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Notes by prisec | export

 Tenemos sats para regalar otra vez! 🧡

500 sats para cada una de las primeras 50 cuentas. 🫡... 
 Todo listo! Gracias por la aportación con el episodio 
 You want to buy #Bitcoin? Go #Bisq or #Robosats. 
You want to buy #Monero? Go #HavenoRetro. 

Buenos días a todos, todas y todes. 
 Buenos días! 
 What specific topic would you like me to write next? I have so many options now!

¿De qué tema os gustaría que escribiese ahora? ¡Tengo muchas opciones!

Tor, SimpleX, Nostr, Monero (Anonero, Feather, etc), Bitcoin... 
 Si tienes una VPS puedes alojar tu propio nodo de Bitcoin o relay de Nostr pero, ¿sabes cómo protegerla?

Puedes aprender cómo en mi último artículo: https://prisec.undo.it/es/posts/harden_vps/ 
 A VPS is a great place to run a Bitcoin node or Nostr relay.

Want to know how to properly secure your VPS? Check out the article I just wrote:

 Just set up MiniBits. Anyone mind zapping? I want to test it out!  
 Acabo de lanzar mi web de guias sobre privacidad y otros temas también en inglés. 

Las nuevas guías seguirán siendo en ambos idiomas, mi intención es crear una gran cantidad de recursos disponibles para la comunidad hispana.

Dentro de poco: Nostr, Tor, SimpleX, Bitcoin, Monero y más. 

Enlace: https://prisec.undo.it/es/  
 Es importante compartir esto. La comunidad hispana no tiene muchos recursos de este tipo! 

 I have just launched my privacy guides website in English too.

There is currently just one guide, but I have in mind tons of them. They will all be both in English and Spanish to reach a larger audience.

Check it out here: https://prisec.undo.it/

Hope this project gets popular and can help many people. Nostr, Tor, Bitcoin, Monero, SimpleX and more guides coming soon... 
 Please help me spread this site over Nostr. I believe it can be really helpful. 

 Testing something... 
 Trying to recreate 


Discovered it thanks to nostr:nprofile1qqswmdrsyuff0tz6v8e80u7dzn09f3n7khxdyrhsm80jn0scdpdmqpqpf9mhxw309akrx6tevf4xjmt50f6r26rcx3unyamtxcery6r8we6ngc34vd6xs7ttd4jx7e3jdymx5vmhx4kxyurwvf5rwaen09jzummwd9hkuw358qmrjtcmlnu7y 

I think I got it working! 
 Testing myself! 
 Seems fine 
 I will spend all day trying to figure out how to get a super niche undisclosed feature to work. 
 Which is? 
 Ohhhh I see, good luck with it 
 Hell this is amazing! 

 Buenos días #nostr #hispanostr q tengan un lindo findesemana en familia 🧉⚡

GM #nostr #hisp... 
 I mean yes, but the main difference I would highlight when comparing it to X is decentralization, not Zaps 
 Probé Robosats y la experiencia ha sido genial. 12 min y todo listo. 

Existiendo RS + Bisq, Hol... 
 Robosats es genial! Fácil de usar y sin problemas hasta la fecha 
 Know Nostr is Bitcoin focused, but friendly reminder not to give up on cash! 💸💰 
 Yet it is the most anonymous and private way of currency widely available and accepted and the one that can be used as a mean of exange if some kind of power/internet outage were to happen. Yeah, I know thay can print money and BTC is 100 times better in that sense, but cash is a nice backup option. 
 Sure thing, but I believe gold and silver would have a longer adoption period. Cash would be the immediate option, what could get you out of an emergency fast. Gold and silver would be good options for a longer time frame imo 
 Read FB/INSTA as FBInsta lol 

¿Cómo está la comunidad de Nostr en español?
¿Alguién me lee?

Si estás por acá y h... 
 ¡Hola! Siempre es un placer dar la bienvenida a gente nueva 😆 
 Use RoboSats to buy Lightning Bitcoin 💰

Stacking bits is always great, but make sure to do it in a safe way. 

RoboSats is a P2P BTC market that runs thorugh the Tor network. Fully integrated with Lightning, so great to combine with Nostr zaps! ⚡ 
 Great news for one of the best apps out there. Everybody welcome on board, we will be waiting you on public groups. You can find some of them on my profile.

 Well deserved, hope we can see more improvements soon. Love the app! 
 Why is this app so hard to use 😭 
 It isn't really, once you understand the basics of it. First thing you should know: this is not an app, your client is. Nostr is more than an app on your phone. Make sure you check out this amazing list of resources with some nice explanations on how Nostr works.


I personally recommend



for a really easy to understand explanation! 
 If you care about your privacy, make sure you are using nostr:nprofile1qqsvnx99ww0sfall7gpv2jtz4ftc9v6wevgdd7g4hh7awkpfvwlezugpzamhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumn0wd68ytnzv9hxgtc2y9nz4 through Tor (Orbot on Android) for your communications.
Best E2EE messaging platform for anonymity, censorship bypassing and privacy.

Let me know if you want to know some cool groups there too. 

Check the following nostr:nprofile1qqsvnx99ww0sfall7gpv2jtz4ftc9v6wevgdd7g4hh7awkpfvwlezugpzdmhxue69uhhqatjwpkx2urpvuhx2ue0chkv5c groups.

Privacy Security Anonymity: https://simplex.chat/contact#/?v=2-4&smp=smp%3A%2F%2FPQUV2eL0t7OStZOoAsPEV2QYWt4-xilbakvGUGOItUo%3D%40smp6.simplex.im%2Fxqs85E_c0iWRN5ImRqD2ATrGvOc3WY7G%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-2%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAyaKl0tPCcaD7gGsPPR83chIQ5cmlPiUt62-cBRmHvl0%253D%26srv%3Dbylepyau3ty4czmn77q4fglvperknl4bi2eb2fdy2bh4jxtf32kf73yd.onion&data=%7B%22type%22%3A%22group%22%2C%22groupLinkId%22%3A%22m3SIoWudn89JIySxbQRIZg%3D%3D%22%7D

OSINT: https://simplex.chat/contact#/?v=2-6&smp=smp%3A%2F%2Fhpq7_4gGJiilmz5Rf-CswuU5kZGkm_zOIooSw6yALRg%3D%40smp5.simplex.im%2FhCI02aHg4zDle8yKNuMq9GwxIurySjqc%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-3%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEA9lwfRpHwYaN7J26XXLnQtfgDeVjAOQ8BqrxnJcD7nR8%253D%26srv%3Djjbyvoemxysm7qxap7m5d5m35jzv5qq6gnlv7s4rsn7tdwwmuqciwpid.onion&data=%7B%22type%22%3A%22group%22%2C%22groupLinkId%22%3A%227nt873pS_iMtxddG-SQ1JQ%3D%3D%22%7D

BTC & Lightning: https://simplex.chat/contact#/?v=1-4&smp=smp%3A%2F%2Fu2dS9sG8nMNURyZwqASV4yROM28Er0luVTx5X1CsMrU%3D%40smp4.simplex.im%2F6dNk57UTVN7EF6r1O9LaOyI9Opx7Az9s%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-2%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEASuPrFrvyC44b-tgZpEu5dfDhN2HX1kKLOzIoR8UrBzY%253D%26srv%3Do5vmywmrnaxalvz6wi3zicyftgio6psuvyniis6gco6bp6ekl4cqj4id.onion&data=%7B%22type%22%3A%22group%22%2C%22groupLinkId%22%3A%22GvuLoG20itjrTh8rVzR8Ig%3D%3D%22%7D

(Spanish) Privacidad-FOSS: https://simplex.chat/contact#/?v=1-4&smp=smp%3A%2F%2FPQUV2eL0t7OStZOoAsPEV2QYWt4-xilbakvGUGOItUo%3D%40smp6.simplex.im%2FVS9WKtGSskEoResVFwoGNKJ8KJlvN-ZP%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-2%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEA3fgJn6V0YBn8rqKCkuQKZdaTdAw26GYxksQe38Gov14%253D%26srv%3Dbylepyau3ty4czmn77q4fglvperknl4bi2eb2fdy2bh4jxtf32kf73yd.onion&data=%7B%22type%22%3A%22group%22%2C%22groupLinkId%22%3A%22u9oPhgrQjDBfpMWFUdTINw%3D%3D%22%7D

SEARCH YOUR FAVORITE GROUPS WITH SIMPLEX DIRECTORY BOT: https://simplex.chat/contact#/?v=1-4&smp=smp%3A%2F%2Fu2dS9sG8nMNURyZwqASV4yROM28Er0luVTx5X1CsMrU%3D%40smp4.simplex.im%2FeXSPwqTkKyDO3px4fLf1wx3MvPdjdLW3%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-2%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAaiv6MkMH44L2TcYrt_CsX3ZvM11WgbMEUn0hkIKTOho%253D%26srv%3Do5vmywmrnaxalvz6wi3zicyftgio6psuvyniis6gco6bp6ekl4cqj4id.onion 
 I see a #nostr post and I zap. 
 Prove 😆 
 I know, but there are posts on my profile, maybe that did the trick. Thank you anyway! 
 Should I make guides (privacy, anonymity, security, decentralization, censorship resistance, etc) both in English and Spanish? Currently I have started with a Spanish community focus since there are less resources out there in Spanish, but I believe everyone could benefit with a language expansion. 
 Break your crew out of jail! 

Set up a Graphene Pixel preloaded with

Tor browser/ Orbot
 A Nostr relay for your phone

 It's an essential part of a decentralized network, plus you also get to make sure nobody tampers with your notes. 
 In the sense that you make sure they are transmitted to the rest of the network! They cannot modify them without your private key 
 Amber is a great app! Lucky me I discovered it at the same time I discovered Nostr 
 BTC no creo que sea dinero cotidiano algún día, reserva de valor a lo mejor sí, pero dinero di... 
 Quizá lightning sí, o alguna moneda de layer 2. Es importante que sea algo rápido y versátil.  
 No hace falta que el dinero Fiat desaparezca para que Bitcoin llegue a tener un uso cotidiano. Mira el ejemplo de El Salvador, no tienen una única moneda de curso legal, sino que también usan BTC. Es cuestión de llevar a cabo una aproximación gradual. 
 If you’re new here, welcome to Nostr. We all DIYed the shit out of everything for the past year... 
 Even if they got hacked, intruders would only have your encrypted vault.

You can always switch to KeePass w/ Syncthing if you want some peace of mind. 
 Guías de privacidad, seguridad y más, en español.

Creo que hacen falta más recursos de este tipo en la comunidad hispana. Si veo que tiene apoyo, continuaré escribiendo.

Ya disponible el primer artículo.

 Muy buena guía. Llevo siguiendo el desarrollo de SimpleX Chat y me parece una app increíble.  
 Can you hand me a link to Garnet? Seems promising. 
 # I'm leaving Foundation and joining Cake Wallet

It's time for a new chapter in my journey build... 
 You have to add their repo to your F-Droid app: https://fdroid.cakelabs.com/

You can also download from source and manage updates with Obtainium.

 I don't think Cake supports Lightning. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

 There are some good non-custodial wallets out there that make it super easy with on-the-fly channels creation. Check Phoenix, Zeus or Blixt. 
 They all three are! 
 Blixt is used by nostr:nprofile1qqsq4qcw4c0z3jq3nlselj46qxumysl8hndd8sgy89r6nxq2c8jlspspzamhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumn0wd68ytnzv9hxgtcjs4whg developers! 
Event not found
 Many apps rely on donations and even code contributions. As for SimpleX, you may find this part of their FAQs appealing
