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Notes by Brett | export

 No one knows how high we're about to go
 We went like this, he went like that. I said to Hollywood “where’d he go?”. Hollywood said “where’d who gooo!”. 
 I asked my wife to describe me in one word and she said “intense”. 

I told her I don’t fee... 
 lol, it’s so true.

I love that: I’m chill

You are NOT “chill”

 justin trudeau is on Nostr!? 
 I’ve had a less fortuitous route with my fertility, but nonetheless I love this chadness:

 Sister just sent me a "they found Satoshi article".

we are back #Bitcoin  
 They did!? 
 Definitive Star Wars ranking

1. Empire strikes back 
2. Revenge of the sith
3. A new hope
4. Ret... 
 You show me the use the force Luke scene and he turns off his targeting computer - I will cry in front of you right now I don’t even care who you are. 
 This is beautiful 

 Every human social order is built on a foundation of violence. 

Except bitcoin. 
 "Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good, you ask for your own destruction. When money ceases to be the tool by which men deal with one another, then men become the tools of men. Blood, whips and guns—or dollars. Take your choice—there is no other—and your time is running out."

 Hash tag SOUND money 
 He did say “human” social order. So he is correct. And you are correct.

 One of like two times a year I wear a dress.

 🧡 this. 
 🧡 this. 
 Update: I think I've picked the main potential path for the first half of Act 3, which was the le... 
 Why do I feel like this will be the greatest novel in history. 
 I'm so thankful that I was raised to build people up rather than tear people down.

Rooting for y... 
 🧡 this. 
 I am Satoshi 
 And I 
 Just watched hbo’s so-called “the #bitcoin mystery”. Literally, the entire claim is based o... 
 Most people don’t have any serious mental health issues. 

Just ordinary misery. 

A little dep... 
 🫡 Super fiat to think the solution to every one of my problems can be conjured up from somewhere else by someone else. 
 Can you block bots on Nostr?

I have a @LynAlden and @Natalie imperators following me.

I see mute. I need to do a better job of keeping my Nostr network clean than I did my Twitter network.

Is mute the same thing? 
 The hardest part of my random crappy sci-fi novel hobby project, is going to be the first half of... 
 That’s deep bro. That’s deep.

 Having kids makes your childhood even more confusing in retrospect. 

Like this is how easy it is... 
 I don’t know, but I do know that when my kids get their first house I am going to flood the bathroom, leave all the lights on, and swing on the railing until it busts off 😂 
 Fairly new to Nostr. What is the advantage of adding more relays?

Should I be adding any I see? 
 Good reminder that bitcoin was designed to help ppl you don't like, do things you don't like with... 
 Bitcoin is for anyone! 
 Gm nostr fam ☕️ ☀️ 

I start my new job tomorrow as a principal data scientist! In the me... 
 Nice Bro!

Being 🙏 for your first day. 
 Hi, @Dr. Jeff , I see from your LP letter TPL is still one of your bigger holdings.

2 things I’d love to get your thoughts on: besides BTC it is my second largest holding. I feel it’s gotten over its skis a little in terms of multiple. I still feel it’s a forever asset (side thoughts on that?); can you talk me off the “I’m going to sell it and buy it back cheaper” ledge please! Or do you have a different view?

I also “took a flyer” (I did read the IPO documents) on the Landbridge IPO. Not right at the IPO price but soon after. Have you looked at LB to any degree? Any thoughts? Less O&G royalty revenue as you know. But I do like that the surface holdings are more contiguous than TPL’s generally. Seems to offer more optionality for industrial opportunities.

Any thoughts appreciated! 
 If Satoshi wanted to be known he would be known. Who Satoshi is, is irrelevant. 
 Who defines hate? Who defines truth? All centralized platforms will inevitably be forced to be th... 
 It’s a great question. It would seem to me that it corresponds to reality that there IS an objective point of reference out there somewhere.

I do not believe any human can fill that role.

Perhaps it’s a clue to the necessity for something transcendent. 
 Everyone and their grandmother is talking about “liquidity” now. 

My work here is finished… 
 If you have a helicopter, I’d fly it right into the affected areas in North Carolina. 

If the ... 
 This is 100% right.

There should be no despot of who can fly helicopters where. 

A friendly reminder that the money - itself - is not the thing of value!

Now let’s get out there are create value today! 
 Something I posted on Twitter but I would be interested in perspectives here. I am not trying to ... 
 I think you are 100% correct here.

I’m the US they don’t even hide it, they call themselves democratic socialists.

I like bureaucratic socialism! 
 You know who your true friends are when one shows up wearing the t-shirt they made of you giving the @saylor “bitcoin is a shining city” speech 🥹 https://image.nostr.build/ad6901e0af165e49d46140c6596677165fe79424b1584d244de93d2fc6b264d5.jpg  
 Nostr plebs please take note that "personal bias" is somehow different from "systemic intentional... 
 Bro stop digging. You are committing one of the classic blunders. The other of course being never get involved in a land war in Asia. 
 Are you writing a fiction novel @LynAlden !? 
 Well if it’s even half as quality as Broken Money then please do.

Side note, can I ask you a question about fractional reserve banking I’ve never seemed to be able to get straight? 
 I’m in a quandary, please help me decide something:

The US federal government is:
A. Mostly wo... 
 Oof, the FEDERAL government?

 Mmm, well, there may be a place for NATIONAL defence. But that’s probably it. 
 nostr and bitcoin are great.

Don’t let them be your identity 
 🤣 bro. 
 Starting to internalize that theres no aid for North Carolina because FEMA blew its budget on ill... 
 Although it also just hit me. Ukraine’s really not getting any money either…it’s all going to arms makers, arms dealers, and the middlemen (whomever they may be).

So there’s that I suppose? 
 Great image. Gives me Atlas Shrugged vibes. 
 This was a great discussion. Thanks gents. 
 lol, “I’ll eat a whole pumpkin pie”.

Super entertaining and informative episode gents. 
 Where do you get this sick art!?

Some of the things you’ve said were INSTRUMENTAL in my Bitcoin journey, @Gigi 

Thank you! 
 During this talk, I dunked on Egypt's currency as my primary negative example of Broken Money mul... 
 I remember watching that!

Great talk. And great Q&A. 
 Regarding purchasing power…

Don’t miss out on the upside of #bitcoin because you are fearful... 
 What would be your preferred method of hedging, @Dr. Jeff ? 

The money - itself - is not the thing of value.

Money merely REPRESENTS that which has value in economic activity.

So the question is not “what’s the most valuable money?”

The question is “what medium best fills the role of representing that which has value?” 

We want, classically, something durable, fungible, divisible, portable, and scarce.

For myself I would then say that a medium having those properties will lead to said medium being selected by the market as the chosen money, which will in turn lead to said money maintaining its purchasing power over time, or, “holding it’s value”.

Saying the same thing at the end of the day 🤝 
 I don’t think Saylor was saying, or thinks, that Bitcoin itself will be lent and paid back at interest.

I could be wrong of course.

I think he envisions a world that looks a lot like today. But instead of manhattan real estate being the best collateral and property, Bitcoin will be the pristine and most desired property. But still with all things fiat surrounding it.

Whether he is right or wrong or whether that is an ideal future or not aside.

But I agree was a thought provoking convo! 
 I agree with this completely.

I think it’s going to take a long time.

And I think if/once BTC completely displaces fiat no one will accept yield denominated in fiat at all.

And this is where I think during that conversation they were each talking from the perspective of two totally different worlds.

I agree with what Saif said, capital will only be able to be resisted through equity. Why? Because the produce of a business can always expand. So ”yield” can come from production and sharing in that production, regardless of what the prices of the produce are (going down).

So in a sense, the nominal yield in Bitcoin terms will be negative. But the real yield will be positive. 
 *raised through equity 
 There are so many indie-published novels with mediocre ratings on Goodreads and Amazon and such, ... 
 I often wonder who makes all the YouTube videos about every random car repair scenario.

Like who, actually, does it.

Someone. Obviously. 
 You all are so far ahead of the Twitter curve. I’m explaining to someone about fractional banki... 
 Question though @james !

How exactly does it work?

1) $100 dollars deposited at institution A, A keeps $10 (with a 10% reserve ratio), and lends out $90, the $90 gets deposited at B, who keeps $9 and lends out $81, and so on and so forth until the $900 is created, or

2) can A hold the $100 and create $900 worth of loans straight away?

And if it’s 2) wouldn’t institution B then be able to create $9,000 of loans straight away from the $900!?!? 
 That video (English only for me unfortunately) is incredible. Have shared it with many people. 
 The Bitcoin Standard will always have a special place for me of course.

But is it sacrilege in the community to say Broken Money is a more important work imho?