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 nostr:npub1hvw9ynmp5jpf5qgqc55un9su9ya8guwhg0aw9rwxt8kzundkf9cshheq0t I think about shit like thi... 

Yes! I'm all for reclaiming and reusing, but a little knowledge and the willingness to use it can go a long way. 
 "Restoring the Lake Depths Foundation, a South Lake Tahoe-based nonprofit using a deep-water robot to pull refuse from beneath the surface including about 1 ton of alcohol bottles containing lead and cadmium."


That made me curious. So I checked the Font Of All That Is True, and sure enough:

"Glass Alcohol Bottles Contain Harmful Levels of Lead, Cadmium"


Be sure to remind someone of that the next time they rant about, "Why did the Romans have leaded wine cups, didn't they know better?". 
 Why are the mayors of Chicago and New York MAD at the Biden Administration, INSTEAD OF GREG ABBOT... 

What is this in reference to, please? 
 Why does Louis DeJoy still have a fucking job at the Postal Service. WTF. 

Why is Alaska opening up to more drilling?

Why are 26 environmental and cultural protection laws getting exempted so border wall construction can quickly resume?

Why do the new Title IX trans student regs ensure trans kids won't get protection when they most need it?

Why are so many, "at the pleasure of the President" positions still filled with Trump loyalists?

Why do Federal fuel economy regs still heavily  favor massive vehicles over small ones?

And so on. 

This is why I don't repost from the Times. Well, that and their solid record of spreading anti-trans hate. 
 I was just watching a homesteading channel as they were building a root cellar. They did many thi... 

These are things people knew 100, 150 years ago because they needed to. And they passed that knownledge on. Now people who don't really need to do it at all pass on bad information because they just want the views. 
 Xitter issued fact-checks to Jonathan Van Ness's tweet in which he stated that trans women athletes do not have an advantage over cis woman athletes. 

Said "context notices" misgendered and spewed right wing viewpoints regarding trans women.

If you are trans or a trans ally...please leave Twitter? Please tell other people to leave the platform? 

It really has me concerned, just how many journalists, public figures, politicians, etc. frequent the platform, refuse to leave, and are exposed to this ongoing, large scale effort to normalize transphobic behavior and attitudes. 
 nostr:npub1hvw9ynmp5jpf5qgqc55un9su9ya8guwhg0aw9rwxt8kzundkf9cshheq0t nostr:npub189nhq0cw33243htm... 
 @ba0f552d @3967703f 

Especially when the policy belongs to one's employer and thus is tied to continued employment with them. 
 I went to Walgreens to get a Covid booster and a flu shot. Got the booster, not the flu shot. The... 

We don't have "healthcare" in the 
USA. We have healthcare theater performed for investors. 
 "Off-duty Texas police officer shoots Black neighbor through closed door"

"The latest case of an off-duty law enforcement officer encountering and shooting a member of the public..."

I wish lawyers would start compiling these incidents and use them to destroy prosecutors & judges who try to assert that cops are in any way better than ordinary citizens at things like decision making, observation, and so on.

 In case you missed the almost non-existing reporting, it happened again:

"California is a big state, but security guards shooting two young Black trans folx to death in retail stores within four months of each other? That’s something to notice."

DéVonnie J’Rae Johnson #SayHerName


I notice they're just fine with, "Emma and Mommy Talk to God" being part of the display.

And it's not just Ruth Splitter, it's library board members, too. The  story at the link is really worth reading.

"I do not want any kind of rainbow display (aside from solely colors focused) especially in this month," Miller said. "We have a conservative town and as a library do not need to make political statements (see Target and Budlight as negative examples). I certainly do not want the library to promote LGBTQ agendas."

"Miller later sent a follow-up text asking to let her know if she misunderstood the display and writing that "I am totally fine with diversity of skin color display, just not represented with rainbow colors." 
 Two Kansas librarians were fired after the library board mistook an autism symbol (neurodiversity infinity symbol) for a Pride display. They're suing.

"On June 22, Ruth Splitter, a temporary summer library employee, complained about the display to Lancaster, saying she found the “gay Pride” symbol offensive and going into “an anti-LGBT diatribe” even though Lancaster explained that the infinity symbol represented neurodiversity and autism."

 "Editorial: GOP hunt for 'rogue' prosecutors is attack on democracy" - Los Angeles Times

It makes me wonder what the LA Times Editorial Board thinks has been happening for the last umpteen years if they think this headline is going to be the one that really grabs people's attention to what the GOP really is.


 @e3c3962f @e4576eea @3967703f 

Weird how they're always quiet when it could've made an actual difference, yet we are supposed to believe their outrage. 
 Advice wanted from the handy person types:

I’m pretty good at things like doing electrical box... 

Where on this diagram are the threads ruined & what material are they?

And no, you are not nuts; plumbers are expensive and this work is usually less complex than drywall or electrical.

 "Florida law restricting transgender adult care can be enforced while challenged in court

A new Florida law restricting health care for transgender people can still be applied to adults while it is being challenged in court, a federal judge ruled Monday."

I wish journalists would convey to  their readers & listeners that under any other circumstances if a doctor suddenly rescinded the prescription for hormones someone has been taking for decades, it would be malpractice.  

So many basic body functions are moderated by sex hormones, and many trans people no longer make their own, or their bodies didn't work right on the ones their bodies made. To suddenly withhold them causes physiological harm, full stop, as well as emotional harm. 
 In case you missed it:

"MOUNT DORA, Fla. -- Some central Florida lawmakers said they were considering 'all legislative, legal and executive options available' to stop business owners in a small town from voluntarily displaying rainbow decals in their windows indicating that they are “safe place” for LGBTQ+ people who feel threatened."

 My sister teaches in Atlanta. She says almost EVERYONE at school is sick. 

The only metrics left are hospitalizations, hospital deaths, and sewage counts. Those are all high lag measurements better for retrospective reporting. We are officially ignoring the problem, but that's been the case ever since McConnell promised to block all further Federal funding in Q1 of 2021. 
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We have the ability to regulate them.

What's needed is the political will to do so.

And that requires us to pressure our governments to choose regulation over personal greed. 
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This is Hague Court sort of stuff when one considers the scale of harm they've committed. 
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 @d09f3e72 @3967703f 

Kaiser has been consistently a month or two late with all of the COVID vaccines &/or systems needed to reimburse other companies. Which is really weird for a company that profits from people not requiring too much extensive care.