 
 @bc59d9a2 Has it reached the coast? 
 Today's  disasters:

Volos, Greece - flooding
Eastern Australia - heat column, high temps
Derna, Libya - flooding, destruction, many dead
Massachusetts, USA - flooding
Scandinavia - high temperatures

I'll update as I find them

#climate #ClimateCrisisIsNOW 
 nostr:npub1q9ma5xxhn8m69ztdj3lrefpnarszxgh3gk8wykkq53gfsl80mlssulzgdu nostr:npub1due5ct6gpun3mkqw... 
 @630be9a4 @6f334c2f That too. But hopefully some good will come out of it. 

 @45475765 Oh great. #Australia is doing what American Republicans want. We should definitely pursue this path 🤪

 @71fd7c2c Captain Matthew Flinders, an early mapper of Australia,  had a cat named Trim who travelled on board ship with him. There is a statue of Trim

ALT: a bronze statue of an ordinary looking cat. 
 nostr:npub1wm27vwl4gm3j9q3z9cl4zdhp7z0nyfcqr0zlepacxpmkesrv023qw2yawh Misandrists unite! 
 @405bc929 @76d5e63b *misanthropists 
 @4d95224a  I don't  know why this stereotype persists. There've been grey heads at climate protests for many years. Its not new, the media have just been so prejudiced by their own idea, they've been blind to it. 
 I've been in tech for a long time but I'm not a big believer in IOT. My house is going to be Batt... 
 @66421d65 When asked why I don't  have a microwave, I reply that I don't  like things that beep in the kitchen.

I'm told "Oh I couldn't live without my microwave!"

Yes you could. Millions of people live and have lived without microwaves. There are other ways of heating food. 
 @6f334c2f If it's  "No" I think there'll  be a lot of activist energy unleashed to improve Indigenous equality by any means available. I know, personally, I will be incensed if the #Voice is knocked back, and I'm  not Indigenous.

 Good morning 
 @2a0fcaf4 Glorious morning in Adelaide. 
 @6f334c2f  It's  fascinating. Australians are happy to be racist, they just don't  want to be called racist. Whenever the issue of Indigenous equality comes up, it's "Don't mention the R word".

"Who, me? Racist? How dare you!"

At least they know it's bad.

But knowing that doesn't alter their behaviour. They've given "racism" such a narrow definition (lynchings?) that they can declare themselves innocent and be blind to the racism being practiced around them.

#Voice #auspol 
 @30ce86c6 The world just doesn't seem like a safe place to bring children into. That influences pregnancy rate too. 
 @f05dec22 @af52a964 @916657b3 I guess its " safer" to blame the dams, but it takes a hell of a lot of water pressure to make any dam wall explode outwards. And that water came from *rain*.

#LibyaFloods #climate #climateDisaster #ClimateSurvival 
 A lot of conflict in the Old West might have been avoided if cowboy architects had simply made th... 
 @d050de92  The OK Corral could have been called the Really Awful Corral, that would have changed things. 
 nostr:npub1q9ma5xxhn8m69ztdj3lrefpnarszxgh3gk8wykkq53gfsl80mlssulzgdu Seems we need less commerci... 
 @adc8087c I very much favour the idea of Universal Basic Income, especially if we're  going to have frequent large-scale natural disasters taking people's  homes and livelihoods.

And at the same time, cut everyone's working hours by half. Produce less useless stuff. There's  so much automation now, and on the horizon, humans shouldn't  have to work 40 hrs a week. 
 If we stop buying as many holidays, if we don't change our cars as readily or get the washing mac... 
 @adc8087c  I remember the 50s and 60s and people were more relaxed and had way more time.

Today I see people rushing frenetically between one self-inflicted( yet believed to be necessary) activity and the next, and the next, and the next. 
 🎶 Let's do the Pro-zac aga-ain! 🎶

 🎶 This is Ground Control to Major Tom,
      You're getting Medicare  🎶

 @c614d6a0  Plane trips, interstate meetings, conferences, all contribute to one's sense of one's own importance, while not actually being of much benefit to society or one's field of endeavour. 
 I wrote about our plans for a #summer #vacation to #Greece without airtravel a while ago. I'd sai... 
 @eddcc259 I'm so pleased to hear that you decided against air travel. So many people are cooking up excuses - reasons why *their* plane travel is an exception, that there's been no change in the overall number of flights. And people who declare themselves concerned about climate change are still doing it.

What is it about "urgent" and "emergency" that people don't  understand?

#climate #climateEmergency 
 @85783b44 Oh great! 
 @85783b44 The BOM is always a bit  conservative in its predictions. They say things like "reasonably significant" when what they mean is "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!"

#Australia #Climate 
 @0b7652aa Is this from inundation only, or did you include backup caused by stormwater not being able to drain into the sea?